
Art - Basics (ARTB)

ARTB 2 -  Visual Fundamentals: Two-Dimensional Design  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course offers an introduction to the concepts, applications, and historical references related to two-dimensional art and composition, including the study of the basic principles and elements of line, shape, texture, value, color and spatial illusion. It includes development of a visual vocabulary for creative expression through lecture presentations, studio projects, problem solving, and written assignments. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online. [C-ID ARTS 100]  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTB 2

ARTB 3 -  Visual Fundamentals: Three-Dimensional Design  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
Introduction to the concepts, applications, and historical references related to three-dimensional design and spatial composition, including the study of the elements and organizing principles of design as they apply to three-dimensional space and form. Development of a visual vocabulary for creative expression through lecture presentations and use of appropriate materials for non-representational three-dimensional studio projects. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online. [C-ID ARTS 101]  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTB 3

ARTB 4 -  Color Fundamentals  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
A study of the principles, theories, and applications of additive and subtractive color in two dimensions. Topics include major historical and contemporary color systems, production of projects in applied color, and the elements of design as they apply to color. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online. [C-ID ARTS 270]  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTB 4

ARTB 10 -  Survey of the Arts  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
In this course, theatre, art, dance, and music are explored through discussion, historical review, and contemporary issues. The course is part of the Elementary Teacher Education pathway, and its purpose is to increase students’ understanding and enjoyment of the arts. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU C1 Arts; IGETC 3A Arts; MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTB 10

Art - Ceramic Technology (ARCE)

ARCE 1 -  Introduction to Ceramics  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course offers an introduction to ceramics materials, concepts, and processes, including basic design principles, creative development, hand-building, throwing, glaze techniques, firing, and ceramic terminology. The course covers aesthetics and creative development of clay objects, examining historical, contemporary, and personal modes of expression across cultures. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARCE 1

ARCE 1A -  Ceramic Handbuilding I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course offers an introduction to ceramics materials, concepts, and processes. It includes basic design principles, creative development and problem solving, hand-building, glazing and finishing techniques, firing, throwing, and ceramic terminology. Development of clay objects, examining historical, contemporary, and personal modes of expression across cultures, is studied. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARCE 1A

ARCE 1B -  Ceramic Handbuilding II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARCE 1A, including handbuilding techniques, experimentation with clay bodies, glazing, and finishing processes. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARCE 1A (or ARTC 1A or ART 70A)  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARCE 1B

ARCE 1C -  Ceramic Handbuilding III  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARCE 1B and examines the creative potential of handbuilding processes. Emphasis is on experimentation and personal conceptual development to allow students to use their own backgrounds and experiences to create artwork that is uniquely theirs. It includes continued research in glazing and firing, surface design, and knowledge of historical and contemporary ceramics. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARCE 1B (or ARTC 1B or ART 70B)  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARCE 1C

ARCE 1D -  Ceramic Handbuilding IV  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARCE 1C and offers further experimentation in handbuilding techniques, with emphasis on personal expression. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARCE 1C (or ARTC 1C)  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARCE 1D

ARCE 2A -  Ceramic Wheel Throwing I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This class provides an introduction to designing clay forms on the potter’s wheel. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARCE 1A (or ARTC 1A or ART 70A); completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARCE 2A

ARCE 2B -  Ceramic Wheel Throwing II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This class is a continuation of ARCE 2A, focusing on deepening basic throwing skills and introducing new techniques in both utilitarian and sculptural applications. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARCE 2A (or ARTC 2A or ART 71A)  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARCE 2B

ARCE 2C -  Ceramic Wheel Throwing III  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARCE 2B and offers further exploration of wheel throwing processes for development of sound technical skills. Continued research in glazing, firing, and surface design, and knowledge of historical and contemporary ceramics. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARCE 2B (or ARTC 2B or ART 71B)  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARCE 2C

ARCE 2D -  Ceramic Wheel Throwing IV  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARCE 2C and covers further experimentation with wheel throwing techniques, with emphasis on personal expression. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARCE 2C (or ARTC 2C)  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARCE 2D

ARCE 3A -  Introduction to Ceramic Sculpture  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is an introduction to various techniques for creating ceramic sculpture. Handbuilt or wheel-thrown forms can be utilized, with emphasis placed on contemporary practices and individual creative investigations in clay. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARCE 1 (or ARTC 1); or ARCE 1A (or ARTC 1A or ART 70A); or ARCE 2A (or ARTC 2A or ART 71A); completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARCE 3A

ARCE 3B -  Ceramic Sculpture II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARCE 3A, with further investigation of sculptural concepts in clay through studio application. After learning the basic sculptural construction techniques, students may explore the human and/or animal figure in clay. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARCE 3A (or ARTC 3A or ART 74A)  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARCE 3B

ARCE 3C -  Ceramic Sculpture III  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARCE 3B and allows further investigation of sculptural concepts in clay. Topics may expand to include site-specific works, installation and process-based works, mixed media, and other non-traditional art forms. At this level, students are encouraged to pursue their own personal direction in terms of skills and conceptual development. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARCE 3B (or ARTC 3B or ART 74B)  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARCE 3C

ARCE 3D -  Ceramic Sculpture IV  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARCE 3C and examines the expressive use of clay in creating ceramic sculpture. The emphasis is on refining and integrating the aesthetics of materials and ideas to produce a cohesive body of work for portfolio development and subsequent transfer, exhibition, scholarship and residency applications, and/or marketing purposes. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARCE 3C (or ARTC 3C)  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARCE 3D

ARCE 4A -  Kiln-Formed Glass I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is an introduction to the fundamentals of fusing and slumping glass. Basic kiln-formed glass methods of cutting sheet glass are used to design and compose two- and three-dimensional forms. Emphasis is on experimentation and the creative potential of the medium. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARCE 4A

ARCE 4B -  Kiln-Formed Glass II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARCE 4A, furthering the study of glass and the examination of its properties, qualities, and characteristics for two- and three-dimensional expression. Emphasis is placed on the creative potential of the medium and its architectural and fine arts applications. Ceramic mold making is a part of the curriculum, and the kiln is used for glass-working techniques as well as for firing ceramic molds. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARCE 4A (or ARTC 4A or ART 81A)  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1A  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARCE 4B

ARCE 4C -  Kiln-Formed Glass III  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARCE 4B and examines the creative potential of fusing and slumping glass. Emphasis is on experimentation and personal conceptual development to allow students to use their own backgrounds and experiences to create artwork that is uniquely theirs. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARCE 4B (or ARTC 4B or ART 81B)  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARCE 4C

ARCE 4D -  Kiln-Formed Glass IV  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARCE 4C, and examines the creative potential of fusing and slumping glass with emphasis on refining a body of work for portfolio development and subsequent transfer, exhibition, scholarship application, and/or marketing. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARCE 4C (or ARTC 4C)  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARCE 4D

ARCE 5 -  Introduction to Glaze Experimentation  (1.5-3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51-102 hours studio  
This course offers a basic introduction to various ways of glazing and finishing ceramic work. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARCE1 (or ARTC 1); and/or ARCE 1A (or ARTC 1A or ART 70A); and/or ARCE 2A (or ARTC 2A or ART 71A); completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARCE 5

ARCE 6 -  Glaze Calculation  (1.5-3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51-102 hours studio  
This course is an exploration of glaze formulation, including a triaxial method of calculation, glaze adjustment, base substitution testing, color addition to glazes, and effects of kiln stacking and firing on glazes. Emphasis is on calculating glaze formulas mathematically. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARCE 1 (or ARTC 1); or ARCE 1A (or ARTC 1A or ART 70A); or ARCE 2A (or ARTC 2A or ART 71A)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARCE 6

ARCE 7 -  Ceramic Surface Design and Technique  (1.5-3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51-102 hours studio  
This course is an exploration of innovative techniques for surface design on clay, which may include clay inlay, stenciling, printing, embossing, spraying, sgraffito, or other methods. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARCE 1A (or ARTC 1A or ART 70A); and/or ARCE 2A (or ARTC 2A or ART 71A)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARCE 7

ARCE 8 -  Alternative Throwing Techniques  (1.5-3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51-102 hours studio  
This course offers an exploration of processes that involve throwing forms on the potter's wheel and altering them to create projects that move beyond the basic thrown forms. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARCE 2A (or ARTC 2A or ART 71A)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
GE Credit: MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARCE 8

ARCE 9 -  Alternative Firing Techniques  (1.5-3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51-102 hours studio  
This course explores non-traditional firing methods, which may include raku, pit, soda, low-fire salt, sagger firing, mid-range glazes, or glass. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARCE 1A (or ARTC 1A or ART 70A); and/or ARCE 2A (or ARTC 2A or ART 71A)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
GE Credit: MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARCE 9

ARCE 11 -  Clay and Glass  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is an introduction to combining ceramics and glass. Students will design and execute mixed-media projects that demonstrate the creative potential for combining the two media. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARCE 1 (or ARTC 1); or ARCE 1A (or ARTC 1A or ART 70A); or ARCE 2A (or ARTC 2A or ART 71A); or ARCE 4A (or ARTC 4A or ART 81A or ART 81)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARCE 11

Art - Dimensional (ARTD)

ARTD 1A -  Sculpture I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
Introduction to three-dimensional sculptural principles, techniques, and concepts utilizing a wide range of materials and practices. Various sculpture methods are practiced with attention to creative self-expression and historical context. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 1A

ARTD 1B -  Sculpture II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTD 1A, with concentration on more complex projects. It includes increased student participation and responsibility to generate direction for their work. Increased emphasis is placed on the use of permanent materials. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 1A (or ART 63A)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 1B

ARTD 1C -  Sculpture III  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTD 1B, with emphasis on independent authorship of ideas and awareness of creating a unified body of work. Students explore combining materials used in previous classes to create multiple-media projects. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 1B (or ART 63B)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 1C

ARTD 1D -  Sculpture IV  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTD 1C, with emphasis on refining work for portfolio review, scholarship application, and transfer and/or exhibition preparation. It includes an introduction to the spatial relationships of installation art. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 1C  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 1D

ARTD 2A -  Figure Sculpture I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course offers study of the human form in sculpture, working directly from live models. The primary material used is plasticene over armatures. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 2A

ARTD 2B -  Figure Sculpture II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTD 2A, with an increase in project complexity. Emphasis is on personal expression through creative form manipulation and increased student participation in idea development. It includes expanded use of casting mediums, materials, and construction techniques. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 2A or ART 64  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 2B

ARTD 2C -  Figure Sculpture III  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTD 2B, with emphasis on independent authorship of ideas, figurative innovation, and exploration in alternate figurative mediums. It covers advanced textural techniques and expressive portraiture. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 2B  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 2C

ARTD 2D -  Figure Sculpture IV  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTD 2C. Emphasis is placed on individual aesthetic refinement. The course includes techniques in capturing expressive qualities and gesture. It also covers the dynamics of increasing scale and an introduction to the spatial relationships of figurative installation art. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 2C  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 2D

ARTD 3A -  Mold Making I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course offers an introduction to basic mold-making techniques. It includes instruction in waste molds, piece molds, slip casting, and plastics. It also covers preparatory molds for lost-wax metal casting. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARTB 3 (or ART 23), ARCE 3A (or ART 74A), ARTD 1A (or ART 63A), or ARTD 2A (or ART 64); completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 3A

ARTD 3B -  Mold Making II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTD 3A. Projects increase in sophistication. Emphasis is on two-piece molds, larger-scale mother-mold construction, complex spatial relationships and visualizing parting lines. Mediums include silicone and polyurethane.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 3A (or ART 65)  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 3B

ARTD 3C -  Mold Making III  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTD 3B, with priority given to advanced multiple-piece molds. It covers block molds, casting resins, foams, polyester and polyurethane resin pouring, resin coloration techniques, wax finish work, and experimental mold-making techniques. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 3B  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 3C

ARTD 4A -  Wood Sculpture I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is an introduction to basic wood sculpture, including experience with wood fabrication and carving. Materials used range from those for found-wood construction to those for high-finish projects. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 4A

ARTD 4B -  Wood Sculpture II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTD 4A, with an increase in project sophistication. It covers expanded shop equipment operation and joinery techniques. Emphasis is on creative resourcefulness using organic forms. It also covers design and building of kinetic wood mechanisms. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 4A or ART 68  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 4B

ARTD 4C -  Wood Sculpture III  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTD 4B. Emphasis is on imaginative design, unique fabrication, and inventive integration of techniques learned in previous wood classes. It covers further exploration with powered wood mechanisms and kinetic sculpture. Site-specific, wood-based installation art is included. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 4B  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 4C

ARTD 5A -  Metal Sculpture I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is an introduction to basic metal sculpture, including experience with metal fabrication, welding, and metal casting. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 5A

ARTD 5B -  Metal Sculpture II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTD 5A. It covers increase in fabrication complexity, with emphasis on student participation in idea development and imaginative problem solving. It also covers expanded use of MIG welding, joining techniques, and open-face, multiple-piece sand molds. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 5A or ART 66  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 5B

ARTD 5C -  Metal Sculpture III  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTD 5B. It involves an increase in the scale of projects. Emphasis is on imaginative design, unique fabrication, and inventive integration of techniques learned in previous steel classes. It includes TIG welding and multiple-piece sand molds with assembly and patinas. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 5B  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 5C

ARTD 6A -  Stone Sculpture I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is an introduction to basic stone carving, including experience with steatite, alabaster and marble. Tools include rasps and stone chisels. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 6A

ARTD 6B -  Stone Sculpture II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTD 6A, with an increase in use of marble and carving complexity. Emphasis is placed on student participation in idea development and imaginative problem solving. Instruction includes pneumatic carving tools. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 6A (or ART 67)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 6B

ARTD 6C -  Stone Sculpture III  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTD 6B. Emphasis is on imaginative design, unique fabrication, and inventive integration of techniques learned in previous stone sculpture classes. It includes an increase in scale and combining stone with other mixed media materials. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 6B  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 6C

ARTD 7A -  3D Arts & Technology I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course offers an introduction to technology used in 3-dimensional artwork and design. It includes such topics as laser cutting, 3D scanning, post scan options, and 3D printing input and output methods. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 7A

ARTD 7B -  3D Arts & Technology II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTD 7A. It covers an increase in project sophistication. Emphasis is on combination, multiple-piece constructions, increase in scale options, scale modeling techniques and alternate post-output build methods. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 7A  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 7B

ARTD 7C -  3D Arts & Technology III  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTD 7B. It covers an increase in project sophistication. Emphasis is on multiple-piece moveable constructions, high detail resin printing, color printing and advanced 3D scanning. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 7B  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 7C

ARTD 8A -  3D CAD for Art & Design  (1.5-3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) Only  Total hours: 51-102 hours studio  
This course allows students to build upon the CAD experience that were learned in the beginning levels of Art Technology. It is also applicable to those students who wish to focus on the career applications of 3D modeling/design. Concentration will be placed on learning the design functions of Autodesk Fusion 360. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARTD 7A , ARTD 7B, ARTD 7C  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 8A

ARTD 40 -  Introduction to Jewelry and Metalsmithing  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is an introduction to a wide range of methods, techniques, and materials used to create jewelry and small-scale metal artwork and objects. Includes examination of the history and contemporary practices of jewelry-making and small metal casting / fabrication with a global cultural perspective. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $35  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 40

ARTD 40A -  Jewelry and Metal Arts I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This beginning-level jewelry and metal arts course focuses on introductory-level skills and processes. Instruction includes an overview of historical and contemporary metalwork, demonstrations and practice of foundational fabrication techniques and designs. Participants learn how to create original jewelry and small scale metal art objects by following course assignments and incorporating level-appropriate ideas and designs with materials and hands-on practice. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARTB 2 (or ART 22); completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $35  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 40A

ARTD 40B -  Jewelry and Metal Arts II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTD 40A, wherein participants develop a broader working knowledge of metal arts fabrication. Course emphases are on artistic personal expression, refinement of designs, development of skills and construction techniques using unfamiliar tools and materials practicing safe working habits and studio maintenance. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 40A (or ART 84A)  
Advisory: ARTB 3 (or ART 23); completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $35  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 40B

ARTD 40C -  Jewelry & Metal Arts III  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course continues to build on the established foundations of ARTD 40B. Class assignments incorporate more sophisticated concepts and techniques, design elements and problem-solving skills. Projects incorporate a full inventory of basic jewelry fabrication and challenging skills while emphasizing refinement and personal expression. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 40B (or ART 84B)  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $35  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 40C

ARTD 40D -  Jewelry and Metal Arts IV  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course offers development beyond ARTD 40C by building a portfolio of work for transfer, scholarships, exhibitions, and/or marketing. Focus on more independent and complex designs, refining skills and techniques such as marriage of metals, hollow forms, stone settings and or incorporate mixed media materials. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 40C  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $35  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 40D

ARTD 41A -  Small Metal Casting: Jewelry I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course introduces the ancient art of lost-wax casting for jewelry and small-scale metal art objects. Through historical and contemporary examples, demonstrations, and hands-on practice students become familiar with the art of casting. Course emphases are on personal design exploration, wax model construction, casting and finishing techniques, studio maintenance, and safe practices in the studio. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 40A (or ART 84A)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $35  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 41A

ARTD 41B -  Small Metal Casting: Jewelry II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTD 41A, investigating more complex model construction and casting techniques. Assignments focus on refinement of three-dimensional designs and models, more sophisticated wax model carvings and build-up methods, natural material castings, and one-sided molds. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 41A (or ART 82D)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $35  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 41B

ARTD 41C -  Small Metal Casting: Jewelry III  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTD 41B, focusing on designing and reproducing multiples and one-of-a-kind jewelry arts. Further refinement of dimensional cast designs, incorporating stones into wax models, metal alloying, bi-metal casting, and two-sided molds. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 41B  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $35  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 41C

ARTD 41D -  Small Metal Casting: Jewelry IV  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This class is a continuation of ARTD 41C, designed for further study and refinement of personal expression, visual aesthetics, techniques and skills. Students create a cohesive body of small metal casting work for portfolio development and preparation for transfer, scholarship, exhibition, and/or marketing purposes. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 41C  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $35  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 41D

ARTD 42A -  Jewelry: Metalsmithing I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
Using traditional metalsmithing practices, students create small objects such as jewelry, hollowware, vessels, and relief forms. Course examples include historic, contemporary, and cultural techniques such as chasing and repousse, sinking and raising, scoring and bending, embossing, and synclastic shaping. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 40A (or ART 84A)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $35  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 42A

ARTD 42B -  Jewelry: Metalsmithing II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTD 42A, focusing on using complex metalsmithing techniques such as anti-clastic raising, shell and hydraulic die forming, sinking and raising with stakes, hammers, sandbags, and tree stumps. Presentations and demonstrations are inspired by cultural and contemporary examples informing hands-on skills, techniques and finished artworks. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 42A (or ART 89C)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $35  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 42B

ARTD 42C -  Jewelry: Metalsmithing III  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTD 42B. Create smithing tools and use them for making projects, including pitch bowl and punches for chasing and repousse, altered stakes and hammers for anti-clastic raising, hydraulic press dies for forming and surface embellishments, wooden forms for sinking and raising, and file and graver alterations. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 42B (or ART 82C)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $35  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 42C

ARTD 43A -  Jewelry: Stone Setting I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course covers traditional methods for setting faceted round stones in jewelry. Students practice and create a variety of basic stone settings such as bezel, prong, tube, flush, hammer, and channel to learn to incorporate stones into innovative jewelry designs. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 40A (or ART 84A)  
Advisory: ARTD 41A (or ART 82D)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $35  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 43A

ARTD 43B -  Jewelry: Stone Setting II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course continues the development of stone-setting processes introduced in ARTD 43A, focusing on setting non-round stones into jewelry and multiple stones on one piece. Use of burs continues, with the addition of gravers and files, allowing the cutting of seats that match square- or rectangular-stone profiles. Techniques such as stitches, simple pave, channel, and gypsy settings are covered. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 43A or ART 87A  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $35  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 43B

ARTD 43C -  Jewelry: Stone Setting III  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
Continued development beyond ARTD 43B with focus on refinement of designs, skills and techniques while setting multiple stones onto a piece of jewelry such as square triangular or round square or multiple tiny stones on one piece. Emphasis is on creating more personalized designs and building a cohesive body of work for portfolio, transfer, scholarships, exhibitions and/or marketing. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 43B  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $35  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 43C

ARTD 44A -  Metal Arts: Enameling I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course explores basic methods for fusing glass to metal. Demonstrations cover appropriate designs for enameling, basic small metal fabrication techniques, and methods for applying enamel to metal by sifting, painting, and wet-packing. Emphasis is on personal creative expression. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 40A (or ART 84A)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $35  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 44A

ARTD 44B -  Metal Arts: Enameling II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of Art-Dimensional 44A. It builds on the skills and design options of enameling. Focus is on the theory and application of enamels, such as cloisonne, champleve, plique-a-jour, basse-taille, screen printing, and limoge. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 44A (or ART 85A)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $35  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 44B

ARTD 45 -  Jewelry: Granulation and Fusing  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course investigates the process of granulation and fusing metals together to create small works of metal art. Students learn the ancient art of granulation, fusing,and welding sheet and wire together through lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on practice.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 40A (or ART 84A)  
Advisory: Cabrillo College ART 8A or 26A; or equivalent at accredited college  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $40  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 45

ARTD 47A -  Jewelry: Stone Lapidary Basics I  (1.5 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours studio  
This course explores essential techniques and practices used in lapidary. Course content includes semi-precious stone identification, cutting, grinding, shaping, polishing, and finishing techniques. Emphasis is on the process of cutting, shaping, and finishing common lapidary shapes. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARTD 40A or ART 84A  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $35  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 47A

ARTD 47B -  Jewelry: Stone Lapidary Basics II  (1.5 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours studio  
This course explores stone cutting beyond the introductory-level lapidary course. Students create original cuts and unique shapes using semi-precious stones. Emphasis is on innovative and intricate designs for cutting, shaping, forming, grinding, and polishing. Projects may include unusual cut cabochons, stone lamination, inlay, gemstone bottles, and sculptural forming and shaping. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 47A or ART 86A  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $35  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 47B

ARTD 48 -  The Art of Tinsmithing  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course covers the art of tinsmithing by studying Mexican and New Mexican tinsmithing as well as contemporary tin works. Create tin works by incorporating recycled tin with images into jewelry, wall pieces, boxes, small sculptural forms, etc. Demonstrations cover working with recycled tin. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $30  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 48

ARTD 53 -  Jewelry Mechanisms  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course focuses on fabricating handmade jewelry mechanisms. Through demonstrations, examples, and hands-on work, students learn to develop and construct a variety of findings, clasps, and catches important to designing one-of-a-kind jewelry and metal arts projects. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $35  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 53

ARTD 55 -  Jewelry: Chain and Ring Making  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course focuses on the design and creation of classical and original chains and rings. Projects include a variation of soldered and unsoldered chains and rings. Through demonstrations, examples, and hands-on practice, students learn to construct a variety of chains and rings. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARTD 40A (or ART 84A)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $35  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 55

ARTD 57 -  Jewelry: Soldering  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course offers a concentrated study of basic soldering techniques, skills, and tools necessary for jewelry making. Projects may include simple constructions of rings, chains, pendants, beads and pins. Course structure consist of demonstrations, visuals and hands-on practice. Problem-solving occurs through analysis and discussion of soldering results. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTD 40A (or ART 84A)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  
Materials fee: $35  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTD 57

Art - Graphics (ARTG)

ARTG 10 -  Introduction to Computers for Graphic Arts  (4 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 34 hours lecture; 68 hours studio  
This course provides students with essential computer hardware and software skills in the graphic arts field. Students learn about the desktop computer environment, operating systems, and graphic design computer terms and principles. Topics include creating vector artwork and bitmap images with Adobe Illustrator software. Students are introduced to color on the computer, scanning, file formats, and other concepts related to the commercial design industry. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARTB 2 (or ART 22); or ARTS 10A (or ART 28A)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTG 10

ARTG 11 -  Introduction to Photoshop  (4 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 34 hours lecture; 68 hours studio  
This course is an introduction to digital imaging with Adobe Photoshop software, the industry standard for digital imaging, electronic photo retouching, illustration, and web content creation. Students learn to create, scan, and manipulate images for graphic and fine arts in an Apple computer environment. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ARTB 2 (or ART 22); or ARTS 10A (or ART 28A)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTG 11

ARTG 12 -  Page Layout and Typography  (4 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 34 hours lecture; 68 hours studio  
This course introduces students to industry-standard software for page layout and print publishing. Students will learn how to produce quality single- and multi-page documents for print. An emphasis will be placed on the role of page layout software in graphic design and publishing, terminology, and establishing competency in page layout software. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTG 12

ARTG 15 -  Graphic Design: Images and Type  (4 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 34 hours lecture; 68 hours studio  
This course builds on basic design principles to explore the combination of images and type in a graphic design context. It examines graphic communication's history, techniques, and ties to commerce. Students learn to conceptualize and develop graphic form for the printed page and the computer screen. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTG 15

ARTG 16 -  Graphic Arts Production and Pre-Press  (4 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 34 hours lecture; 68 hours studio  
This course introduces graphic arts production and digital pre-press procedures related to commercial printing and imaging. Course topics include the desktop production of single- and multi-colored print projects, proofing, pre-flighting electronic files, and the vocabulary needed to communicate with service bureaus and commercial printers. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTG 16

ARTG 17 -  Graphic Arts Portfolio  (1 unit)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 17 hours lecture  
This is a culminating course for the Graphic Arts program. Students plan and construct a portfolio based on their aptitudes, areas of interest, and market requirements/expectations. Emphasis is placed on demonstrating proficiency in commercial art concepts, techniques, and software applications. Employment and educational advancement goals are addressed. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTG 17

Art - History (ARTH)

ARTH 1 -  Understanding Art  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course provides a general introduction to art that offers a look at works of art through the study of theory, terminology, themes, design principles, media, and techniques, with an introduction to the visual arts across time and diverse cultures. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online. [C-ID ARTH 100]  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU C1 Arts; IGETC 3A Arts; MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTH 1

ARTH 3 -  Western Art I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course provides an overview of western art and architecture from prehistory through the medieval period. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online. [C-ID ARTH 110]  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU C1 Arts; IGETC 3A Arts; MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTH 3

ARTH 4 -  Western Art II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course provides an overview of art and architecture from the Renaissance to the Contemporary period. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online. [C-ID ARTH 120]  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU C1 Arts; IGETC 3A Arts; MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTH 4

ARTH 8 -  Survey of Asian Art  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course provides a select overview of art and architecture from India, Southeast Asia, China, Korea, and Japan from pre-history to modern times. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online. [C-ID ARTH 130]  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU C1 Arts; IGETC 3A Arts; MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTH 8

ARTH 12 -  Greek and Roman Art and Architecture  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course is a survey of ancient Greek and Roman art and architecture, beginning with the Prehistoric Aegean and concluding with the Roman Empire in the age of Constantine (4th century CE). Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU C1 Arts; IGETC 3A Arts; MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTH 12

ARTH 14 -  Renaissance Art and Architecture  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course is a survey of art and architecture in Italy and Northern Europe produced from the Late Gothic era through the end of the 16th century. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU C1 Arts; IGETC 3A Arts; MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTH 14

Art - Photography (ARTP)

ARTP 10 -  Introduction to Photography  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This is an introductory non-laboratory course in camera operation, exposure, composition, and lighting, with application to general photography. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU C1 Arts; MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTP 10

ARTP 11A -  Photography I: Black and White  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 17 hours lecture; 76.5 hours studio  
This is an introductory course in black and white photography using specific project-based assignments to highlight various aesthetic characteristics of the medium. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTP 11A

ARTP 11B -  Photography II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTP 11A, with emphasis on developing visual, conceptual, and technical aspects of photography. It includes expanded use of materials and techniques. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTP 11A (or PHOT 1A)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTP 11B

ARTP 11C -  Photography III  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course offers a refined study of black and white photography, with an emphasis on the advanced application of tools and techniques to create personal expression. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTP 11B (or PHOT 1B)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTP 11C

ARTP 12A -  Digital Photography I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course provides students with the theory and practice necessary to use a digital camera and produce quality fine art digital prints. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTP 12A

ARTP 12B -  Digital Photography II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTP 12A, with emphasis on developing visual, conceptual, and technical aspects of digital photography. It includes expanded use of materials and techniques. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTP 12A (or ARPT 12A or PHOT 70)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTP 12B

ARTP 14 -  History of Photography  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course is a thematic investigation of the history of photography with attention to technological advances and cultural influences. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU C1 Arts; IGETC 3A Arts; MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTP 14

ARTP 15 -  Portraiture Photography  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course explores techniques, characteristics, and principles of contemporary portraiture and the use of available and artificial lighting schemes. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTP 15

ARTP 27 -  Narrative Photography  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is an exploration of the use of the photographic image in narrative and editorial form. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTP 27

ARTP 55 -  Alternative Processes  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course explores the unique characteristics of non-conventional and historic photographic processes. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTP 55

ARTP 58 -  Photographic Lighting  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is the study and practice of lighting techniques in both the studio and on location. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARTP 11A or ARTP 12A; completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTP 58

ARTP 90 -  Independent Study  (0.5-4 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 25.5-204 hours lab  
This course is designed to enrich the student’s experience beyond current Photography curriculum offerings. The program of study, research, reading, or activity is tailored to student needs and interests. When students have identified an instructor to supervise their program of study, the agreement is recorded on a form available in the Admissions and Records Office. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTP 90

Art - Studio (ARTS)

ARTS 8 -  Professional Practices: Photographing Your Artwork  (0.5 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 17 hours studio  
This course offers an introduction to digital methods of photographing artwork. Cameras, lighting, shooting, and creating digital files are studied. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 8

ARTS 9A -  Creative Digital Media I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 17 hours lecture; 68 hours studio  
This course is an introduction to fundamental concepts, practices, and theories of digital art production. Topics include integration of traditional design, color, and compositional principles with contemporary digital tools. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online. [C-ID ARTS 250]  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 9A

ARTS 10A -  Drawing and Composition I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 17 hours lecture; 76.5 hours studio  
Introduction to principles, elements, and practices of drawing, employing a wide range of subject matter and drawing media. Focus on perceptually based drawing, observational skills, technical abilities, and creative responses to materials and subject matter. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online. [C-ID ARTS 110]  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 10A

ARTS 10B -  Intermediate Drawing  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 17 hours lecture; 76.5 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTS 10A. Exploration of artistic concepts, styles, and creative expression related to intermediate-level drawing, focusing on complex subject matter and concepts using a variety of drawing mediums, techniques, and methodologies. Students in this course will build on fundamental drawing skills to develop personalized approaches to content and materials in exercises covering multiple historical and contemporary approaches to drawing. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online. [C-ID ARTS 205]  
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 10A (or ART 28A)  
Advisory: ARTB 2 (or ART 22)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 10B

ARTS 11A -  Sketch I  (1.5 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours studio  
This course emphasizes the quick sketch for developing ideas and skills. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1A  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 11A

ARTS 11B -  Sketch II  (1.5 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTS 11A to further develop skills in quick sketch with emphasis on composition and personal expression. Using wet and dry media,students will synthesize complex visual information, resulting in quick, accurate sketches. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 11A (or ART 29A)  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 11B

ARTS 12A -  Figure Drawing I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 17 hours lecture; 76.5 hours studio  
This course offers an introduction to drawing the human figure from observation, using a wide variety of drawing media and techniques. Topics include an introduction to human anatomy and the historical and contemporary roles of figure drawing in the visual arts. Students in this course learn both descriptive and interpretive approaches to drawing the figure. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online. [C-ID ARTS 200]  
Advisory: ARTS 10A (or ART 28A)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 12A

ARTS 12B -  Figure Drawing II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTS 12A with more individual approaches to problems in figure drawing. It includes increased student participation in idea development and expanded use of materials and techniques. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 12A (or ART 30A)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 12B

ARTS 12C -  Figure Drawing III  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTS 12B. It offers further study in figure drawing with emphasis on anatomy, figure/ground relationships, and use of color. Emphasis is on independent authorship of ideas and awareness of creating a unified body of work. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 12B (or ART 30B)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 12C

ARTS 12D -  Figure Drawing IV  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTS 12C, offering further study in figure drawing with emphasis on complex poses and a wide variety of materials. Students refine work for portfolio review, scholarship application, transfer and/or exhibition preparation. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 12C  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 12D

ARTS 13A -  Expressive Drawing I  (1.5-3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51-102 hours studio  
This course introduces the basic study and practice of drawing with emphasis on creative expression. Students work in a wide variety of materials. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARTB 2 (or ART 22); or ARTS 10A (or ART 28A)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 13A

ARTS 13B -  Expressive Drawing II  (1.5-3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51-102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTS 13A, with emphasis on creative expression and increased student participation in idea development. It covers expanded use of materials and construction techniques. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 13A or ART 31  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 13B

ARTS 16 -  Landscape Drawing and Painting  (1.5 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours studio  
This course explores landscape in drawing and painting. It offers instruction in a variety of materials, with traditional and non-traditional approaches. The course meets in the studio and at various area locations. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARTS 10A (or ART 28A)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 16

ARTS 30A -  Mixed Media I  (1.5-3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51-102 hours studio  
This course is an exploration of mixed media techniques, which may include combinations of painting, drawing, collage, printmaking, and/or photography. A variety of methods and materials are used. Emphases are on technical proficiency, conceptualization, and individual expression. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARTB 2 (or ART 22); or ARTB 4 (or ART 24); completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 30A

ARTS 30B -  Mixed Media II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTS 30A. It covers development of additional mixed media techniques, including a wider variety of non-traditional media and formats. Emphasis is on individual expression and conceptual ideas. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARTS 30A (or ART 59) • Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 30B

ARTS 31 -  Mixed Media: Collage  (0.5-1 units)  
Pass/No Pass (P/NP) Only  Total hours: 17-34 hours studio  
This is a specialized course in collage using a variety of media. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 31

ARTS 40A -  Painting I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 17 hours lecture; 76.5 hours studio  
Introduction to principles, elements, and practices of painting. Focus on exploration of painting materials, perceptual skills and color theory, paint mixing and technique, as well as creative responses to materials and subject matter. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online. [C-ID ARTS 210]  
Advisory: ARTB 2 (or ART 22); or ARTB 4 (or ART 24); or and ARTS 10A (or ART 28A)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 40A

ARTS 40B -  Painting II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTS 40A. Students develop additional acrylic painting techniques, including non-traditional media and formats. Project complexity increases, with an emphasis on individual expression and conceptual ideas. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 40A (or ART 58A)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 40B

ARTS 40C -  Painting III  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTS 40B and offers further study in acrylic painting concepts and techniques. It covers use of a variety of acrylic mediums and more advanced color mixing. Emphasis is on independent authorship of ideas and awareness of creating a unified body of work. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 40B (or ART 58B)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 40C

ARTS 40D -  Painting IV  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTS 40C and covers enhanced acrylic painting practices, with emphasis on the integration of content and technique. Students refine work for portfolio review, scholarship application, transfer, and/or exhibition preparation. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 40C  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 40D

ARTS 41A -  Watercolor I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course offers an introduction to watercolor painting with emphasis on transparent washes and experimental methods. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARTB 2 (or ART 22); or ARTB 4 (or ART 24)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 41A

ARTS 41B -  Watercolor II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTS 41A, strengthening technique and exploring new concepts. Emphasis is on personal expression and increased student participation in idea development. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 41A (or ART 57A)  
Advisory: ARTB 2 (or ART 22); or ARTB 4 (or ART 24); or ARTS 10A (or ART 28A)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 41B

ARTS 41C -  Watercolor III  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTS 41B and offers advanced study in watercolor painting with an emphasis on experimentation and personalized approaches. Students create a unified body of work. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 41B (or ART 57B)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 41C

ARTS 41D -  Watercolor IV  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTS 41C, focusing on watercolor painting as an expressive medium. Students create complex watercolor projects requiring independent research and production. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 41C  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 41D

ARTS 51 -  Abstraction  (0.5-1.5 units)  
Pass/No Pass (P/NP) Only  Total hours: 17-51 hours studio  
In this specialized painting course, students explore the relationships between representation, abstraction, and non-objective painting. Acrylic paint and/or watercolor may be used. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 51

ARTS 60 -  Introduction to Printmaking  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course offers an introduction to the basic materials, equipment, and processes of printmaking, including relief (linocut and woodcut), intaglio (drypoint, etching, and collagraph), planography (lithography and monotype), and stencil (screenprint). Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARTB 2 (or ART 22); or ARTB 4 (or ART 24)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 60

ARTS 61A -  Monotype I  (1.5-3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51-102 hours studio  
This course offers an introduction to the art of monotypes and related printmaking techniques. Safe studio practices and non-toxic techniques are emphasized. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARTB 2 (or ART 22); or ARTB 4 (or ART 24)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 61A

ARTS 61B -  Monotype II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTS 61A with emphasis on chine colle and printing over inkjet output. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 60 (or ART 35); and/or ARTS 61A (or ARPN 61A or ART 37)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 61B

ARTS 61C -  Monotype III  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTS 61B. Offers advanced study in monotype printmaking, with concentration on a variety of contemporary transfer techniques. Emphasis is on independent authorship of ideas and creation of a unified body of work. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 60 (or ART 35); and/or ARTS 61B (or ARPN 61B)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 61C

ARTS 61D -  Monotype IV  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTS 61C, offering further study in monotype printmaking using process colors and combined techniques. Students refine work for portfolio review, scholarship application, transfer, and/or exhibition preparation. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 61C (or ARPN 61C)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 61D

ARTS 62A -  Relief Printmaking I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is an introduction to relief printmaking. This includes woodblock, linocut, stamp printing, and collography. Basic fine art printmaking principles and techniques such as press operation, hand transfers, registration, paper selection, and inking are covered. Use of non-toxic materials is emphasized. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARTB 2 (or ART 22); or ARTB 4 (or ART 24)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 62A

ARTS 62B -  Relief Printmaking II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTS 62A, offering further study in relief printmaking. Multiple blocks, process colors, and chine colle are introduced. Non-toxic studio practices are emphasized. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 60 (or ART 35); or ARTS 62A (or ARPN 62A or ART 36A)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 62B

ARTS 63A -  Intaglio Printmaking I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is an introduction to intaglio printmaking. Topics include drypoint, collograph, and related gravure techniques. Basic fine art printmaking principles and techniques such as press operation, registration, paper selection, and inking are covered. Use of non-toxic materials is emphasized. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARTB 2 (or ART 22); or ARTB 4 (or ART 24)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 63A

ARTS 63B -  Intaglio Printmaking II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTS 63A. Offers further study in intaglio printmaking, with emphasis on etching and aquatint. Low toxicity techniques are employed. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 60 (or ART 35); or ARTS 61A (or ARPN 61A or ART 37); or ARTS 63A (or ARPN 63A or ART 36B)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 63B

ARTS 63C -  Intaglio Printmaking III  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTS 63B, offering advanced study in etching and aquatint. Topics include experimental lift grounds, printing over digital output, and chine collé. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 63B (or ARPN 63B); or ARTS 64B (or ARPN 64B)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 63C

ARTS 64A -  Photo-Based Printmaking I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is an exploration of photo-based printmaking processes. Techniques may include and are not limited to photographic chine colle, gum transfers, solar plates, and the use of digitally created images. Press operation and safe studio practices are included. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARTB 2 (or ART 22); or ARTB 4 (or ART 24)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 64A

ARTS 64B -  Photo-Based Printmaking II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of ARTS 64A, offering further study in photo-based printmaking techniques with an increase in project complexity and scale. Emphasis is on more personal expression. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 64A (or ARPN 64A or ART 36E)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 64B

ARTS 66A -  Book Arts I  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is an introduction to book arts, including but not limited to content, structures, layout, and binding. Decorative page and cover papers are explored, and sequential imaging techniques are employed. Historical and contemporary artists’ books are studied. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: ARTB 2 (or ART 22)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 66A

ARTS 66B -  Book Arts II  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is a continuation of Art-Studio 66A. It offers further study in book arts, with emphasis on personal expression and experimental approaches. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 66A (or ART 36C)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 66B

ARTS 69 -  Experimental Monotype Printmaking  (1.5-3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51-102 hours studio  
This course is an exploration of experimental non-toxic monotype processes. Techniques include but are not limited to combination prints, limited editions, varied editions, and other related techniques. Press operation and safe studio practices are included. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 61A (or ARPN 61A or ART 37)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 69

ARTS 70 -  Experimental Relief Printmaking  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is an exploration of experimental, non-toxic relief printmaking processes. Techniques include but are not limited to multiple-drop mixed media prints and new technologies in relief printmaking. Press operation and safe studio practices are included. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 62A (or ARPN 62A or ART 36A)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 70

ARTS 71 -  Experimental Intaglio Printmaking  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 102 hours studio  
This course is an exploration of experimental non-toxic intaglio printmaking processes. Techniques include but are not limited to multiple-drop mixed-media intaglio prints. Press operation and safe studio practices are included. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Prerequisite(s): ARTS 63A (or ARPN 63A or ART 36B)  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 71

ARTS 74 -  Layered Prints  (0.5-3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 17-102 hours studio  
This is a specialized course in combining media and print techniques such as monotype, collograph, monoprint, drypoint and chine colle. Through these combinations, students create works of layered depth. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 74

ARTS 80 -  Linoleum and Woodblock Printing  (0.5-1.5 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 17-51 hours studio  
This is a specialized course in relief printmaking with linoleum and wood. Hand transfer and press techniques are explored. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 80

ARTS 81 -  Artists' Book Structures  (0.5-1.5 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 17-51 hours studio  
This is a specialized course in artists' books, with emphasis on book structures. Design and creation of sequential imaging and the relationship between text and image will be explored. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 81

ARTS 84 -  Chine Colle  (0.5-1.5 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 17-51 hours studio  
This is a specialized course in chine colle techniques, which allow collage materials to be applied to prints as ink is transferred through the press and may be used in conjunction with planar, relief, and intaglio printmaking. The course covers the study of technique as well as the relationship of imagery to conceptual content. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 84

ARTS 85 -  Monoprints  (0.5-1.5 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 17-51 hours studio  
This is a specialized course in monoprinting. Inking and press techniques are explored. Students participate in hands-on use of tools and materials and develop skills to master monoprint techniques and concepts. A variety of subjects, along with social and historical issues, are explored. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTS 85

Art - Video (ARTV)

ARTV 1 -  Introduction to Film/Video  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course offers an introduction to the techniques, equipment, and processes involved in the making of a motion picture or video production. Emphasis is on conceptualization and the procedures that must be followed in starting a production. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU C1 Arts; MPC C Humanities  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing ARTV 1