Gender and Women's Studies (GWOS)

GWOS 1 -  Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course offers an interdisciplinary approach to the study of gender in social, cultural, and institutional contexts, examining how gender systems impact women, men, and gender-queer non-binary people. The course introduces fundamental concepts and methods in the discipline of Gender and Women's Studies and emphasizes intersections of gender with race, class, ethnicity, and sexuality. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online. [C-ID SJS 120]  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU D Social Sciences; IGETC 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences; MPC C Humanities, D Social Sciences, F Intercultural Studies  

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GWOS 3 -  Gender and Violence  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course examines gender-based violence through intersectional methods attentive to interlocking systems of race, ethnicity, sexuality, and class and investigates gendered violence in social, cultural, and institutional contexts. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU D Social Sciences; IGETC 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences; MPC D Social Sciences, F Intercultural Studies  

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GWOS 4 -  Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course examines popular culture, cultural production, and gender in its intersections with sexuality, race, ethnicity, and class. Students study specific art movements, individual artists, and diverse representations of gender in popular media such as television, film, gaming, sports, and music. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU C1 Arts, C2 Humanities, D Social Sciences; IGETC 3A Arts, 3B Humanities, 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences; MPC C Humanities, D Social Sciences, F Intercultural Studies  

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GWOS 5 -  Women of Color in the U.S.  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course introduces foundational issues of race, ethnicity, and gender intersections through comparative study of women of color in the U.S. It investigates socio-political dynamics surrounding diverse women of color experience, identities, and knowledge, focusing on multiple sites of culture and history: literature, film and media, leadership, migrations, feminism, labor, and sexuality. May be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU C2 Humanities, D Social Sciences; IGETC 3B Humanities, 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences; MPC C Humanities, D Social Sciences, F Intercultural Studies  

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GWOS 8 -  Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course introduces students to the interdisciplinary academic field of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer plus studies and familiarizes students with key methods, concepts, and events central to LGBTQ+ studies. Students explore contemporary and historical contexts to learn about LGBTQ+ people’s experiences, achievements, and social justice struggle through a focus on the intersectionality of both gender and sexuality with racial, ethnic, and class identities related to social structures, institutions, and culture. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU C2 Humanities, D Social Sciences; MPC D Social Sciences, F Intercultural Studies  

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GWOS 9 -  Sports and Social Justice  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
In this course, students investigate historical and contemporary examples of the role of sports in advancing social justice goals. Athletes and the sports they represent are frequently at the forefront of social justice struggles for inclusion, equity, diversity, and representation related to gender, race, sexuality, and disability. This course introduces students to foundational concepts and key issues in Social Justice Studies in the context of sports and athletics, familiarizing students with multiple forms of discrimination and the potential of sports to advance social justice causes. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU D Social Sciences; MPC D Social Sciences  

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GWOS 10 -  Gender in American Politics  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course focuses on American government at the national, state, and local levels, emphasizing roles and influence of women from contemporary and historical perspective, especially the legal and civil rights of women in areas of employment, law, and public participation. Offered as GWOS 10 and POLS 10; credit may be earned only once. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU D Social Sciences; IGETC 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences; MPC D Social Sciences  
CSU American Institutions: US-2: U.S. Constitution and Government, US-3: California State and Local Government  

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GWOS 11 -  Literature by and About Women  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course covers American, British, and international literary works by and about women, including poetry, fiction, autobiography, drama, and non-fiction prose. It introduces students to literary analysis, interpretation, and understanding. The course focuses on literary trends, style, and issues of race, class, ethnicity, and cultural identity and provides students with opportunities to explore individual writers in depth. Offered as ENGL 11 and GWOS 11; credit may be earned only once. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU C2 Humanities; IGETC 3B Humanities; MPC C Humanities  

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GWOS 12 -  Women in United States History  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course covers Native American, African-American, Asian-American, Latina, European-American and immigrant women heroines and "ordinary" women who have shaped U.S. history and culture. Satisfies the CSU American History requirement. Credit may be earned only once for either GWOS 12 or HIST 12. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  

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GWOS 15 -  Introduction to LGBTQ Global Literatures  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course examines LGBTQ literary culture within diverse global contexts, exploring historical aspects of diverse LGBTQ experience and contemporary writings in modern literature. Drawing primarily from queer and feminist literary studies, the course emphasizes intersections of sexual and gender identity with race, ethnicity, and class, with specific attention to global diversity. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU C2 Humanities; IGETC 3B Humanities; MPC C Humanities, D Social Sciences, F Intercultural Studies  

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GWOS 30 -  Gender in Global Perspective  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course explores gender categories, experience, and history from a transnational feminist perspective, examining diverse global locations, geo-politics, and cultural contexts. Offered as ANTH 30 and GWOS 30; credit may be earned only once. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU D Social Sciences; IGETC 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences; MPC D Social Sciences, F Intercultural Studies  

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GWOS 40 -  Introduction to Feminist Theory  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course surveys the broad field of feminist study known as feminist theory, introducing students to primary traditions in critical theory, fundamental gender studies vocabulary, feminist frameworks, and familiarizing students with major issues of concern to feminist theorists while exploring a range of topics in both current and historical contexts. Offered as GWOS 40, HUMA 40, and PHIL 40; credit may be earned only once. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU C2 Humanities, D Social Sciences; IGETC 3B Humanities, 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences; MPC C Humanities, D Social Sciences, F Intercultural Studies  

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