Sociology (SOCI)

SOCI 1 -  Introduction to Sociology  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course is an introductory study of basic concepts, theoretical approaches, and key methods of sociology. Topics include explanation and analysis of social structures, socialization and the self, culture and diversity, group dynamics, conformity, crime, drugs, deviance, education, family, violence, peace, social control, race, class, gender, sex and sexuality, social stratification, power, and global social change. Students gain an ability to apply sociological ideas to everyday life. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online. [C-ID SOCI 110]  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU D Social Sciences, E Lifelong Learning and Self-Development; IGETC 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences; MPC D Social Sciences  

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SOCI 2 -  Contemporary Social Problems  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course offers an overview and analysis of contemporary social problems, the role of power and ideology in the creation of moral panics and a culture of fear, objective, systemic causes and consequences, evaluations of proposed solutions, and methods of intervention. Study includes bias and inequality in the economy and politics, problems in the environment, urban, suburban, and rural issues, race and ethnicity, social class, poverty and wealth inequality, ableism and ageism, gender, sexuality, drugs, violence, health, terrorism, and security. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online. [C-ID SOCI 115]  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE. Completion of SOCI 1.  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU D Social Sciences; IGETC 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences; MPC D Social Sciences  

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SOCI 3 -  Introduction to Social Psychology  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course considers individual human behavior in relation to the social environment. The power of the situation, other individuals, and the social group are examined. Emphasized topics include aggression, prejudice and stereotypes, interpersonal attraction, attitudes and attitude change, conformity, group phenomena, gender roles, cultural norms, person perception, and social cognition. Offered as PSYC 3 and SOCI 3; credit may be earned only once. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online. [C-ID PSY 170]  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU D Social Sciences; IGETC 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences; MPC D Social Sciences  

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SOCI 11 -  Mass Media and Popular Culture  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course covers the development and social effects of mass media during the 20th century, especially in the United States. It also covers popular culture forms, youth culture, and mass media's role in shaping entertainment, fashion, film, leisure, music, sports, television, the internet, and social media. It examines how mass media and popular cultures reflect and reproduce race, class, gender, and sexual identities and structures. It also considers social struggles over censorship, freedom of expression, decency, and democracy. Instruction employs contemporary theories and methods from sociology, American studies, cultural studies, ethnic studies, and feminist studies. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU D Social Sciences; IGETC 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences; MPC D Social Sciences  

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SOCI 12 -  Introduction to Gender and Sexuality  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course applies sociological theory and method to the study of gender and sexuality in cross-cultural perspective. It includes historical and contemporary analysis of masculinities and femininities and their relationship to social institutions, such as the family, schools, the military, religion, mass media, and popular culture. It examines the impact of economic and political change on sexuality, and gender expectations and practices. The approach uses macro-level analysis of institutional effects on gender construction and sexuality, and micro-level analysis of socialization and "doing gender." It considers how the intersecting axis of race, class, gender, and sexuality shape individual and group experience. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online. [C-ID SOCI 140]  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU D Social Sciences; IGETC 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences; MPC D Social Sciences  

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SOCI 13 -  Introduction to Race and Ethnicity  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course is an introduction to the sociological analysis of race, ethnicity, and racism. Examines the cultural, political, and economic practices and institutions that support or challenge racism, racial and ethnic inequalities, as well as patterns of interaction between various racial and ethnic groups. Offered as ETNC 13 and SOCI 13; credit may be earned only once. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online. [C-ID SOCI 150]  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU D Social Sciences; IGETC 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences; MPC D Social Sciences, F Intercultural Studies  

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SOCI 14 -  Sociology of Latinos and Latinas  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
Through sociological perspectives, this course examines the contemporary experiences of different Latino/Latina groups in the U.S., focusing on regional, national, and global processes. It examines how Latino/Latina groups have been incorporated into, and have contributed to the development of, the economic, political, social, and cultural systems in the United States. The course also emphasizes the interconnections among social processes, group interaction, and individual identity formation. It addresses how overlapping social categories such as national origin, race, class, gender, age, and sexuality shape the lives of Latinos and Latinas. Offered as ETNC 14 and SOCI 14; credit may be earned only once. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU D Social Sciences; IGETC 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences; MPC D Social Sciences, F Intercultural Studies  

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SOCI 15 -  Introduction to Research Methods  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
In this course, students examine fundamental elements of empirical research and the ways sociologists think critically. The course includes attention to the nature of theory, hypotheses, variables, and ethics of research. It also covers application of qualitative and quantitative analytic tools including logic and research design, such as survey, observational, experimental, case study, content analysis, and comparative historical research. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online. [C-ID SOCI 120]  
Prerequisite(s): SOCI 1  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE; MATH 16 or PSYC 19 or SOCI 19  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: MPC A2 Communication and Analytical Thinking, D Social Sciences  

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SOCI 17 -  Introduction to Crime and Deviance  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course is an introduction to the sociological analysis of crime/criminalization, deviance, and the development of modern criminal justice systems. It explores the history and social construction of crime and deviance and examines the definition of crime and its violations as well as the laws and methods used to reduce criminal behavior. It also compares measures of crime and basic theoretical explanations of criminal behavior, alongside competing theories of justice. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online. [C-ID SOCI 160]  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU D Social Sciences; IGETC 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences; MPC D Social Sciences  

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SOCI 19 -  Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences  (4 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 68 hours lecture  
This course introduces statistical methods for collecting and analyzing data in the social sciences. Topics include basic research design, descriptive statistics, probability and sampling distributions, statistical inference and power, linear correlation and regression, t-test and one-way analysis of variance, and chi-square. Students use appropriate technology (e.g., calculators and SPSS) to analyze real-world data and report results using American Psychological Association and American Sociological Association styles. This course is intended for students majoring in the behavioral/social sciences. Offered as PSYC 19 and SOCI 19; credit may be earned only once. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online. [C-ID MATH 110; SOCI 125]  
Prerequisite(s): Placement based on multiple measures; or Intermediate Algebra or higher  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
UC Transfer Limits: MATH 16, PSYC 19, SOCI 19 combined: maximum credit, 1 course  
GE Credit: CSU B4 Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning; IGETC 2A Mathematical Concepts/Quantitative Reasoning; MPC A2 Communication and Analytical Thinking, D Social Sciences  

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SOCI 22 -  Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This Ethnic Studies course explores race, racialization processes, theories of racism, forms of racial subordination, and anti-racism strategies through the comparative status and experiences of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. It addresses their eligibility for constitutional protections and their legal rights at the federal, state, and municipal levels as refugees, immigrants, or citizens. It examines the impacts of racism, colonialism, and imperialism as well as the self-determination resistance of various Asian American and Pacific Islander ethnic communities. Offered as ETNC 22 and SOCI 22, credit may be earned only once. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU D Social Sciences, F Ethnic Studies; IGETC 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences, 7 Ethnic Studies; MPC D Social Sciences, F Intercultural Studies  

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SOCI 40 -  Sociology of Marriages and Families  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
Sociological analysis of the family, including historical and recent changes, present nature and the socio-cultural and economic forces shaping these changes. May be offered fully online. [C-ID SOCI 130]  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU D Social Sciences, E Lifelong Learning and Self-Development; IGETC 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences; MPC D Social Sciences  

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SOCI 90 -  Independent Study  (0.5-4 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 25.5-204 hours lab  
This course provides a framework for this academic discipline, which is designed to enrich the student’s experience beyond current curriculum offerings. The program of study, research, reading, or activity is tailored to student needs and interests. When the student has identified an instructor to supervise his/her program of study, the agreement is recorded on a form available in the Admissions and Records Office.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU  

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