
Linguistics (LING)

LING 10 -  Foundations of Language  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture; 17 hours lab  
This course facilitates language teaching, learning, interpreting, and the understanding of the structure and nature of language. Students analyze English, with opportunities to compare it to a language of their choice. Language acquisition, processing, production, the language instinct, and the similarity and universality among the world’s languages are discussed. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU C2 Humanities; IGETC 3B Humanities; MPC C Humanities  

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LING 15 -  Introduction to Linguistics  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This introductory course serves as a foundation for understanding language from an anthropological perspective, addressing such core questions as how, what, when, where, why and with whom we communicate. This course surveys three core areas in linguistic anthropology--structural linguistics: phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and sign language as well as the biocultural basis of language; historical linguistics: origins and evolution/change, dialects, and language families; and sociocultural linguistics: language acquisition in cultural context, emphasizing the relationship between language and culture, and issues of language conservation and loss. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online. [C-ID ANTH 130]  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU C2 Humanities, D Social Sciences; IGETC 3B Humanities, 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences; MPC C Humanities, D Social Sciences  

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LING 18 -  Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course is a study of language and culture. It describes the birth, the uniqueness, and the evolution of language into thousands of new languages and cultures as humanity spread to every corner of the world. Topics include first language socialization, identity formation, and cultural creation, and how language both fosters and denies cultural membership. Discussion and case studies of nationality, human rights, conflict, domination and globalization in the context of diverse languages and cultures are included. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU D Social Sciences; MPC D Social Sciences, F Intercultural Studies  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing LING 18

LING 25 -  Introduction to Language and Gender  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course examines the linguistic differences associated with gender and how these differences affect the speaker's identity and cultural roles. Opportunities for analyzing and discussing language in terms of gender are provided. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU C2 Humanities, D Social Sciences; IGETC 3B Humanities, 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences; MPC C Humanities, D Social Sciences, E1 Wellness, F Intercultural Studies  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing LING 25

LING 30 -  Introduction to the History of the English Language  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course traces the linguistic history of English from its Indo-European roots to its current status as a global language. Students are introduced to the historical events, the languages, and the structural changes that have shaped English into its present form. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU C2 Humanities, D Social Sciences; IGETC 3B Humanities, 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences; MPC C Humanities, D Social Sciences  

Catalog Program Pages Referencing LING 30

LING 35 -  Introduction to Nonverbal Communication  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
Of all human communication, 70% or more is nonverbal. This course introduces the biological and environmental roots of nonverbal communication and how the body, face, eyes, voice, movement, distance, and time are used to communicate without words. The role of nonverbal communication in forming and maintaining personal and non-personal relationships, establishing one's identity in society, and deception are presented. Methods of nonverbal communication research are also introduced. Offered as COMM 35 and LING 35; credit may be earned only once. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU D Social Sciences; MPC C Humanities, D Social Sciences  

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LING 45 -  Introduction to Language and Society  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course examines the interaction of language with society and the individual, and how language establishes power, ethnicity, gender, and social identity. Students are also introduced to linguistic diversity in U.S. society today and methodology for sociolinguistic analysis of conversations. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU D Social Sciences; IGETC 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences; MPC C Humanities, D Social Sciences, F Intercultural Studies  

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LING 46 -  Introduction to the Psychology of Language  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course is an introduction to the field of psycholinguistics. Topics include how children acquire language; how people speak, read and understand language; and how language is processed and represented in the brain. The biological and cultural foundations for language are also presented. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU D Social Sciences; IGETC 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences; MPC C Humanities, D Social Sciences  

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LING 49 -  Introduction to Discourse Analysis  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course introduces theories and methodologies for the study of human discourse, or language in use. Discourse history, assumptions and principles, verbal and nonverbal communication, and society and culture's roles in a variety of discourse genres are discussed. Opportunities to analyze both spoken and written discourse are offered. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: MPC A2 Communication and Analytical Thinking, C Humanities, D Social Sciences  

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LING 50 -  Introduction to Dialects from Here and There  (3 units)  
Letter Grade (LG) or Pass/No Pass (P/NP)  Total hours: 51 hours lecture  
This course focuses on regional and ethnic dialects in the US and around the world. The historical and social development of African American English, Hispanic English, and Creoles as well as the prestige, stigma, and profiling attached to dialects in the US and abroad are explored. Discrimination in the media and schools are also discussed. Portions of instruction may be offered online; may also be offered fully online.  
Advisory: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AE  
Credit transferable: Transfers to CSU & UC  
GE Credit: CSU D Social Sciences; MPC D Social Sciences, F Intercultural Studies  

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