Business - Accounting, Associate in Science

The Associate in Science degree in Accounting prepares students to contribute to a business with solid foundational accounting skills, coupled with the breadth of MPC’s general education requirements. The Business-Accounting/Bookkeeping Certificate of Achievement and the Business-Accounting Certificate of Achievement must both be completed before or as part of this degree. Students planning to transfer to a university to earn a Bachelor’s degree should consider the Associate in Science for Transfer degree (AS-T) in Business Administration.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the program, students will be able to:

  • Apply generally accepted accounting principles and accounting fundamentals to complete the accounting cycle using both manual and computerized systems.
  • Prepare basic financial statements using manual and computerized systems.
  • Perform keyboarding skills with speed and accuracy.
  • Process and communicate accounting information using integrated office applications software.
  • Analyze, interpret, and communicate financial information.
  • Apply basic mathematical analysis methods to understand, analyze and evaluate business activities.
  • Interpret a variety of aspects of the business environment within which accounting operates to be able to make sound decisions balancing the needs of multiple stakeholders.
  • Quantitatively analyze and select business strategies, plan for business performance, and evaluate internal business unit performance.
  • Analyze and evaluate complex issues or problems, draw reasoned conclusions and/or generate solutions, and effectively communicate their results.

Associate in Science Degree Major Requirements

Certificate of Achievement in Accounting/Bookkeeping Requirements
Select one of the following:0-1
Keyboarding for Computers
or typing proficiency test with a typing speed of 21 wpm with 5 or fewer errors in 5 minutes
BUSI 110Business Mathematics3
BUSI 120ABasic Accounting4
BUSI 120BQuickBooks Online Accounting Software3
Select one of the following MS Office paths:3
Path 1
Computer Applications - Microsoft Office Word
and Computer Applications - Microsoft Office Excel
and Computer Applications - Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Path 2
MS Office Applications
and MS Office Applications Lab
Business - Accounting Certificate of Achievement Requirements
BUSI 1AFinancial Accounting4
BUSI 1BManagerial Accounting4
BUSI 24Business Issues and Ethics3
CSIS 1Computer Information Systems3
Select one course from the following:3
Introduction to Business
Introduction to Business Ownership/Management
Select one course from the following:1-4
Financial Planning and Money Management
Principles of Investment
The American Economic System
Career-Focused Work Experience
Additional Requirements25-29
Complete Competency Requirements, general education pattern (MPC General Education, CSU General Education, or IGETC), and electives, if needed, for a total of 60 degree-applicable units.
Total Units60

Please refer to the graduation requirements section of the Catalog for information about degree and certificate requirements including Reading and Writing, Mathematics, Information Competency, and General Education requirements.  

The model sequence of coursework below is one pathway for students to complete the program. The information below is not an official educational plan. An MPC Counselor can assist you with creating a personalized education plan based on your academic, career, and personal goals. Visit MPC’s Counseling website for more information about Counseling and up-to-date program requirements.

Suggested 2-Year Course Sequence

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
College Composition
or College Composition: Enhanced
LIBR 50 Introduction to Library and Research Skills 1
BUSI 120A Basic Accounting 4
BUSC 109 Keyboarding for Computers (or Typing Proficiency Test) 0-1
Introduction to Business
or Introduction to Business Ownership/Management
Electives 3
BUSI 120B QuickBooks Online Accounting Software 4
Select one of the following MS Office options: 3
Computer Applications - Microsoft Office Word
and Computer Applications - Microsoft Office Excel
and Computer Applications - Microsoft Office PowerPoint
MS Office Applications
and MS Office Applications Lab
BUSI 110 Business Mathematics 3
CSIS 1 Computer Information Systems 3
MPC GE Area C 3
Year 2
MPC GE Area A2 (MATH 16 Recommended) 4
BUSI 1A Financial Accounting 4
BUSI 24 Business Issues and Ethics 3
ECON 1 The American Economic System 3
BUSI 1B Managerial Accounting 4
MPC GE Area B & Lab 4
MPC GE Area F (BUSI 38 Recommended) 3
Electives (ENGL 2 Recommended) 3
Electives 1 2-3
 Total Units60

Elective units may not be needed. Please see a counselor for details.

Ready to Work!MPC “Ready to Work” Career Education programs offer students the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills needed for employment and job advancement.

All students should consult with a Counselor to discuss career pathways, for support with career exploration and planning, and to create a personalized education plan to help them meet their academic, career, and personal goals. Visit MPC’s Counseling website for more information about Counseling services provided by MPC and to connect with a Counselor.

Additional resources are available through MPC’s Career & Transfer Resource Center (CTRC). The CTRC offers career resources, workshops, guidance and referrals. Visit the CTRC for support finding online career information and other resources to explore majors, occupations, and employment information.