General Education Requirements

Students may select from one of three general education patterns (CSU GE-Breadth, IGETC, or MPC GE), depending on their educational and transfer goals.  CSU GE-Breadth or IGETC is required for transfer degrees (AA-T, AS-T, AS-UCT); non-transfer degrees (AA, AS) may use any of the GE patterns.  Each degree program of study notes the applicable GE patterns that may be used.

MPC General Education Philosophy

The awarding of an associate degree is intended to represent more than an accumulation of units. It is to symbolize a successful attempt on the part of the College to lead students through patterns of learning experiences designed to develop certain capabilities and insights. Among these are the ability to think critically and to communicate clearly and effectively both orally and in writing; to use mathematics; to understand the modes of inquiry of the major disciplines; to be aware of other cultures and times; to achieve insights gained through experience in thinking about ethical problems; and to develop the capacity for self-understanding.

In addition to these accomplishments, the associate degree holders shall possess sufficient depth of knowledge in a selected field to contribute to a lifetime of interest in that field.

Central to an associate degree, general education is designed to introduce students to the variety of ways in which people comprehend the modern world. Monterey Peninsula College’s general education curriculum reflects the conviction that students who receive associate degrees shall possess knowledge of certain basic principles, concepts, and methodologies both unique to and shared by the various disciplines. College-educated persons must be able to use this knowledge when evaluating and appreciating the natural world, the culture, and the society in which they live. Most importantly, general education shall lead students to a better understanding of their world.

MPC shall assist students by creating coherence and integration among the requirements of the separate disciplines so that students recognize the interrelationships among social, political, cultural, and economic institutions both within and between global societies. Participation in general education programs shall provide students with opportunities to critically examine the values and beliefs inherent in proposed solutions to major societal problems.

At Monterey Peninsula College, the institution’s General Education Learning Outcomes specify the ways students will demonstrate knowledge and abilities gained while completing the General Education program.

See Board Policy 4025 - Philosophy and Criteria for Associate Degree and General Education

CSU General Education-Breadth (CSU GE-B) 2024-2025

The CSU GE-Breadth pattern allows California community college transfer students to fulfill lower-division general education requirements for any CSU campus prior to transfer. This pattern is recommended for students who know they want to transfer to a CSU.

The CSU GE-Breadth is designed to educate students to:

  • think, write, and speak clearly and logically; reason quantitatively;
  • gain knowledge about the human body and mind, the development and functioning of human society, the physical and biological world, and human cultures and civilizations;
  • and develop an understanding of the principles, methods, and values of human inquiry.

Completion of this pattern satisfies the 39 units of lower-division general education breadth requirements for transfer to any CSU campus as well as the general education requirements for the Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T, AS-T) and for the associate degree (AA, AS). Courses listed in more than one area may be used to satisfy only one area. The “Golden Four” (Areas A1, A2, A3, B4) must be completed with grades of C- or better. Consult with a counselor regarding your education plan.

Area A - English Language Communication and Critical Thinking

Select one course from each area A1, A2, and A3. (9 units)
A1 Oral Communication
SPCH 1Public Speaking3
SPCH 2Small Group Communication3
SPCH 3Interpersonal Communication3
A2 Written Communication
ENGL 1ACollege Composition3
or ENGL 1AE College Composition: Enhanced
A3 Critical Thinking
ENGL 2Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking3
PHIL 6Introduction to Logic3
PHIL 10Introduction to Critical Thinking3

Area B - Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning

Select one course from each area B1, B2, and B4. At least one course from B1 or B2 must include a laboratory listed in B3. (9 units)
B1 Physical Science
ASTR 10Introduction to Astronomy 13
BIOL 31Introduction to Environmental Science3
CHEM 1AGeneral Chemistry I 15
CHEM 1BGeneral Chemistry II 15
CHEM 2Fundamental Chemistry 14
CHEM 10Everyday Chemistry 14
CHEM 12AOrganic Chemistry I 15
CHEM 12BOrganic Chemistry II 15
CHEM 30AIntroductory Chemistry for Health Sciences 14
CHEM 30BOrganic and Biological Chemistry for Health Sciences 14
ENGR 9The Science of Robotics 14
GEOL 2Physical Geology 13
GEOL 3Historical Geology 13
GEOL 9Earth Catastrophes and Disasters3
GEOL 12Earth Ocean Climate: Introduction to Earth Science 13
OCEN 2Introductory Oceanography 13
PHYS 2AGeneral Physics I 14
PHYS 2BGeneral Physics II 14
PHYS 3AScience and Engineering Physics I 14
PHYS 3BScience and Engineering Physics II 14
PHYS 3CScience and Engineering Physics III 14
PHYS 10Introduction to Physics 14
PHYS 12Integrated Physics and Chemistry 14
B2 Life Science
ANAT 1Human Anatomy with Cadaver Lab 14
ANAT 5Human Biology 14
ANTH 2Introduction to Biological Anthropology3
BIOL 10Principles of Biology 14
BIOL 13Marine Biology 14
BIOL 21Concepts in Biology I: Cells, Genetics, and Organisms 15
BIOL 22Concepts in Biology II: Diversity, Ecology, and Evolution 15
BIOL 25Applied Microbiology Lecture3
BIOL 30Introduction to Genetics3
BIOL 31Introduction to Environmental Science3
PHSO 1Human Physiology3
PSYC 38Biological Psychology3
B3 Laboratory Activity
ANAT 1Human Anatomy with Cadaver Lab4
ANAT 5Human Biology4
ANTH 2LBiological Anthropology Laboratory1
ASTR 10LIntroduction to Astronomy Laboratory1
BIOL 10Principles of Biology4
BIOL 13Marine Biology4
BIOL 21Concepts in Biology I: Cells, Genetics, and Organisms5
BIOL 22Concepts in Biology II: Diversity, Ecology, and Evolution5
BIOL 26Applied Microbiology Laboratory1
BIOL 32Environmental Science Laboratory1
CHEM 1AGeneral Chemistry I5
CHEM 1BGeneral Chemistry II5
CHEM 2Fundamental Chemistry4
CHEM 10Everyday Chemistry4
CHEM 12AOrganic Chemistry I5
CHEM 12BOrganic Chemistry II5
CHEM 30AIntroductory Chemistry for Health Sciences4
CHEM 30BOrganic and Biological Chemistry for Health Sciences4
ENGR 9The Science of Robotics4
GEOL 2LPhysical Geology Laboratory1
GEOL 3LHistorical Geology Lab1
GEOL 12LEarth Ocean Climate: Introduction to Earth Science Lab1
OCEN 2LIntroductory Oceanography Lab1
PHSO 2Human Physiology Lab2
PHYS 2AGeneral Physics I4
PHYS 2BGeneral Physics II4
PHYS 3AScience and Engineering Physics I4
PHYS 3BScience and Engineering Physics II4
PHYS 3CScience and Engineering Physics III4
PHYS 10Introduction to Physics4
PHYS 12Integrated Physics and Chemistry4
B4 Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning
MATH 10Mathematics for General Education4
MATH 12Number Systems4
MATH 13Pre-Calculus5
MATH 13ACollege Algebra for STEM4
MATH 13BTrigonometry3
MATH 16Elementary Statistics4
MATH 17Finite Math4
MATH 18Calculus and Analytic Geometry for Biology/Soc Sci/Business4
MATH 20ACalculus with Analytic Geometry I4
MATH 20BCalculus with Analytic Geometry II4
MATH 20CCalculus of Several Variables4
MATH 31Linear Algebra4
MATH 32Differential Equations4
MATH 40Discrete Mathematics3
PSYC 19Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences4
SOCI 19Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences4

Course has a laboratory component in B3.

Area C - Arts and Humanities

Select a minimum of nine units from the following, with at least three units from C1 and at least three units from C2. (9 units)
C1 Arts
ARTB 10Survey of the Arts3
ARTH 1Understanding Art3
ARTH 3Western Art I3
ARTH 4Western Art II3
ARTH 8Survey of Asian Art3
ARTH 12Greek and Roman Art and Architecture3
ARTH 14Renaissance Art and Architecture3
ARTP 10Introduction to Photography3
ARTP 14History of Photography3
ARTV 1Introduction to Film/Video3
DANC 5Dance Appreciation3
DANC 6World Cultural Dance3
ETNC 4Mexican-American and Chicano Art 3
ETNC 5African-American Arts and Music 3
GWOS 4Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture3
MUSI 1Music Appreciation3
MUSI 2Introduction to Broadway Musicals3
MUSI 5Introduction to World Music3
MUSI 10AMusic Theory and Musicianship I4
MUSI 10BMusic Theory and Musicianship II4
SPCH 5Oral Interpretation of Literature3
THEA 1Introduction to Theatre3
THEA 4Intercultural Drama3
THEA 5Film Appreciation3
THEA 6Script Analysis3
THEA 9History of Film: 1880s through 1950s3
THEA 10History of Film: 1950s to Present3
THEA 53Theatre Enjoyment3
C2 Humanities
ENGL 1BIntroduction to Literature3
ENGL 5Introduction to Great Books3
ENGL 11Literature by and About Women3
ENGL 17Introduction to Shakespeare3
ENGL 22Introduction to Poetry3
ENGL 40ASurvey of American Literature I3
ENGL 40BSurvey of American Literature II3
ENGL 43Comics As Literature3
ENGL 44Survey of World Literature I3
ENGL 45Survey of World Literature II3
ENGL 46Survey of British Literature I3
ENGL 47Survey of British Literature II3
ENGL 48Latin American Literature3
ENGL 49Introduction to the Novel3
ENGL 52Creative Nonfiction Writing3
ENGL 53Poetry Writing3
ENGL 63Introduction to Science Fiction 3
ETNC 4Mexican-American and Chicano Art 3
ETNC 5African-American Arts and Music 3
ETNC 6Ethnic Images in Film3
ETNC 23Chicano History 1848 to Present3
ETNC 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
ETNC 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
FREN 1AElementary French I5
FREN 1BElementary French II5
FREN 2AIntermediate French5
FREN 2BAdvanced French5
GENT 21Medieval and Renaissance Europe (400-1520)3
GENT 22The Age of Revolution (1690-1870)3
GENT 23The Modern World (1870-Present)3
GWOS 4Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture3
GWOS 5Women of Color in the U.S.3
GWOS 8Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies3
GWOS 11Literature by and About Women3
GWOS 12Women in United States History 13
GWOS 15Introduction to LGBTQ Global Literatures3
GWOS 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
HIST 4Western Civilization I3
HIST 5Western Civilization II3
HIST 6History of World Religions3
HIST 7World History to 15003
HIST 8World History Since 15003
HIST 10Modern Latin America3
HIST 12Women in United States History 13
HIST 15History of California3
HIST 17United States History to 1877 13
HIST 18United States History from 1865 13
HIST 20History of Mexico3
HIST 23Chicano History 1848 to Present3
HIST 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
HIST 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
HUMA 10Exploration of Values in Living3
HUMA 30Humanities in Multicultural America3
HUMA 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
JPNS 2AIntermediate Japanese5
LING 10Foundations of Language3
LING 15Introduction to Linguistics3
LING 25Introduction to Language and Gender3
LING 30Introduction to the History of the English Language3
PHIL 2Introduction to Philosophy3
PHIL 4Introduction to Ethics3
PHIL 8Introduction to World Religions3
PHIL 13Introduction to Eastern Philosophy3
PHIL 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
POLS 12Politics in Film3
SIGN 1AElementary American Sign Language I5
SIGN 1BElementary American Sign Language II5
SIGN 2AIntermediate American Sign Language5
SIGN 2BAdvanced American Sign Language II5
SIGN 20Introduction to Deaf Culture3
SPAN 1Elementary Spanish I5
SPAN 1SElementary Spanish for Spanish Speakers I5
SPAN 2Elementary Spanish II5
SPAN 2SElementary Spanish for Spanish Speakers II5
SPAN 3Intermediate Spanish I5
SPAN 3SIntermediate Spanish for Spanish Speakers I5
SPAN 4Intermediate Spanish II5
SPAN 4SIntermediate Spanish for Spanish Speakers II5
SPAN 5Literature of the Spanish-Speaking World3
SPAN 18Spanish Through Film3
SPAN 22Spanish Composition and Conversation3
SPAN 45Hispanic and Latino/a Culture 4
SPAN 50AIntermediate Spanish Conversation I3
SPAN 50BIntermediate Spanish Conversation II3
SPAN 50CIntermediate Spanish Conversation III3
SPAN 50DIntermediate Spanish Conversation IV3
SPCH 5Oral Interpretation of Literature3
THEA 4Intercultural Drama3
THEA 6Script Analysis3
THEA 9History of Film: 1880s through 1950s3
THEA 10History of Film: 1950s to Present3
WRLD 4AThe Roman Republic and Rise of Empire (500 BCE - 14 CE)1
WRLD 4BThe Roman Empire (14 - 600 CE)1
WRLD 20The Classical World (1200 BCE - 14 CE)3

Course also partly satisfies the CSU Graduation Requirement in U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals.

Area D - Social Sciences

Select six units from the following (two different disciplines are recommended but not required). (6 units)
ADMJ 2Introduction to Administration of Justice3
ANTH 2Introduction to Biological Anthropology3
ANTH 4Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH 6Introduction to Archaeology and Prehistory3
ANTH 8Primate Behavioral Ecology3
ANTH 20Native American and Indigenous Peoples of the United States3
ANTH 30Gender in Global Perspective3
COMM 35Introduction to Nonverbal Communication3
ECED 1Child Growth and Development3
ECED 55Child, Family, and Community3
ECED 56Teaching in a Diverse Society3
ECON 1The American Economic System3
ECON 2Principles of Economics: Macro3
ECON 4Principles of Economics: Micro3
ETNC 6Ethnic Images in Film3
ETNC 10Introduction to Ethnic Studies3
ETNC 13Introduction to Race and Ethnicity3
ETNC 14Sociology of Latinos and Latinas3
ETNC 16American Government and African American Politics 13
ETNC 18Chicanos in American Politics 13
ETNC 20Native American and Indigenous Peoples of the United States3
ETNC 22Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society3
ETNC 23Chicano History 1848 to Present3
ETNC 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
ETNC 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
GEOG 2Introduction to Physical Geography3
GEOG 4Introduction to Human Geography3
GEOG 5World Regional Geography3
GLST 1Introduction to Global Studies3
GLST 2Global Issues3
GWOS 1Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies3
GWOS 3Gender and Violence3
GWOS 4Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture3
GWOS 5Women of Color in the U.S.3
GWOS 8Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies3
GWOS 9Sports and Social Justice3
GWOS 10Gender in American Politics 13
GWOS 12Women in United States History 13
GWOS 30Gender in Global Perspective3
GWOS 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
HIST 4Western Civilization I3
HIST 5Western Civilization II3
HIST 7World History to 15003
HIST 8World History Since 15003
HIST 10Modern Latin America3
HIST 12Women in United States History 13
HIST 15History of California3
HIST 17United States History to 1877 13
HIST 18United States History from 1865 13
HIST 20History of Mexico3
HIST 23Chicano History 1848 to Present3
HIST 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
HIST 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
HUMA 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
HUMS 50Introduction to Human Services and Social Work3
KINS 44Sport in Society3
KINS 48Psychology of Fitness and Sport Performance3
LING 15Introduction to Linguistics3
LING 18Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology3
LING 25Introduction to Language and Gender3
LING 30Introduction to the History of the English Language3
LING 35Introduction to Nonverbal Communication3
LING 45Introduction to Language and Society3
LING 46Introduction to the Psychology of Language3
LING 50Introduction to Dialects from Here and There3
PHIL 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
POLS 1Introduction to American Government and Politics 13
POLS 2Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics3
POLS 3Introduction to Political Theory and Thought3
POLS 4Introduction to International Relations3
POLS 5Politics of Developing Countries3
POLS 10Gender in American Politics 13
POLS 11Politics of Migration and Citizenship3
POLS 14Introduction to the Politics of Identity3
PSYC 1General Psychology3
PSYC 3Introduction to Social Psychology3
PSYC 6Psychology of Women3
PSYC 25Lifespan Development3
PSYC 35Introduction to Abnormal Psychology3
PSYC 38Biological Psychology3
PSYC 40Human Sexuality3
PSYC 50Health Psychology3
SIGN 20Introduction to Deaf Culture3
SOCI 1Introduction to Sociology3
SOCI 2Contemporary Social Problems3
SOCI 3Introduction to Social Psychology3
SOCI 11Mass Media and Popular Culture3
SOCI 12Introduction to Gender and Sexuality3
SOCI 13Introduction to Race and Ethnicity3
SOCI 14Sociology of Latinos and Latinas3
SOCI 17Introduction to Crime and Deviance3
SOCI 22Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society3
SOCI 40Sociology of Marriages and Families3
SPCH 4Intercultural Communication3
SPCH 10Introduction to Communication Theory3
WRLD 4AThe Roman Republic and Rise of Empire (500 BCE - 14 CE)1
WRLD 4BThe Roman Empire (14 - 600 CE)1
WRLD 20The Classical World (1200 BCE - 14 CE)3

Course also partly satisfies the CSU Graduation Requirement in U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals.

Area E - Lifelong Learning and Self-Development

Select three units from the following.
BUSI 22Effective Leadership in Business3
COUN 50Making College Count3
COUN 51Career and Life Planning3
ECED 1Child Growth and Development3
HLTH 4Healthy Living3
HLTH 7Women's Health3
KINS 51Fitness and Wellness Strategies2
KINS 60Fitness Exercise Physiology1
NUTF 1Nutrition3
PHIL 4Introduction to Ethics3
PSYC 1General Psychology3
PSYC 6Psychology of Women3
PSYC 25Lifespan Development3
PSYC 38Biological Psychology3
PSYC 40Human Sexuality3
PSYC 50Health Psychology3
SOCI 1Introduction to Sociology3
SOCI 40Sociology of Marriages and Families3
Any of the following physical activity courses (maximum of 2 units may be applied toward Area E certification):
ADPE 6Adapted Functional Training1
ADPE 8Introduction to Adapted Physical Education0.5
ADPE 9Adapted Personal Fitness1.5
ADPE 10Adapted Weight Training1
ADPE 13Physical Education: Adapted1.5
ADPE 14Adapted Aerobics1
ADPE 15Heart Healthy Exercise1.5
ADPE 16Adapted Flexibility and Movement Techniques1
ATHL 21Competitive Golf0.5
DANC 1Introduction to Dance0.5
DANC 9Introduction to Choreography0.5
DANC 10AModern Dance I1
DANC 10BModern Dance II1
DANC 10CModern Dance III1
DANC 10DModern Dance IV1
DANC 11AJazz Dance I1
DANC 11BJazz Dance II1
DANC 11CJazz Dance III1
DANC 11DJazz Dance IV1
DANC 12ABallet I1
DANC 12BBallet II1
DANC 12CBallet III1
DANC 12DBallet IV1
DANC 14ABallroom Dance I0.5-1
DANC 14BBallroom Dance II0.5-1
DANC 14CBallroom Dance III0.5-1
DANC 14DBallroom Dance IV0.5-1
DANC 15AEthnic Dance Forms I1
DANC 15BEthnic Dance Forms II1
DANC 15CEthnic Dance Forms III1
DANC 15DEthnic Dance Forms IV1
DANC 17ATap Dance I1
DANC 18AHip Hop Dance I1
DANC 18BHip Hop Dance II1
DANC 18CHip Hop Dance III1
DANC 18DHip Hop Dance IV1
DANC 19ASalsa Dance I0.5
DANC 19BSalsa Dance II0.5
DANC 19CSalsa Dance III0.5
DANC 19DSalsa Dance IV0.5
DANC 21Introduction to Modern Dance Repertory1
PFIT 2Core Fitness Training1
PFIT 6Cross-Training1
PFIT 7Distance Training1
PFIT 8Aerobic Conditioning0.5
PFIT 9Personal Fitness1
PFIT 10ABeginning Weight Training0.5-1
PFIT 10BIntermediate Weight Training0.5-1
PFIT 10CAdvanced Weight Training0.5-1
PFIT 14Exercise for Health and Fitness0.5
PFIT 15ACore Matwork I0.5-1
PFIT 15BCore Matwork II0.5-1
PFIT 15CCore Matwork III0.5-1
PFIT 15DCore Matwork IV0.5-1
PFIT 16ATai Chi I0.5-1
PFIT 16BTai Chi II0.5-1
PFIT 16CTai Chi III0.5-1
PFIT 16DTai Chi IV0.5-1
PFIT 17AYoga I0.5-1
PFIT 17BYoga II0.5-1
PFIT 17CYoga III0.5-1
PFIT 17DYoga IV0.5-1
PFIT 18AAerobic Fitness I0.5-1
PFIT 18BAerobic Fitness II0.5
PFIT 18CAerobic Fitness III0.5-1
PFIT 18DAerobic Fitness IV0.5-1
PFIT 19ABody Sculpting I1
PFIT 19BBody Sculpting II1
PFIT 19CBody Sculpting III1
PFIT 19DBody Sculpting IV1
PFIT 20Circuit Training1
PFIT 21AFlexibility and Relaxation Techniques I1
PFIT 21BFlexibility and Relaxation Techniques II1
PFIT 21CFlexibility and Relaxation Techniques III1
PFIT 22AFitness Through Swimming I1
PFIT 22BFitness Through Swimming II1
PFIT 22CFitness Through Swimming III1
PFIT 22DFitness Through Swimming IV1
PFIT 23AFunctional Fitness I1
PFIT 23BFunctional Fitness II1
PFIT 23CFunctional Fitness III1
PFIT 23DFunctional Fitness IV1
PFIT 24AAqua Aerobics I1
PFIT 24BAqua Aerobics II1
PFIT 30ATriathlon Training I1
PFIT 30BTriathlon Training II1
PFIT 30CTriathlon Training III1
PFIT 50Independent Fitness and Testing Program1
PHED 2AGolf I1
PHED 5ATennis I1
PHED 5BTennis II1
PHED 5DTennis III1
PHED 5ETennis IV1
PHED 6ASoccer I1
PHED 6BSoccer II1
PHED 6CSoccer III1
PHED 7ASwimming I1
PHED 7BSwimming II1
PHED 9APickleball I1
PHED 9BPickleball II1
PHED 9CPickleball III1
PHED 9DPickleball IV1
PHED 10AFlag Football I1
PHED 10BFlag Football II1
PHED 12BCompetitive Swimming I1
PHED 12CCompetitive Swimming II1
PHED 12DCompetitive Swimming III1
PHED 12ECompetitive Swimming IV1
PHED 15AVolleyball I1
PHED 15BVolleyball II1
PHED 15DVolleyball III1
PHED 15EVolleyball IV1
PHED 22AIntroduction to Basketball1
PHED 22BIntermediate Basketball1
PHED 22CIntermediate/Advanced Basketball1
PHED 22DAdvanced Basketball1
PHED 23AMartial Arts/Self-Defense I1
PHED 23BMartial Arts/Self-Defense II1
PHED 23CMartial Arts/Self-Defense III1
PHED 23DMartial Arts/Self-Defense IV1
PHED 24ABeach Volleyball I1
PHED 24BBeach Volleyball II1
PHED 24C Beach Volleyball III1
PHED 24DBeach Volleyball IV1

Note:  Submission of DD 214 clears this area requirement for CSU GE credit.

Area F - Ethnic Studies

Select three units from the following.
ETNC 22Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society3
SOCI 22Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society3

CSU Graduation Requirement: U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals

Completion of the following areas (US-1, US-2, US-3) prior to transfer is strongly recommended. The courses below may also be used to satisfy up to six units in Area C2 or D.

US-1: Historical Development of American Institutions & Ideals
ETNC 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
ETNC 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
GWOS 12Women in United States History3
HIST 12Women in United States History3
HIST 17United States History to 18773
HIST 18United States History from 18653
HIST 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
HIST 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
US-2: U.S. Constitution & Government
ETNC 16American Government and African American Politics 13
ETNC 18Chicanos in American Politics 13
ETNC 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
ETNC 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
GWOS 10Gender in American Politics 13
HIST 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
HIST 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
POLS 1Introduction to American Government and Politics 13
POLS 10Gender in American Politics 13
US-3: California State & Local Government
ETNC 16American Government and African American Politics 13
ETNC 18Chicanos in American Politics 13
GWOS 10Gender in American Politics 13
POLS 1Introduction to American Government and Politics 13
POLS 10Gender in American Politics 13

Course may be used to satisfy more than one US area.

CSU General Education-Breadth (CSU GE-B) for STEM 2024-2025

The CSU GE-Breadth for STEM is a variation of the CSU GE-Breadth pattern that allows California community college transfer students to fulfill lower-division general education requirements for any CSU campus prior to transfer. This pattern is recommended for students who know they want to transfer to a CSU and is used for designated Associate Degree for Transfer programs that allow CSU GE-Breadth for STEM (currently only Biology AS-T, Chemistry AS-T, and Environmental Science AS-T). Completion of this pattern satisfies the 33 units of lower-division general education breadth requirements for transfer to any CSU with one of the designated Associate Degrees for Transfer.

The CSU GE-Breadth for STEM is designed to educate students to:

  • think, write, and speak clearly and logically;
  • reason quantitatively; gain knowledge about the human body and mind, the development and functioning of human society, the physical and biological world, and human cultures and civilizations;
  • and develop an understanding of the principles, methods, and values of human inquiry.

Complete 6 units in Area C and 3 units in Area D before transfer; the remaining 3 units in those two areas must be completed after transfer. Courses listed in more than one area may be used to satisfy only one area. The “Golden Four” (Areas A1, A2, A3, B4) must be completed with grades of C- or better. Consult with a counselor regarding your education plan.

Area A - English Language Communication and Critical Thinking

Select one course from each area A1, A2, and A3. (9 units)
A1 Oral Communication
SPCH 1Public Speaking3
SPCH 2Small Group Communication3
SPCH 3Interpersonal Communication3
A2 Written Communication
ENGL 1ACollege Composition3
or ENGL 1AE College Composition: Enhanced
A3 Critical Thinking
ENGL 2Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking3
PHIL 6Introduction to Logic3
PHIL 10Introduction to Critical Thinking3

Area B - Scientific Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning

Select one course from each area B1, B2, and B4. At least one course from B1 or B2 must include a laboratory listed in B3. (9 units)
B1 Physical Science
ASTR 10Introduction to Astronomy 13
BIOL 31Introduction to Environmental Science3
CHEM 1AGeneral Chemistry I 15
CHEM 1BGeneral Chemistry II 15
CHEM 2Fundamental Chemistry 14
CHEM 10Everyday Chemistry 14
CHEM 12AOrganic Chemistry I 15
CHEM 12BOrganic Chemistry II 15
CHEM 30AIntroductory Chemistry for Health Sciences 14
CHEM 30BOrganic and Biological Chemistry for Health Sciences 14
ENGR 9The Science of Robotics 14
GEOL 2Physical Geology 13
GEOL 3Historical Geology 13
GEOL 9Earth Catastrophes and Disasters3
GEOL 12Earth Ocean Climate: Introduction to Earth Science 13
OCEN 2Introductory Oceanography 13
PHYS 2AGeneral Physics I 14
PHYS 2BGeneral Physics II 14
PHYS 3AScience and Engineering Physics I 14
PHYS 3BScience and Engineering Physics II 14
PHYS 3CScience and Engineering Physics III 14
PHYS 10Introduction to Physics 14
PHYS 12Integrated Physics and Chemistry 14
B2 Life Science
ANAT 1Human Anatomy with Cadaver Lab 14
ANAT 5Human Biology 14
ANTH 2Introduction to Biological Anthropology3
BIOL 10Principles of Biology 14
BIOL 13Marine Biology 14
BIOL 21Concepts in Biology I: Cells, Genetics, and Organisms 15
BIOL 22Concepts in Biology II: Diversity, Ecology, and Evolution 15
BIOL 25Applied Microbiology Lecture3
BIOL 30Introduction to Genetics3
BIOL 31Introduction to Environmental Science3
PHSO 1Human Physiology3
PSYC 38Biological Psychology3
B3 Laboratory Activity
ANAT 1Human Anatomy with Cadaver Lab4
ANAT 5Human Biology4
ANTH 2LBiological Anthropology Laboratory1
ASTR 10LIntroduction to Astronomy Laboratory1
BIOL 10Principles of Biology4
BIOL 13Marine Biology4
BIOL 21Concepts in Biology I: Cells, Genetics, and Organisms5
BIOL 22Concepts in Biology II: Diversity, Ecology, and Evolution5
BIOL 26Applied Microbiology Laboratory1
BIOL 32Environmental Science Laboratory1
CHEM 1AGeneral Chemistry I5
CHEM 1BGeneral Chemistry II5
CHEM 2Fundamental Chemistry4
CHEM 10Everyday Chemistry4
CHEM 12AOrganic Chemistry I5
CHEM 12BOrganic Chemistry II5
CHEM 30AIntroductory Chemistry for Health Sciences4
CHEM 30BOrganic and Biological Chemistry for Health Sciences4
ENGR 9The Science of Robotics4
GEOL 2LPhysical Geology Laboratory1
GEOL 3LHistorical Geology Lab1
GEOL 12LEarth Ocean Climate: Introduction to Earth Science Lab1
OCEN 2LIntroductory Oceanography Lab1
PHSO 2Human Physiology Lab2
PHYS 2AGeneral Physics I4
PHYS 2BGeneral Physics II4
PHYS 3AScience and Engineering Physics I4
PHYS 3BScience and Engineering Physics II4
PHYS 3CScience and Engineering Physics III4
PHYS 10Introduction to Physics4
PHYS 12Integrated Physics and Chemistry4
B4 Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning
MATH 10Mathematics for General Education4
MATH 12Number Systems4
MATH 13Pre-Calculus5
MATH 13ACollege Algebra for STEM4
MATH 13BTrigonometry3
MATH 16Elementary Statistics4
MATH 17Finite Math4
MATH 18Calculus and Analytic Geometry for Biology/Soc Sci/Business4
MATH 20ACalculus with Analytic Geometry I4
MATH 20BCalculus with Analytic Geometry II4
MATH 20CCalculus of Several Variables4
MATH 31Linear Algebra4
MATH 32Differential Equations4
MATH 40Discrete Mathematics3
PSYC 19Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences4
SOCI 19Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences4

Course has a laboratory component in B3.

Area C - Arts and Humanities

Select a minimum of six units, with at least three units from C1 and at least three units from C2. (6 units)
C1 Arts
ARTB 10Survey of the Arts3
ARTH 1Understanding Art3
ARTH 3Western Art I3
ARTH 4Western Art II3
ARTH 8Survey of Asian Art3
ARTH 12Greek and Roman Art and Architecture3
ARTH 14Renaissance Art and Architecture3
ARTP 10Introduction to Photography3
ARTP 14History of Photography3
ARTV 1Introduction to Film/Video3
DANC 5Dance Appreciation3
DANC 6World Cultural Dance3
ETNC 4Mexican-American and Chicano Art 3
ETNC 5African-American Arts and Music 3
GWOS 4Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture3
MUSI 1Music Appreciation3
MUSI 2Introduction to Broadway Musicals3
MUSI 5Introduction to World Music3
MUSI 10AMusic Theory and Musicianship I4
MUSI 10BMusic Theory and Musicianship II4
SPCH 5Oral Interpretation of Literature3
THEA 1Introduction to Theatre3
THEA 4Intercultural Drama3
THEA 5Film Appreciation3
THEA 6Script Analysis3
THEA 9History of Film: 1880s through 1950s3
THEA 10History of Film: 1950s to Present3
THEA 53Theatre Enjoyment3
C2 Humanities
ENGL 1BIntroduction to Literature3
ENGL 5Introduction to Great Books3
ENGL 11Literature by and About Women3
ENGL 17Introduction to Shakespeare3
ENGL 22Introduction to Poetry3
ENGL 40ASurvey of American Literature I3
ENGL 40BSurvey of American Literature II3
ENGL 43Comics As Literature3
ENGL 44Survey of World Literature I3
ENGL 45Survey of World Literature II3
ENGL 46Survey of British Literature I3
ENGL 47Survey of British Literature II3
ENGL 48Latin American Literature3
ENGL 49Introduction to the Novel3
ENGL 52Creative Nonfiction Writing3
ENGL 53Poetry Writing3
ENGL 63Introduction to Science Fiction 3
ETNC 4Mexican-American and Chicano Art 3
ETNC 5African-American Arts and Music 3
ETNC 6Ethnic Images in Film3
ETNC 23Chicano History 1848 to Present3
ETNC 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
ETNC 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
FREN 1AElementary French I5
FREN 1BElementary French II5
FREN 2AIntermediate French5
FREN 2BAdvanced French5
GENT 21Medieval and Renaissance Europe (400-1520)3
GENT 22The Age of Revolution (1690-1870)3
GENT 23The Modern World (1870-Present)3
GWOS 4Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture3
GWOS 5Women of Color in the U.S.3
GWOS 8Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies3
GWOS 11Literature by and About Women3
GWOS 12Women in United States History 13
GWOS 15Introduction to LGBTQ Global Literatures3
GWOS 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
HIST 4Western Civilization I3
HIST 5Western Civilization II3
HIST 6History of World Religions3
HIST 7World History to 15003
HIST 8World History Since 15003
HIST 10Modern Latin America3
HIST 12Women in United States History 13
HIST 15History of California3
HIST 17United States History to 1877 13
HIST 18United States History from 1865 13
HIST 20History of Mexico3
HIST 23Chicano History 1848 to Present3
HIST 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
HIST 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
HUMA 10Exploration of Values in Living3
HUMA 30Humanities in Multicultural America3
HUMA 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
JPNS 2AIntermediate Japanese5
LING 10Foundations of Language3
LING 15Introduction to Linguistics3
LING 25Introduction to Language and Gender3
LING 30Introduction to the History of the English Language3
PHIL 2Introduction to Philosophy3
PHIL 4Introduction to Ethics3
PHIL 8Introduction to World Religions3
PHIL 13Introduction to Eastern Philosophy3
PHIL 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
POLS 12Politics in Film3
SIGN 1AElementary American Sign Language I5
SIGN 1BElementary American Sign Language II5
SIGN 2AIntermediate American Sign Language5
SIGN 2BAdvanced American Sign Language II5
SIGN 20Introduction to Deaf Culture3
SPAN 1Elementary Spanish I5
SPAN 1SElementary Spanish for Spanish Speakers I5
SPAN 2Elementary Spanish II5
SPAN 2SElementary Spanish for Spanish Speakers II5
SPAN 3Intermediate Spanish I5
SPAN 3SIntermediate Spanish for Spanish Speakers I5
SPAN 4Intermediate Spanish II5
SPAN 4SIntermediate Spanish for Spanish Speakers II5
SPAN 5Literature of the Spanish-Speaking World3
SPAN 18Spanish Through Film3
SPAN 22Spanish Composition and Conversation3
SPAN 45Hispanic and Latino/a Culture 4
SPAN 50AIntermediate Spanish Conversation I3
SPAN 50BIntermediate Spanish Conversation II3
SPAN 50CIntermediate Spanish Conversation III3
SPAN 50DIntermediate Spanish Conversation IV3
SPCH 5Oral Interpretation of Literature3
THEA 4Intercultural Drama3
THEA 6Script Analysis3
THEA 9History of Film: 1880s through 1950s3
THEA 10History of Film: 1950s to Present3
WRLD 4AThe Roman Republic and Rise of Empire (500 BCE - 14 CE)1
WRLD 4BThe Roman Empire (14 - 600 CE)1
WRLD 20The Classical World (1200 BCE - 14 CE)3

Course also partly satisfies the CSU Graduation Requirement in U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals.

Area D - Social Sciences

Select three units from the following.
ADMJ 2Introduction to Administration of Justice3
ANTH 2Introduction to Biological Anthropology3
ANTH 4Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH 6Introduction to Archaeology and Prehistory3
ANTH 8Primate Behavioral Ecology3
ANTH 20Native American and Indigenous Peoples of the United States3
ANTH 30Gender in Global Perspective3
COMM 35Introduction to Nonverbal Communication3
ECED 1Child Growth and Development3
ECED 55Child, Family, and Community3
ECED 56Teaching in a Diverse Society3
ECON 1The American Economic System3
ECON 2Principles of Economics: Macro3
ECON 4Principles of Economics: Micro3
ETNC 6Ethnic Images in Film3
ETNC 10Introduction to Ethnic Studies3
ETNC 13Introduction to Race and Ethnicity3
ETNC 14Sociology of Latinos and Latinas3
ETNC 16American Government and African American Politics 13
ETNC 18Chicanos in American Politics 13
ETNC 20Native American and Indigenous Peoples of the United States3
ETNC 22Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society3
ETNC 23Chicano History 1848 to Present3
ETNC 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
ETNC 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
GEOG 2Introduction to Physical Geography3
GEOG 4Introduction to Human Geography3
GEOG 5World Regional Geography3
GLST 1Introduction to Global Studies3
GLST 2Global Issues3
GWOS 1Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies3
GWOS 3Gender and Violence3
GWOS 4Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture3
GWOS 5Women of Color in the U.S.3
GWOS 8Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies3
GWOS 9Sports and Social Justice3
GWOS 10Gender in American Politics 13
GWOS 12Women in United States History 13
GWOS 30Gender in Global Perspective3
GWOS 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
HIST 4Western Civilization I3
HIST 5Western Civilization II3
HIST 7World History to 15003
HIST 8World History Since 15003
HIST 10Modern Latin America3
HIST 12Women in United States History 13
HIST 15History of California3
HIST 17United States History to 1877 13
HIST 18United States History from 1865 13
HIST 20History of Mexico3
HIST 23Chicano History 1848 to Present3
HIST 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
HIST 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
HUMA 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
HUMS 50Introduction to Human Services and Social Work3
KINS 44Sport in Society3
KINS 48Psychology of Fitness and Sport Performance3
LING 15Introduction to Linguistics3
LING 18Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology3
LING 25Introduction to Language and Gender3
LING 30Introduction to the History of the English Language3
LING 35Introduction to Nonverbal Communication3
LING 45Introduction to Language and Society3
LING 46Introduction to the Psychology of Language3
LING 50Introduction to Dialects from Here and There3
PHIL 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
POLS 1Introduction to American Government and Politics 13
POLS 2Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics3
POLS 3Introduction to Political Theory and Thought3
POLS 4Introduction to International Relations3
POLS 5Politics of Developing Countries3
POLS 10Gender in American Politics 13
POLS 11Politics of Migration and Citizenship3
POLS 14Introduction to the Politics of Identity3
PSYC 1General Psychology3
PSYC 3Introduction to Social Psychology3
PSYC 6Psychology of Women3
PSYC 25Lifespan Development3
PSYC 35Introduction to Abnormal Psychology3
PSYC 38Biological Psychology3
PSYC 40Human Sexuality3
PSYC 50Health Psychology3
SIGN 20Introduction to Deaf Culture3
SOCI 1Introduction to Sociology3
SOCI 2Contemporary Social Problems3
SOCI 3Introduction to Social Psychology3
SOCI 11Mass Media and Popular Culture3
SOCI 12Introduction to Gender and Sexuality3
SOCI 13Introduction to Race and Ethnicity3
SOCI 14Sociology of Latinos and Latinas3
SOCI 17Introduction to Crime and Deviance3
SOCI 22Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society3
SOCI 40Sociology of Marriages and Families3
SPCH 4Intercultural Communication3
SPCH 10Introduction to Communication Theory3
WRLD 4AThe Roman Republic and Rise of Empire (500 BCE - 14 CE)1
WRLD 4BThe Roman Empire (14 - 600 CE)1
WRLD 20The Classical World (1200 BCE - 14 CE)3

Course also partly satisfies the CSU Graduation Requirement in U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals.

Area E - Lifelong Learning and Self-Development

Select three units from the following.
BUSI 22Effective Leadership in Business3
COUN 50Making College Count3
COUN 51Career and Life Planning3
ECED 1Child Growth and Development3
HLTH 4Healthy Living3
HLTH 7Women's Health3
KINS 51Fitness and Wellness Strategies2
KINS 60Fitness Exercise Physiology1
NUTF 1Nutrition3
PHIL 4Introduction to Ethics3
PSYC 1General Psychology3
PSYC 6Psychology of Women3
PSYC 25Lifespan Development3
PSYC 38Biological Psychology3
PSYC 40Human Sexuality3
PSYC 50Health Psychology3
SOCI 1Introduction to Sociology3
SOCI 40Sociology of Marriages and Families3
Any of the following physical activity courses (maximum of 2 units may be applied toward Area E certification):
ADPE 6Adapted Functional Training1
ADPE 8Introduction to Adapted Physical Education0.5
ADPE 9Adapted Personal Fitness1.5
ADPE 10Adapted Weight Training1
ADPE 13Physical Education: Adapted1.5
ADPE 14Adapted Aerobics1
ADPE 15Heart Healthy Exercise1.5
ADPE 16Adapted Flexibility and Movement Techniques1
ATHL 21Competitive Golf0.5
DANC 1Introduction to Dance0.5
DANC 9Introduction to Choreography0.5
DANC 10AModern Dance I1
DANC 10BModern Dance II1
DANC 10CModern Dance III1
DANC 10DModern Dance IV1
DANC 11AJazz Dance I1
DANC 11BJazz Dance II1
DANC 11CJazz Dance III1
DANC 11DJazz Dance IV1
DANC 12ABallet I1
DANC 12BBallet II1
DANC 12CBallet III1
DANC 12DBallet IV1
DANC 14ABallroom Dance I0.5-1
DANC 14BBallroom Dance II0.5-1
DANC 14CBallroom Dance III0.5-1
DANC 14DBallroom Dance IV0.5-1
DANC 15AEthnic Dance Forms I1
DANC 15BEthnic Dance Forms II1
DANC 15CEthnic Dance Forms III1
DANC 15DEthnic Dance Forms IV1
DANC 17ATap Dance I1
DANC 18AHip Hop Dance I1
DANC 18BHip Hop Dance II1
DANC 18CHip Hop Dance III1
DANC 18DHip Hop Dance IV1
DANC 19ASalsa Dance I0.5
DANC 19BSalsa Dance II0.5
DANC 19CSalsa Dance III0.5
DANC 19DSalsa Dance IV0.5
DANC 21Introduction to Modern Dance Repertory1
PFIT 2Core Fitness Training1
PFIT 6Cross-Training1
PFIT 7Distance Training1
PFIT 8Aerobic Conditioning0.5
PFIT 9Personal Fitness1
PFIT 10ABeginning Weight Training0.5-1
PFIT 10BIntermediate Weight Training0.5-1
PFIT 10CAdvanced Weight Training0.5-1
PFIT 14Exercise for Health and Fitness0.5
PFIT 15ACore Matwork I0.5-1
PFIT 15BCore Matwork II0.5-1
PFIT 15CCore Matwork III0.5-1
PFIT 15DCore Matwork IV0.5-1
PFIT 16ATai Chi I0.5-1
PFIT 16BTai Chi II0.5-1
PFIT 16CTai Chi III0.5-1
PFIT 16DTai Chi IV0.5-1
PFIT 17AYoga I0.5-1
PFIT 17BYoga II0.5-1
PFIT 17CYoga III0.5-1
PFIT 17DYoga IV0.5-1
PFIT 18AAerobic Fitness I0.5-1
PFIT 18BAerobic Fitness II0.5
PFIT 18CAerobic Fitness III0.5-1
PFIT 18DAerobic Fitness IV0.5-1
PFIT 19ABody Sculpting I1
PFIT 19BBody Sculpting II1
PFIT 19CBody Sculpting III1
PFIT 19DBody Sculpting IV1
PFIT 20Circuit Training1
PFIT 21AFlexibility and Relaxation Techniques I1
PFIT 21BFlexibility and Relaxation Techniques II1
PFIT 21CFlexibility and Relaxation Techniques III1
PFIT 22AFitness Through Swimming I1
PFIT 22BFitness Through Swimming II1
PFIT 22CFitness Through Swimming III1
PFIT 22DFitness Through Swimming IV1
PFIT 23AFunctional Fitness I1
PFIT 23BFunctional Fitness II1
PFIT 23CFunctional Fitness III1
PFIT 23DFunctional Fitness IV1
PFIT 24AAqua Aerobics I1
PFIT 24BAqua Aerobics II1
PFIT 30ATriathlon Training I1
PFIT 30BTriathlon Training II1
PFIT 30CTriathlon Training III1
PFIT 50Independent Fitness and Testing Program1
PHED 2AGolf I1
PHED 5ATennis I1
PHED 5BTennis II1
PHED 5DTennis III1
PHED 5ETennis IV1
PHED 6ASoccer I1
PHED 6BSoccer II1
PHED 6CSoccer III1
PHED 7ASwimming I1
PHED 7BSwimming II1
PHED 9APickleball I1
PHED 9BPickleball II1
PHED 9CPickleball III1
PHED 9DPickleball IV1
PHED 10AFlag Football I1
PHED 10BFlag Football II1
PHED 12BCompetitive Swimming I1
PHED 12CCompetitive Swimming II1
PHED 12DCompetitive Swimming III1
PHED 12ECompetitive Swimming IV1
PHED 15AVolleyball I1
PHED 15BVolleyball II1
PHED 15DVolleyball III1
PHED 15EVolleyball IV1
PHED 22AIntroduction to Basketball1
PHED 22BIntermediate Basketball1
PHED 22CIntermediate/Advanced Basketball1
PHED 22DAdvanced Basketball1
PHED 23AMartial Arts/Self-Defense I1
PHED 23BMartial Arts/Self-Defense II1
PHED 23CMartial Arts/Self-Defense III1
PHED 23DMartial Arts/Self-Defense IV1
PHED 24ABeach Volleyball I1
PHED 24BBeach Volleyball II1
PHED 24C Beach Volleyball III1
PHED 24DBeach Volleyball IV1

Note:  Submission of DD 214 clears this area requirement for CSU GE credit.

Area F - Ethnic Studies

Select three units from the following.
ETNC 22Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society3
SOCI 22Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society3

CSU Graduation Requirement: U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals

Completion of the following areas (US-1, US-2, US-3) prior to transfer is strongly recommended. The courses below may also be used to satisfy up to six units in Area C2 or D.

US-1: Historical Development of American Institutions & Ideals
ETNC 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
ETNC 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
GWOS 12Women in United States History3
HIST 12Women in United States History3
HIST 17United States History to 18773
HIST 18United States History from 18653
HIST 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
HIST 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
US-2: U.S. Constitution & Government
ETNC 16American Government and African American Politics 13
ETNC 18Chicanos in American Politics 13
ETNC 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
ETNC 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
GWOS 10Gender in American Politics 13
HIST 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
HIST 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
POLS 1Introduction to American Government and Politics 13
POLS 10Gender in American Politics 13
US-3: California State & Local Government
ETNC 16American Government and African American Politics 13
ETNC 18Chicanos in American Politics 13
GWOS 10Gender in American Politics 13
POLS 1Introduction to American Government and Politics 13
POLS 10Gender in American Politics 13

Course may be used to satisfy more than one US area.

Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) 2024-2025

The IGETC is a selection of courses that community college students can use to satisfy lower-division general education requirements at any CSU or UC campus. This pattern is recommended for students who want to keep their options open before making a final decision about transferring to a particular CSU or UC campus.

Completion of this pattern satisfies the 37 units of lower-division general education requirements for transfer to any CSU or UC campus as well as the general education requirements for the Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T, AS-T) and for the associate degree (AA, AS, AS-UCT). Courses listed in more than one area may be used to satisfy only one area. The course requirements for all areas must be completed before IGETC can be certified. All courses must be completed with grades of ‘C’ or better (a grade of ‘C-’ is not acceptable). Consult with a counselor regarding your education plan.

Area 1 - English Communication

- CSU requirement (9 units): Three courses, one each from 1A, 1B, and 1C.
- UC requirement (6 units): Two courses, one from 1A and one from 1B.
1A English Composition 1
ENGL 1ACollege Composition3
or ENGL 1AE College Composition: Enhanced
1B Critical Thinking - English Composition 2
ENGL 2Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking3
or PHIL 10 Introduction to Critical Thinking
1C Oral Communication (CSU Requirement Only) 2
SPCH 1Public Speaking3
or SPCH 2 Small Group Communication

No IB score accepted for this area.


No AP or IB score accepted for this area.

Area 2 - Mathematical Concepts and Quantitative Reasoning

Select one course from the following. (3 units)
MATH 10Mathematics for General Education4
MATH 13Pre-Calculus5
MATH 13ACollege Algebra for STEM4
MATH 16Elementary Statistics4
MATH 17Finite Math4
MATH 18Calculus and Analytic Geometry for Biology/Soc Sci/Business4
MATH 20ACalculus with Analytic Geometry I4
MATH 20BCalculus with Analytic Geometry II4
MATH 20CCalculus of Several Variables4
MATH 31Linear Algebra4
MATH 32Differential Equations4
MATH 40Discrete Mathematics3
PSYC 19Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences4
SOCI 19Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences4

Area 3 - Arts and Humanities

Select at least three courses, with at least one course from 3A and at least one course from 3B. (9 units)
3A Arts
ARTB 10Survey of the Arts3
ARTH 1Understanding Art3
ARTH 3Western Art I3
ARTH 4Western Art II3
ARTH 8Survey of Asian Art3
ARTH 12Greek and Roman Art and Architecture3
ARTH 14Renaissance Art and Architecture3
ARTP 14History of Photography3
DANC 5Dance Appreciation3
DANC 6World Cultural Dance3
ETNC 4Mexican-American and Chicano Art 3
ETNC 5African-American Arts and Music 3
GWOS 4Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture3
MUSI 1Music Appreciation3
MUSI 2Introduction to Broadway Musicals3
MUSI 10AMusic Theory and Musicianship I4
MUSI 10BMusic Theory and Musicianship II4
THEA 1Introduction to Theatre3
THEA 4Intercultural Drama3
THEA 5Film Appreciation3
THEA 6Script Analysis3
THEA 9History of Film: 1880s through 1950s3
THEA 10History of Film: 1950s to Present3
THEA 53Theatre Enjoyment3
3B Humanities
ENGL 1BIntroduction to Literature3
ENGL 5Introduction to Great Books3
ENGL 11Literature by and About Women3
ENGL 17Introduction to Shakespeare3
ENGL 22Introduction to Poetry3
ENGL 40ASurvey of American Literature I3
ENGL 40BSurvey of American Literature II3
ENGL 43Comics As Literature3
ENGL 44Survey of World Literature I3
ENGL 45Survey of World Literature II3
ENGL 46Survey of British Literature I3
ENGL 47Survey of British Literature II3
ENGL 48Latin American Literature3
ENGL 49Introduction to the Novel3
ETNC 4Mexican-American and Chicano Art 3
ETNC 5African-American Arts and Music 3
ETNC 6Ethnic Images in Film3
ETNC 23Chicano History 1848 to Present3
ETNC 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
ETNC 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
FREN 2AIntermediate French5
FREN 2BAdvanced French5
GENT 21Medieval and Renaissance Europe (400-1520)3
GENT 22The Age of Revolution (1690-1870)3
GENT 23The Modern World (1870-Present)3
GWOS 4Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture3
GWOS 5Women of Color in the U.S.3
GWOS 11Literature by and About Women3
GWOS 12Women in United States History 13
GWOS 15Introduction to LGBTQ Global Literatures3
GWOS 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
HIST 4Western Civilization I3
HIST 5Western Civilization II3
HIST 6History of World Religions3
HIST 7World History to 15003
HIST 8World History Since 15003
HIST 10Modern Latin America3
HIST 12Women in United States History 13
HIST 15History of California3
HIST 17United States History to 1877 13
HIST 18United States History from 1865 13
HIST 20History of Mexico3
HIST 23Chicano History 1848 to Present3
HIST 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
HIST 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
HUMA 10Exploration of Values in Living3
HUMA 30Humanities in Multicultural America3
HUMA 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
JPNS 2AIntermediate Japanese5
LING 10Foundations of Language3
LING 15Introduction to Linguistics3
LING 25Introduction to Language and Gender3
LING 30Introduction to the History of the English Language3
PHIL 2Introduction to Philosophy3
PHIL 4Introduction to Ethics3
PHIL 8Introduction to World Religions3
PHIL 13Introduction to Eastern Philosophy3
PHIL 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
POLS 12Politics in Film3
SIGN 2AIntermediate American Sign Language5
SIGN 20Introduction to Deaf Culture3
SPAN 3Intermediate Spanish I5
SPAN 3SIntermediate Spanish for Spanish Speakers I5
SPAN 4Intermediate Spanish II5
SPAN 4SIntermediate Spanish for Spanish Speakers II5
SPAN 5Literature of the Spanish-Speaking World3
SPAN 18Spanish Through Film3
SPAN 22Spanish Composition and Conversation3
SPAN 45Hispanic and Latino/a Culture 4
SPAN 50AIntermediate Spanish Conversation I3
SPAN 50BIntermediate Spanish Conversation II3
THEA 4Intercultural Drama3
THEA 9History of Film: 1880s through 1950s3
THEA 10History of Film: 1950s to Present3
WRLD 20The Classical World (1200 BCE - 14 CE)3

Course also partly satisfies the CSU Graduation Requirement in U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals.

Area 4 - Social and Behavioral Sciences

Select at least two courses from at least two disciplines. (6 units)
ADMJ 2Introduction to Administration of Justice3
ANTH 2Introduction to Biological Anthropology3
ANTH 4Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH 6Introduction to Archaeology and Prehistory3
ANTH 8Primate Behavioral Ecology3
ANTH 20Native American and Indigenous Peoples of the United States3
ANTH 30Gender in Global Perspective3
ECED 1Child Growth and Development3
ECED 55Child, Family, and Community3
ECON 1The American Economic System3
ECON 2Principles of Economics: Macro3
ECON 4Principles of Economics: Micro3
ETNC 6Ethnic Images in Film3
ETNC 10Introduction to Ethnic Studies3
ETNC 13Introduction to Race and Ethnicity3
ETNC 14Sociology of Latinos and Latinas3
ETNC 16American Government and African American Politics 13
ETNC 18Chicanos in American Politics 13
ETNC 20Native American and Indigenous Peoples of the United States3
ETNC 22Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society3
ETNC 23Chicano History 1848 to Present3
ETNC 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
ETNC 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
GEOG 2Introduction to Physical Geography3
GEOG 4Introduction to Human Geography3
GEOG 5World Regional Geography3
GLST 1Introduction to Global Studies3
GLST 2Global Issues3
GWOS 1Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies3
GWOS 3Gender and Violence3
GWOS 4Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture3
GWOS 5Women of Color in the U.S.3
GWOS 8Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies3
GWOS 9Sports and Social Justice3
GWOS 10Gender in American Politics 13
GWOS 12Women in United States History 13
GWOS 30Gender in Global Perspective3
GWOS 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
HIST 4Western Civilization I3
HIST 5Western Civilization II3
HIST 7World History to 15003
HIST 8World History Since 15003
HIST 10Modern Latin America3
HIST 12Women in United States History 13
HIST 15History of California3
HIST 17United States History to 1877 13
HIST 18United States History from 1865 13
HIST 20History of Mexico3
HIST 23Chicano History 1848 to Present3
HIST 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
HIST 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
HUMA 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
LING 15Introduction to Linguistics3
LING 18Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology3
LING 25Introduction to Language and Gender3
LING 30Introduction to the History of the English Language3
LING 45Introduction to Language and Society3
LING 46Introduction to the Psychology of Language3
PHIL 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
POLS 1Introduction to American Government and Politics 13
POLS 2Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics3
POLS 3Introduction to Political Theory and Thought3
POLS 4Introduction to International Relations3
POLS 5Politics of Developing Countries3
POLS 10Gender in American Politics 13
POLS 11Politics of Migration and Citizenship3
PSYC 1General Psychology3
PSYC 3Introduction to Social Psychology3
PSYC 6Psychology of Women3
PSYC 25Lifespan Development3
PSYC 35Introduction to Abnormal Psychology3
PSYC 38Biological Psychology3
PSYC 40Human Sexuality3
SIGN 20Introduction to Deaf Culture3
SOCI 1Introduction to Sociology3
SOCI 2Contemporary Social Problems3
SOCI 3Introduction to Social Psychology3
SOCI 11Mass Media and Popular Culture3
SOCI 12Introduction to Gender and Sexuality3
SOCI 13Introduction to Race and Ethnicity3
SOCI 14Sociology of Latinos and Latinas3
SOCI 17Introduction to Crime and Deviance3
SOCI 22Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society3
SOCI 40Sociology of Marriages and Families3
SPCH 4Intercultural Communication3
SPCH 10Introduction to Communication Theory3
WRLD 20The Classical World (1200 BCE - 14 CE)3

Course also partly satisfies the CSU Graduation Requirement in U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals.

Area 5 - Physical and Biological Sciences

Select at least two courses, one from 5A and one from 5B; at least one must include a 5C laboratory course. (7 units)
5A Physical Science
ASTR 10Introduction to Astronomy 13
BIOL 31Introduction to Environmental Science3
CHEM 1AGeneral Chemistry I 15
CHEM 1BGeneral Chemistry II 15
CHEM 2Fundamental Chemistry 14
CHEM 10Everyday Chemistry 14
CHEM 12AOrganic Chemistry I 15
CHEM 12BOrganic Chemistry II 15
CHEM 30AIntroductory Chemistry for Health Sciences 14
CHEM 30BOrganic and Biological Chemistry for Health Sciences 14
GEOL 2Physical Geology 13
GEOL 3Historical Geology 13
GEOL 9Earth Catastrophes and Disasters3
GEOL 12Earth Ocean Climate: Introduction to Earth Science 13
OCEN 2Introductory Oceanography 13
PHYS 2AGeneral Physics I 14
PHYS 2BGeneral Physics II 14
PHYS 3AScience and Engineering Physics I 14
PHYS 3BScience and Engineering Physics II 14
PHYS 3CScience and Engineering Physics III 14
PHYS 10Introduction to Physics 14
PHYS 12Integrated Physics and Chemistry 14
5B Biological Science
ANAT 1Human Anatomy with Cadaver Lab 14
ANAT 5Human Biology 14
ANTH 2Introduction to Biological Anthropology3
BIOL 10Principles of Biology 14
BIOL 13Marine Biology 14
BIOL 21Concepts in Biology I: Cells, Genetics, and Organisms 15
BIOL 22Concepts in Biology II: Diversity, Ecology, and Evolution 15
BIOL 25Applied Microbiology Lecture3
BIOL 30Introduction to Genetics3
BIOL 31Introduction to Environmental Science3
PHSO 1Human Physiology3
PSYC 38Biological Psychology3
5C Science Laboratory
ANAT 1Human Anatomy with Cadaver Lab4
ANAT 5Human Biology4
ANTH 2LBiological Anthropology Laboratory1
ASTR 10LIntroduction to Astronomy Laboratory1
BIOL 10Principles of Biology4
BIOL 13Marine Biology4
BIOL 21Concepts in Biology I: Cells, Genetics, and Organisms5
BIOL 22Concepts in Biology II: Diversity, Ecology, and Evolution5
BIOL 26Applied Microbiology Laboratory1
BIOL 32Environmental Science Laboratory1
CHEM 1AGeneral Chemistry I5
CHEM 1BGeneral Chemistry II5
CHEM 2Fundamental Chemistry4
CHEM 10Everyday Chemistry4
CHEM 12AOrganic Chemistry I5
CHEM 12BOrganic Chemistry II5
CHEM 30AIntroductory Chemistry for Health Sciences4
CHEM 30BOrganic and Biological Chemistry for Health Sciences4
GEOL 2LPhysical Geology Laboratory1
GEOL 3LHistorical Geology Lab1
GEOL 12LEarth Ocean Climate: Introduction to Earth Science Lab1
OCEN 2LIntroductory Oceanography Lab1
PHSO 2Human Physiology Lab2
PHYS 2AGeneral Physics I4
PHYS 2BGeneral Physics II4
PHYS 3AScience and Engineering Physics I4
PHYS 3BScience and Engineering Physics II4
PHYS 3CScience and Engineering Physics III4
PHYS 10Introduction to Physics4
PHYS 12Integrated Physics and Chemistry4

Course has a laboratory component in 5C.

Area 6 - Language Other Than English (UC requirement only)

Proficiency equivalent to two years of high school study in the same language.
FREN 1AElementary French I5
FREN 1BElementary French II5
FREN 2AIntermediate French5
FREN 2BAdvanced French5
JPNS 1AElementary Japanese I5
JPNS 1BElementary Japanese II5
JPNS 2AIntermediate Japanese5
SIGN 1AElementary American Sign Language I5
SIGN 1BElementary American Sign Language II5
SIGN 2AIntermediate American Sign Language5
SIGN 2BAdvanced American Sign Language II5
SPAN 1Elementary Spanish I5
SPAN 1SElementary Spanish for Spanish Speakers I5
SPAN 2Elementary Spanish II5
SPAN 2SElementary Spanish for Spanish Speakers II5
SPAN 3Intermediate Spanish I5
SPAN 3SIntermediate Spanish for Spanish Speakers I5
SPAN 4Intermediate Spanish II5
SPAN 4SIntermediate Spanish for Spanish Speakers II5
SPAN 22Spanish Composition and Conversation3
SPAN 50AIntermediate Spanish Conversation I3
SPAN 50BIntermediate Spanish Conversation II3

Area 7 - Ethnic Studies

Required for new students who started in Fall 2023. Students who maintained continuous enrollment with catalog rights prior to Fall 2023 may opt to complete the version of IGETC pattern without Area 7 and with the Area 4 requirement of 3 courses/9 units in at least two different disciplines.

ETNC 22Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society3
SOCI 22Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society3

CSU Graduation Requirement: U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals

(Not part of IGETC; may be completed prior to transfer)

Complete all areas: US-1, US-2, US-3.  The courses below may also be used to satisfy Area 3B or 4.

US-1: Historical Development of American Institutions & Ideals
ETNC 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
ETNC 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
GWOS 12Women in United States History3
HIST 12Women in United States History3
HIST 17United States History to 18773
HIST 18United States History from 18653
HIST 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
HIST 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
US-2: U.S. Constitution & Government
ETNC 16American Government and African American Politics 13
ETNC 18Chicanos in American Politics 13
ETNC 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
ETNC 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
GWOS 10Gender in American Politics 13
HIST 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
HIST 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
POLS 1Introduction to American Government and Politics 13
POLS 10Gender in American Politics 13
US-3: California State & Local Government
ETNC 16American Government and African American Politics 13
ETNC 18Chicanos in American Politics 13
GWOS 10Gender in American Politics 13
POLS 1Introduction to American Government and Politics 13
POLS 10Gender in American Politics 13

Course may be used to satisfy more than one US area.

 Note: Courses used to meet IGETC requirements may be used to satisfy this CSU graduation requirement at the discretion of the receiving CSU campus.

Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) for STEM 2024-2025

The IGETC for STEM is a variation of the IGETC pattern that community college students can use to satisfy lower-division general education requirements at any CSU or select UC campus. This pattern is used for designated Associate Degree for Transfer programs (currently only Biology AS-T, Chemistry AS-T, and Environmental Science AS-T).

Completion of this pattern satisfies the 31 units of lower-division general education requirements for transfer to any CSU with an Associate Degree for Transfer that allows IGETC for STEM, or to a UC school/college/major program that accepts partial IGETC certification.

Complete 6 units in Area 3 and 3 units in Area 4 before transfer; the remaining 3 units in those two areas, as well as Area 6 for UC-bound students, must be completed after transfer. Courses listed in more than one area may be used to satisfy only one area. All courses must be completed with grades of ‘C’ or better (a grade of ‘C-’ is not acceptable). Consult with a counselor regarding your education plan.

Area 1 - English Communication

- CSU requirement (9 units): Three courses, one each from 1A, 1B, and 1C.
- UC requirement (6 units): Two courses, one each from 1A and 1B.
1A English Composition 1
College Composition
College Composition: Enhanced
1B Critical Thinking - English Composition 2
Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking
Introduction to Critical Thinking
1C Oral Communication (CSU Requirement Only) 2
Public Speaking
Small Group Communication

No IB score accepted for this area.


No AP or IB score accepted for this area.

Area 2 - Mathematical Concepts and Quantitative Reasoning

Select one course. (3 units)
MATH 10Mathematics for General Education4
MATH 13Pre-Calculus5
MATH 13ACollege Algebra for STEM4
MATH 16Elementary Statistics4
MATH 17Finite Math4
MATH 18Calculus and Analytic Geometry for Biology/Soc Sci/Business4
MATH 20ACalculus with Analytic Geometry I4
MATH 20BCalculus with Analytic Geometry II4
MATH 20CCalculus of Several Variables4
MATH 31Linear Algebra4
MATH 32Differential Equations4
MATH 40Discrete Mathematics3
PSYC 19Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences4
SOCI 19Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences4

Area 3 - Arts and Humanities

Select at least two courses, with at least one from 3A and one from 3B. (6 units)
3A Arts
ARTB 10Survey of the Arts3
ARTH 1Understanding Art3
ARTH 3Western Art I3
ARTH 4Western Art II3
ARTH 8Survey of Asian Art3
ARTH 12Greek and Roman Art and Architecture3
ARTH 14Renaissance Art and Architecture3
ARTP 14History of Photography3
DANC 5Dance Appreciation3
DANC 6World Cultural Dance3
ETNC 4Mexican-American and Chicano Art 3
ETNC 5African-American Arts and Music 3
GWOS 4Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture3
MUSI 1Music Appreciation3
MUSI 2Introduction to Broadway Musicals3
MUSI 10AMusic Theory and Musicianship I4
MUSI 10BMusic Theory and Musicianship II4
THEA 1Introduction to Theatre3
THEA 4Intercultural Drama3
THEA 5Film Appreciation3
THEA 6Script Analysis3
THEA 9History of Film: 1880s through 1950s3
THEA 10History of Film: 1950s to Present3
THEA 53Theatre Enjoyment3
3B Humanities
ENGL 1BIntroduction to Literature3
ENGL 5Introduction to Great Books3
ENGL 11Literature by and About Women3
ENGL 17Introduction to Shakespeare3
ENGL 22Introduction to Poetry3
ENGL 40ASurvey of American Literature I3
ENGL 40BSurvey of American Literature II3
ENGL 43Comics As Literature3
ENGL 44Survey of World Literature I3
ENGL 45Survey of World Literature II3
ENGL 46Survey of British Literature I3
ENGL 47Survey of British Literature II3
ENGL 48Latin American Literature3
ENGL 49Introduction to the Novel3
ETNC 4Mexican-American and Chicano Art 3
ETNC 5African-American Arts and Music 3
ETNC 6Ethnic Images in Film3
ETNC 23Chicano History 1848 to Present3
ETNC 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
ETNC 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
FREN 2AIntermediate French5
FREN 2BAdvanced French5
GENT 21Medieval and Renaissance Europe (400-1520)3
GENT 22The Age of Revolution (1690-1870)3
GENT 23The Modern World (1870-Present)3
GWOS 4Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture3
GWOS 5Women of Color in the U.S.3
GWOS 11Literature by and About Women3
GWOS 12Women in United States History 13
GWOS 15Introduction to LGBTQ Global Literatures3
GWOS 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
HIST 4Western Civilization I3
HIST 5Western Civilization II3
HIST 6History of World Religions3
HIST 7World History to 15003
HIST 8World History Since 15003
HIST 10Modern Latin America3
HIST 12Women in United States History 13
HIST 15History of California3
HIST 17United States History to 1877 13
HIST 18United States History from 1865 13
HIST 20History of Mexico3
HIST 23Chicano History 1848 to Present3
HIST 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
HIST 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
HUMA 10Exploration of Values in Living3
HUMA 30Humanities in Multicultural America3
HUMA 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
JPNS 2AIntermediate Japanese5
LING 10Foundations of Language3
LING 15Introduction to Linguistics3
LING 25Introduction to Language and Gender3
LING 30Introduction to the History of the English Language3
PHIL 2Introduction to Philosophy3
PHIL 4Introduction to Ethics3
PHIL 8Introduction to World Religions3
PHIL 13Introduction to Eastern Philosophy3
PHIL 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
POLS 12Politics in Film3
SIGN 2AIntermediate American Sign Language5
SIGN 20Introduction to Deaf Culture3
SPAN 3Intermediate Spanish I5
SPAN 3SIntermediate Spanish for Spanish Speakers I5
SPAN 4Intermediate Spanish II5
SPAN 4SIntermediate Spanish for Spanish Speakers II5
SPAN 5Literature of the Spanish-Speaking World3
SPAN 18Spanish Through Film3
SPAN 22Spanish Composition and Conversation3
SPAN 45Hispanic and Latino/a Culture 4
SPAN 50AIntermediate Spanish Conversation I3
SPAN 50BIntermediate Spanish Conversation II3
THEA 4Intercultural Drama3
THEA 9History of Film: 1880s through 1950s3
THEA 10History of Film: 1950s to Present3
WRLD 20The Classical World (1200 BCE - 14 CE)3

Course also partly satisfies the CSU Graduation Requirement in U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals.

Area 4 - Social and Behavioral Sciences

Select at least one course. (3 units)
ADMJ 2Introduction to Administration of Justice3
ANTH 2Introduction to Biological Anthropology3
ANTH 4Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH 6Introduction to Archaeology and Prehistory3
ANTH 8Primate Behavioral Ecology3
ANTH 20Native American and Indigenous Peoples of the United States3
ANTH 30Gender in Global Perspective3
ECED 1Child Growth and Development3
ECED 55Child, Family, and Community3
ECON 1The American Economic System3
ECON 2Principles of Economics: Macro3
ECON 4Principles of Economics: Micro3
ETNC 6Ethnic Images in Film3
ETNC 10Introduction to Ethnic Studies3
ETNC 13Introduction to Race and Ethnicity3
ETNC 14Sociology of Latinos and Latinas3
ETNC 16American Government and African American Politics 13
ETNC 18Chicanos in American Politics 13
ETNC 20Native American and Indigenous Peoples of the United States3
ETNC 22Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society3
ETNC 23Chicano History 1848 to Present3
ETNC 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
ETNC 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
GEOG 2Introduction to Physical Geography3
GEOG 4Introduction to Human Geography3
GEOG 5World Regional Geography3
GLST 1Introduction to Global Studies3
GLST 2Global Issues3
GWOS 1Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies3
GWOS 3Gender and Violence3
GWOS 4Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture3
GWOS 5Women of Color in the U.S.3
GWOS 8Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies3
GWOS 9Sports and Social Justice3
GWOS 10Gender in American Politics 13
GWOS 12Women in United States History 13
GWOS 30Gender in Global Perspective3
GWOS 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
HIST 4Western Civilization I3
HIST 5Western Civilization II3
HIST 7World History to 15003
HIST 8World History Since 15003
HIST 10Modern Latin America3
HIST 12Women in United States History 13
HIST 15History of California3
HIST 17United States History to 1877 13
HIST 18United States History from 1865 13
HIST 20History of Mexico3
HIST 23Chicano History 1848 to Present3
HIST 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
HIST 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
HUMA 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
LING 15Introduction to Linguistics3
LING 18Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology3
LING 25Introduction to Language and Gender3
LING 30Introduction to the History of the English Language3
LING 45Introduction to Language and Society3
LING 46Introduction to the Psychology of Language3
PHIL 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
POLS 1Introduction to American Government and Politics 13
POLS 2Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics3
POLS 3Introduction to Political Theory and Thought3
POLS 4Introduction to International Relations3
POLS 5Politics of Developing Countries3
POLS 10Gender in American Politics 13
POLS 11Politics of Migration and Citizenship3
PSYC 1General Psychology3
PSYC 3Introduction to Social Psychology3
PSYC 6Psychology of Women3
PSYC 25Lifespan Development3
PSYC 35Introduction to Abnormal Psychology3
PSYC 38Biological Psychology3
PSYC 40Human Sexuality3
SIGN 20Introduction to Deaf Culture3
SOCI 1Introduction to Sociology3
SOCI 2Contemporary Social Problems3
SOCI 3Introduction to Social Psychology3
SOCI 11Mass Media and Popular Culture3
SOCI 12Introduction to Gender and Sexuality3
SOCI 13Introduction to Race and Ethnicity3
SOCI 14Sociology of Latinos and Latinas3
SOCI 17Introduction to Crime and Deviance3
SOCI 22Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society3
SOCI 40Sociology of Marriages and Families3
SPCH 4Intercultural Communication3
SPCH 10Introduction to Communication Theory3
WRLD 20The Classical World (1200 BCE - 14 CE)3

Course also partly satisfies the CSU Graduation Requirement in U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals.

Area 5 - Physical and Biological Sciences

Select at least two courses, one from 5A and one from 5B; at least one must include a 5C laboratory course. (7 units)
5A Physical Science
ASTR 10Introduction to Astronomy 13
BIOL 31Introduction to Environmental Science3
CHEM 1AGeneral Chemistry I 15
CHEM 1BGeneral Chemistry II 15
CHEM 2Fundamental Chemistry 14
CHEM 10Everyday Chemistry 14
CHEM 12AOrganic Chemistry I 15
CHEM 12BOrganic Chemistry II 15
CHEM 30AIntroductory Chemistry for Health Sciences 14
CHEM 30BOrganic and Biological Chemistry for Health Sciences 14
GEOL 2Physical Geology 13
GEOL 3Historical Geology 13
GEOL 9Earth Catastrophes and Disasters3
GEOL 12Earth Ocean Climate: Introduction to Earth Science 13
OCEN 2Introductory Oceanography 13
PHYS 2AGeneral Physics I 14
PHYS 2BGeneral Physics II 14
PHYS 3AScience and Engineering Physics I 14
PHYS 3BScience and Engineering Physics II 14
PHYS 3CScience and Engineering Physics III 14
PHYS 10Introduction to Physics 14
PHYS 12Integrated Physics and Chemistry 14
5B Biological Science
ANAT 1Human Anatomy with Cadaver Lab 14
ANAT 5Human Biology 14
ANTH 2Introduction to Biological Anthropology3
BIOL 10Principles of Biology 14
BIOL 13Marine Biology 14
BIOL 21Concepts in Biology I: Cells, Genetics, and Organisms 15
BIOL 22Concepts in Biology II: Diversity, Ecology, and Evolution 15
BIOL 25Applied Microbiology Lecture3
BIOL 30Introduction to Genetics3
BIOL 31Introduction to Environmental Science3
PHSO 1Human Physiology3
PSYC 38Biological Psychology3
5C Science Laboratory
ANAT 1Human Anatomy with Cadaver Lab4
ANAT 5Human Biology4
ANTH 2LBiological Anthropology Laboratory1
ASTR 10LIntroduction to Astronomy Laboratory1
BIOL 10Principles of Biology4
BIOL 13Marine Biology4
BIOL 21Concepts in Biology I: Cells, Genetics, and Organisms5
BIOL 22Concepts in Biology II: Diversity, Ecology, and Evolution5
BIOL 26Applied Microbiology Laboratory1
BIOL 32Environmental Science Laboratory1
CHEM 1AGeneral Chemistry I5
CHEM 1BGeneral Chemistry II5
CHEM 2Fundamental Chemistry4
CHEM 10Everyday Chemistry4
CHEM 12AOrganic Chemistry I5
CHEM 12BOrganic Chemistry II5
CHEM 30AIntroductory Chemistry for Health Sciences4
CHEM 30BOrganic and Biological Chemistry for Health Sciences4
GEOL 2LPhysical Geology Laboratory1
GEOL 3LHistorical Geology Lab1
GEOL 12LEarth Ocean Climate: Introduction to Earth Science Lab1
OCEN 2LIntroductory Oceanography Lab1
PHSO 2Human Physiology Lab2
PHYS 2AGeneral Physics I4
PHYS 2BGeneral Physics II4
PHYS 3AScience and Engineering Physics I4
PHYS 3BScience and Engineering Physics II4
PHYS 3CScience and Engineering Physics III4
PHYS 10Introduction to Physics4
PHYS 12Integrated Physics and Chemistry4

Course has a laboratory component in 5C.

Area 6 - Language Other Than English (UC requirement only)

Not required for IGETC for STEM certification
Proficiency equivalent to two years of high school study in the same language.
FREN 1AElementary French I5
FREN 1BElementary French II5
FREN 2AIntermediate French5
FREN 2BAdvanced French5
JPNS 1AElementary Japanese I5
JPNS 1BElementary Japanese II5
JPNS 2AIntermediate Japanese5
SIGN 1AElementary American Sign Language I5
SIGN 1BElementary American Sign Language II5
SIGN 2AIntermediate American Sign Language5
SIGN 2BAdvanced American Sign Language II5
SPAN 1Elementary Spanish I5
SPAN 1SElementary Spanish for Spanish Speakers I5
SPAN 2Elementary Spanish II5
SPAN 2SElementary Spanish for Spanish Speakers II5
SPAN 3Intermediate Spanish I5
SPAN 3SIntermediate Spanish for Spanish Speakers I5
SPAN 4Intermediate Spanish II5
SPAN 4SIntermediate Spanish for Spanish Speakers II5
SPAN 22Spanish Composition and Conversation3
SPAN 50AIntermediate Spanish Conversation I3
SPAN 50BIntermediate Spanish Conversation II3

Area 7 - Ethnic Studies

Required for new students who start in Fall 2023. Students who maintained continuous enrollment with catalog rights prior to Fall 2023 may opt to complete the version of IGETC for STEM pattern without Area 7 and with the Area 4 requirement of 6 units in two different disciplines.

Select one course. (3 units)
ETNC 22Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society3
SOCI 22Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society3

CSU Graduation Requirement: U.S. History, Constitution, and American Ideals

(Not part of IGETC for STEM; may be completed prior to transfer)

Complete all areas: US-1, US-2, US-3.  The courses below may also be used to satisfy Area 3B or 4.

US-1: Historical Development of American Institutions & Ideals
ETNC 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
ETNC 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
GWOS 12Women in United States History3
HIST 12Women in United States History3
HIST 17United States History to 18773
HIST 18United States History from 18653
HIST 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
HIST 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
US-2: U.S. Constitution & Government
ETNC 16American Government and African American Politics 13
ETNC 18Chicanos in American Politics 13
ETNC 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
ETNC 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
GWOS 10Gender in American Politics 13
HIST 24African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 13
HIST 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 13
POLS 1Introduction to American Government and Politics 13
POLS 10Gender in American Politics 13
US-3: California State & Local Government
ETNC 16American Government and African American Politics 13
ETNC 18Chicanos in American Politics 13
GWOS 10Gender in American Politics 13
POLS 1Introduction to American Government and Politics 13
POLS 10Gender in American Politics 13

Course may be used to satisfy more than one US area.

Note:  Courses used to meet IGETC for STEM requirements may be used to satisfy this CSU graduation requirement at the discretion of the receiving CSU campus.

MPC General Education 2024-2025

The MPC General Education pattern is intended to provide a broad educational foundation for students enrolled in a Career Education or local associate degree not intended for transfer.

Completion of this pattern satisfies the general education requirements for the non-transfer associate degree only (AA, AS.) Courses listed in more than one area may be used to satisfy only one area. Consult with a counselor regarding your education plan.

Area A - Communication Skills

Select 3 units from each area A1 and A2. (6 units)
A1 English Composition
ENGL 1ACollege Composition3
or ENGL 1AE College Composition: Enhanced
A2 Communication & Analytical Thinking
Select one course from the following.
BUSI 42Human Resources Management3
BUSI 110Business Mathematics3
CSIS 1Computer Information Systems3
CSIS 9Programming Fundamentals: Python3
CSIS 10AProgramming Methods I: Java4
CSIS 87Computer Forensics3
EDUC 2Critical Thinking and Public Education3
ENGL 2Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking3
LING 49Introduction to Discourse Analysis3
MATH 10Mathematics for General Education4
MATH 12Number Systems4
MATH 13Pre-Calculus5
MATH 13ACollege Algebra for STEM4
MATH 13BTrigonometry3
MATH 16Elementary Statistics4
MATH 17Finite Math4
MATH 18Calculus and Analytic Geometry for Biology/Soc Sci/Business4
MATH 20ACalculus with Analytic Geometry I4
PHIL 6Introduction to Logic3
PHIL 10Introduction to Critical Thinking3
POLS 7Introduction to Political Science Research Methods3
PSYC 19Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences4
SOCI 15Introduction to Research Methods3
SOCI 19Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences4
SPCH 1Public Speaking3
SPCH 2Small Group Communication3
SPCH 3Interpersonal Communication3

Area B - Natural Sciences

Select three units from the following. Courses in this GE area must include a lab.
ANAT 1Human Anatomy with Cadaver Lab4
ANAT 5Human Biology4
Introduction to Biological Anthropology
and Biological Anthropology Laboratory
& ASTR 10L
Introduction to Astronomy
and Introduction to Astronomy Laboratory
BIOL 10Principles of Biology4
BIOL 13Marine Biology4
BIOL 21Concepts in Biology I: Cells, Genetics, and Organisms5
BIOL 22Concepts in Biology II: Diversity, Ecology, and Evolution5
& BIOL 26
Applied Microbiology Lecture
and Applied Microbiology Laboratory
& BIOL 32
Introduction to Environmental Science
and Environmental Science Laboratory
CHEM 1AGeneral Chemistry I5
CHEM 2Fundamental Chemistry4
CHEM 10Everyday Chemistry4
CHEM 30AIntroductory Chemistry for Health Sciences4
ENGR 9The Science of Robotics4
Physical Geology
and Physical Geology Laboratory
Historical Geology
and Historical Geology Lab
& GEOL 12L
Earth Ocean Climate: Introduction to Earth Science
and Earth Ocean Climate: Introduction to Earth Science Lab
HORT 53Soil Science and Management4
& NUTF 10L
Food Science
and Food Science and Safety Laboratory
Introductory Oceanography
and Introductory Oceanography Lab
PHYS 2AGeneral Physics I4
PHYS 3AScience and Engineering Physics I4
PHYS 10Introduction to Physics4
PHYS 12Integrated Physics and Chemistry4
& PHSO 2
Human Physiology
and Human Physiology Lab

Area C - Humanities

Select three units from the following.
ARCE 1ACeramic Handbuilding I3
ARCE 2ACeramic Wheel Throwing I3
ARCE 3AIntroduction to Ceramic Sculpture3
ARCE 8Alternative Throwing Techniques1.5-3
ARCE 9Alternative Firing Techniques1.5-3
ARTB 2Visual Fundamentals: Two-Dimensional Design3
ARTB 3Visual Fundamentals: Three-Dimensional Design3
ARTB 4Color Fundamentals3
ARTB 10Survey of the Arts3
ARTD 1ASculpture I3
ARTH 1Understanding Art3
ARTH 3Western Art I3
ARTH 4Western Art II3
ARTH 8Survey of Asian Art3
ARTH 12Greek and Roman Art and Architecture3
ARTH 14Renaissance Art and Architecture3
ARTP 10Introduction to Photography3
ARTP 11APhotography I: Black and White3
ARTP 14History of Photography3
ARTS 10ADrawing and Composition I3
ARTS 12AFigure Drawing I3
ARTS 40APainting I3
ARTS 60Introduction to Printmaking3
ARTV 1Introduction to Film/Video3
COMM 7News Writing Workshop3
COMM 35Introduction to Nonverbal Communication3
DANC 5Dance Appreciation3
DANC 6World Cultural Dance3
ENGL 1BIntroduction to Literature3
ENGL 5Introduction to Great Books3
ENGL 11Literature by and About Women3
ENGL 17Introduction to Shakespeare3
ENGL 22Introduction to Poetry3
ENGL 40ASurvey of American Literature I3
ENGL 40BSurvey of American Literature II3
ENGL 43Comics As Literature3
ENGL 44Survey of World Literature I3
ENGL 45Survey of World Literature II3
ENGL 46Survey of British Literature I3
ENGL 47Survey of British Literature II3
ENGL 48Latin American Literature3
ENGL 49Introduction to the Novel3
ENGL 63Introduction to Science Fiction 3
ETNC 4Mexican-American and Chicano Art 3
ETNC 5African-American Arts and Music 3
ETNC 6Ethnic Images in Film3
ETNC 23Chicano History 1848 to Present3
ETNC 24African Americans in U.S. History to 18773
ETNC 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present3
FREN 1AElementary French I5
FREN 1BElementary French II5
FREN 2AIntermediate French5
FREN 2BAdvanced French5
FREN 50AIntermediate French Conversation I1.5
FREN 50BIntermediate French Conversation II1.5
GENT 1Prehistory and Earliest Civilizations (To 1200 B.C.)1
GENT 2Foundations of the Classical World (1200-500 B.C.)1
GENT 3The Golden Age of Greece (500-300 B.C.)1
GENT 5The Medieval World: Part I (400-1100)1
GENT 6The Medieval World: Part II (1100-1350)1
GENT 7The Early Renaissance (1350-1520)1
GENT 8Late Renaissance and Reformation (1520-1600)1
GENT 9Foundations of the Modern World (1600-1690)1
GENT 10The Age of Reason (1690-1775)1
GENT 11Reaction and Revolution (1775-1815)1
GENT 12The Age of Progress (1815-1870)1
GENT 13The End of Innocence (1870-1918)1
GENT 14Between the Wars (1918-1945)1
GENT 15World War II to the Present (1945-Present)1
GENT 21Medieval and Renaissance Europe (400-1520)3
GENT 22The Age of Revolution (1690-1870)3
GENT 23The Modern World (1870-Present)3
GWOS 1Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies3
GWOS 4Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture3
GWOS 5Women of Color in the U.S.3
GWOS 11Literature by and About Women3
GWOS 15Introduction to LGBTQ Global Literatures3
GWOS 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
HIST 4Western Civilization I3
HIST 6History of World Religions3
HIST 15History of California3
HIST 23Chicano History 1848 to Present3
HIST 24African Americans in U.S. History to 18773
HIST 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present3
HUMA 10Exploration of Values in Living3
HUMA 30Humanities in Multicultural America3
HUMA 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
JPNS 1AElementary Japanese I5
JPNS 1BElementary Japanese II5
JPNS 2AIntermediate Japanese5
LING 10Foundations of Language3
LING 15Introduction to Linguistics3
LING 25Introduction to Language and Gender3
LING 30Introduction to the History of the English Language3
LING 35Introduction to Nonverbal Communication3
LING 45Introduction to Language and Society3
LING 46Introduction to the Psychology of Language3
LING 49Introduction to Discourse Analysis3
MUSI 1Music Appreciation3
MUSI 2Introduction to Broadway Musicals3
MUSI 3Introduction to Jazz and Pop3
MUSI 5Introduction to World Music3
MUSI 10AMusic Theory and Musicianship I4
PHIL 2Introduction to Philosophy3
PHIL 4Introduction to Ethics3
PHIL 8Introduction to World Religions3
PHIL 13Introduction to Eastern Philosophy3
PHIL 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
POLS 12Politics in Film3
SIGN 1AElementary American Sign Language I5
SIGN 1ALElementary American Sign Language I Lab0.5-1
SIGN 1BElementary American Sign Language II5
SIGN 2AIntermediate American Sign Language5
SIGN 2BAdvanced American Sign Language II5
SIGN 10Structure and Culture of American Sign Language3
SIGN 20Introduction to Deaf Culture3
SPAN 1Elementary Spanish I5
SPAN 1SElementary Spanish for Spanish Speakers I5
SPAN 2Elementary Spanish II5
SPAN 2SElementary Spanish for Spanish Speakers II5
SPAN 3Intermediate Spanish I5
SPAN 3SIntermediate Spanish for Spanish Speakers I5
SPAN 4Intermediate Spanish II5
SPAN 4SIntermediate Spanish for Spanish Speakers II5
SPAN 5Literature of the Spanish-Speaking World3
SPAN 18Spanish Through Film3
SPAN 22Spanish Composition and Conversation3
SPAN 45Hispanic and Latino/a Culture 4
SPAN 50AIntermediate Spanish Conversation I3
SPAN 50BIntermediate Spanish Conversation II3
SPCH 4Intercultural Communication3
SPCH 5Oral Interpretation of Literature3
THEA 1Introduction to Theatre3
THEA 4Intercultural Drama3
THEA 5Film Appreciation3
THEA 6Script Analysis3
THEA 7AWriting for the Theatre I3
THEA 8ABeginning Screenwriting3
THEA 9History of Film: 1880s through 1950s3
THEA 10History of Film: 1950s to Present3
THEA 53Theatre Enjoyment3
WRLD 4AThe Roman Republic and Rise of Empire (500 BCE - 14 CE)1
WRLD 4BThe Roman Empire (14 - 600 CE)1
WRLD 20The Classical World (1200 BCE - 14 CE)3

Area D - Social Sciences

Select three units from the following.
ADMJ 2Introduction to Administration of Justice3
ANTH 2Introduction to Biological Anthropology3
ANTH 4Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH 6Introduction to Archaeology and Prehistory3
ANTH 8Primate Behavioral Ecology3
ANTH 20Native American and Indigenous Peoples of the United States3
ANTH 30Gender in Global Perspective3
BUSI 46Entrepreneurial Mindset3
COMM 5Mass Media Methods3
COMM 35Introduction to Nonverbal Communication3
ECED 1Child Growth and Development3
ECED 55Child, Family, and Community3
ECED 56Teaching in a Diverse Society3
ECON 1The American Economic System3
ECON 2Principles of Economics: Macro3
ECON 4Principles of Economics: Micro3
Introduction to Teaching and Education
and Education Service Learning Lab
EDUC 2Critical Thinking and Public Education3
ETNC 4Mexican-American and Chicano Art 3
ETNC 5African-American Arts and Music 3
ETNC 6Ethnic Images in Film3
ETNC 10Introduction to Ethnic Studies3
ETNC 13Introduction to Race and Ethnicity3
ETNC 14Sociology of Latinos and Latinas3
ETNC 16American Government and African American Politics3
ETNC 18Chicanos in American Politics3
ETNC 20Native American and Indigenous Peoples of the United States3
ETNC 22Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society3
ETNC 23Chicano History 1848 to Present3
ETNC 24African Americans in U.S. History to 18773
ETNC 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present3
GENT 1Prehistory and Earliest Civilizations (To 1200 B.C.)1
GENT 2Foundations of the Classical World (1200-500 B.C.)1
GENT 3The Golden Age of Greece (500-300 B.C.)1
GENT 5The Medieval World: Part I (400-1100)1
GENT 6The Medieval World: Part II (1100-1350)1
GENT 7The Early Renaissance (1350-1520)1
GENT 8Late Renaissance and Reformation (1520-1600)1
GENT 9Foundations of the Modern World (1600-1690)1
GENT 10The Age of Reason (1690-1775)1
GENT 11Reaction and Revolution (1775-1815)1
GENT 12The Age of Progress (1815-1870)1
GENT 13The End of Innocence (1870-1918)1
GENT 14Between the Wars (1918-1945)1
GENT 15World War II to the Present (1945-Present)1
GENT 21Medieval and Renaissance Europe (400-1520)3
GENT 22The Age of Revolution (1690-1870)3
GENT 23The Modern World (1870-Present)3
GEOG 2Introduction to Physical Geography3
GEOG 4Introduction to Human Geography3
GEOG 5World Regional Geography3
GLST 1Introduction to Global Studies3
GLST 2Global Issues3
GWOS 1Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies3
GWOS 3Gender and Violence3
GWOS 4Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture3
GWOS 5Women of Color in the U.S.3
GWOS 8Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies3
GWOS 9Sports and Social Justice3
GWOS 10Gender in American Politics3
GWOS 12Women in United States History3
GWOS 15Introduction to LGBTQ Global Literatures3
GWOS 30Gender in Global Perspective3
GWOS 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
HIST 4Western Civilization I3
HIST 5Western Civilization II3
HIST 6History of World Religions3
HIST 7World History to 15003
HIST 8World History Since 15003
HIST 10Modern Latin America3
HIST 12Women in United States History3
HIST 15History of California3
HIST 17United States History to 18773
HIST 18United States History from 18653
HIST 20History of Mexico3
HIST 23Chicano History 1848 to Present3
HIST 24African Americans in U.S. History to 18773
HIST 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present3
HUMA 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
KINS 44Sport in Society3
KINS 48Psychology of Fitness and Sport Performance3
LING 15Introduction to Linguistics3
LING 18Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology3
LING 25Introduction to Language and Gender3
LING 30Introduction to the History of the English Language3
LING 35Introduction to Nonverbal Communication3
LING 45Introduction to Language and Society3
LING 46Introduction to the Psychology of Language3
LING 49Introduction to Discourse Analysis3
LING 50Introduction to Dialects from Here and There3
PHIL 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
POLS 1Introduction to American Government and Politics3
POLS 2Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics3
POLS 3Introduction to Political Theory and Thought3
POLS 4Introduction to International Relations3
POLS 5Politics of Developing Countries3
POLS 7Introduction to Political Science Research Methods3
POLS 10Gender in American Politics3
POLS 11Politics of Migration and Citizenship3
POLS 12Politics in Film3
POLS 14Introduction to the Politics of Identity3
POLS 20Introduction to Law and Society3
PSYC 1General Psychology3
PSYC 3Introduction to Social Psychology3
PSYC 6Psychology of Women3
PSYC 19Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences4
PSYC 25Lifespan Development3
PSYC 35Introduction to Abnormal Psychology3
PSYC 38Biological Psychology3
PSYC 40Human Sexuality3
PSYC 50Health Psychology3
SIGN 10Structure and Culture of American Sign Language3
SOCI 1Introduction to Sociology3
SOCI 2Contemporary Social Problems3
SOCI 3Introduction to Social Psychology3
SOCI 11Mass Media and Popular Culture3
SOCI 12Introduction to Gender and Sexuality3
SOCI 13Introduction to Race and Ethnicity3
SOCI 14Sociology of Latinos and Latinas3
SOCI 15Introduction to Research Methods3
SOCI 17Introduction to Crime and Deviance3
SOCI 19Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences4
SOCI 22Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society3
SOCI 40Sociology of Marriages and Families3
SPCH 4Intercultural Communication3
SPCH 10Introduction to Communication Theory3
WRLD 4AThe Roman Republic and Rise of Empire (500 BCE - 14 CE)1
WRLD 4BThe Roman Empire (14 - 600 CE)1
WRLD 20The Classical World (1200 BCE - 14 CE)3

Area E - Self-Development

Select three units from either E1 or E2.
E1 Wellness
ADPE 6Adapted Functional Training1
ADPE 8Introduction to Adapted Physical Education0.5
ADPE 9Adapted Personal Fitness1.5
ADPE 10Adapted Weight Training1
ADPE 13Physical Education: Adapted1.5
ADPE 14Adapted Aerobics1
ADPE 15Heart Healthy Exercise1.5
ADPE 16Adapted Flexibility and Movement Techniques1
ATHL 18Fundamentals of Football0.5
ATHL 21Competitive Golf0.5
ATHL 29Varsity Athletic Conditioning0.5
BUSI 60Financial Planning and Money Management3
DANC 1Introduction to Dance0.5
DANC 9Introduction to Choreography0.5
DANC 10AModern Dance I1
DANC 10BModern Dance II1
DANC 10CModern Dance III1
DANC 10DModern Dance IV1
DANC 11AJazz Dance I1
DANC 11BJazz Dance II1
DANC 11CJazz Dance III1
DANC 11DJazz Dance IV1
DANC 12ABallet I1
DANC 12BBallet II1
DANC 12CBallet III1
DANC 12DBallet IV1
DANC 14ABallroom Dance I0.5-1
DANC 14BBallroom Dance II0.5-1
DANC 14CBallroom Dance III0.5-1
DANC 14DBallroom Dance IV0.5-1
DANC 15AEthnic Dance Forms I1
DANC 15BEthnic Dance Forms II1
DANC 15CEthnic Dance Forms III1
DANC 15DEthnic Dance Forms IV1
DANC 17ATap Dance I1
DANC 18AHip Hop Dance I1
DANC 18BHip Hop Dance II1
DANC 18CHip Hop Dance III1
DANC 18DHip Hop Dance IV1
DANC 19ASalsa Dance I0.5
DANC 19BSalsa Dance II0.5
DANC 19CSalsa Dance III0.5
DANC 19DSalsa Dance IV0.5
DANC 21Introduction to Modern Dance Repertory1
ECED 61Health, Safety and Nutrition for the Young Child3
HLTH 4Healthy Living3
HLTH 7Women's Health3
HOSP 21Urban Agriculture Culinary Arts1.5
HOSP 22Farm to Table Sustainable Cooking1.5
KINS 46Principles of Strength Training and Conditioning3
KINS 51Fitness and Wellness Strategies2
KINS 60Fitness Exercise Physiology1
KINS 63Fitness Anatomy and Kinesiology2
LING 25Introduction to Language and Gender3
NUTF 1Nutrition3
NUTF 3Nutrition Issues and Controversies2
PFIT 2Core Fitness Training1
PFIT 6Cross-Training1
PFIT 7Distance Training1
PFIT 8Aerobic Conditioning0.5
PFIT 9Personal Fitness1
PFIT 10ABeginning Weight Training0.5-1
PFIT 10BIntermediate Weight Training0.5-1
PFIT 10CAdvanced Weight Training0.5-1
PFIT 14Exercise for Health and Fitness0.5
PFIT 15ACore Matwork I0.5-1
PFIT 15BCore Matwork II0.5-1
PFIT 15CCore Matwork III0.5-1
PFIT 15DCore Matwork IV0.5-1
PFIT 16ATai Chi I0.5-1
PFIT 16BTai Chi II0.5-1
PFIT 16CTai Chi III0.5-1
PFIT 16DTai Chi IV0.5-1
PFIT 17AYoga I0.5-1
PFIT 17BYoga II0.5-1
PFIT 17CYoga III0.5-1
PFIT 17DYoga IV0.5-1
PFIT 18AAerobic Fitness I0.5-1
PFIT 18BAerobic Fitness II0.5
PFIT 18CAerobic Fitness III0.5-1
PFIT 18DAerobic Fitness IV0.5-1
PFIT 19ABody Sculpting I1
PFIT 19BBody Sculpting II1
PFIT 19CBody Sculpting III1
PFIT 19DBody Sculpting IV1
PFIT 20Circuit Training1
PFIT 21AFlexibility and Relaxation Techniques I1
PFIT 21BFlexibility and Relaxation Techniques II1
PFIT 21CFlexibility and Relaxation Techniques III1
PFIT 22AFitness Through Swimming I1
PFIT 22BFitness Through Swimming II1
PFIT 22CFitness Through Swimming III1
PFIT 22DFitness Through Swimming IV1
PFIT 23AFunctional Fitness I1
PFIT 23BFunctional Fitness II1
PFIT 23CFunctional Fitness III1
PFIT 23DFunctional Fitness IV1
PFIT 24AAqua Aerobics I1
PFIT 24BAqua Aerobics II1
PFIT 30ATriathlon Training I1
PFIT 30BTriathlon Training II1
PFIT 30CTriathlon Training III1
PFIT 50Independent Fitness and Testing Program1
PHED 2AGolf I1
PHED 5ATennis I1
PHED 5BTennis II1
PHED 5DTennis III1
PHED 5ETennis IV1
PHED 6ASoccer I1
PHED 6BSoccer II1
PHED 6CSoccer III1
PHED 7ASwimming I1
PHED 7BSwimming II1
PHED 9APickleball I1
PHED 9BPickleball II1
PHED 9CPickleball III1
PHED 9DPickleball IV1
PHED 10AFlag Football I1
PHED 10BFlag Football II1
PHED 12BCompetitive Swimming I1
PHED 12CCompetitive Swimming II1
PHED 12DCompetitive Swimming III1
PHED 12ECompetitive Swimming IV1
PHED 15AVolleyball I1
PHED 15BVolleyball II1
PHED 15DVolleyball III1
PHED 15EVolleyball IV1
PHED 22AIntroduction to Basketball1
PHED 22BIntermediate Basketball1
PHED 22CIntermediate/Advanced Basketball1
PHED 22DAdvanced Basketball1
PHED 23AMartial Arts/Self-Defense I1
PHED 23BMartial Arts/Self-Defense II1
PHED 23CMartial Arts/Self-Defense III1
PHED 23DMartial Arts/Self-Defense IV1
PHED 24ABeach Volleyball I1
PHED 24BBeach Volleyball II1
PHED 24C Beach Volleyball III1
PHED 24DBeach Volleyball IV1
PSYC 25Lifespan Development3
PSYC 50Health Psychology3
E2 Career Exploration
ADMJ 2Introduction to Administration of Justice3
ADMJ 57Introduction to Corrections3
ADMJ 68Introduction to Forensics3
AUTO 100Introduction to Automotive Technology4
BUSI 20Introduction to Business3
BUSI 44Introduction to Business Ownership/Management3
BUSI 49Professional Selling3
BUSI 68Entrepreneurial Start-up Ventures3
BUSI 89Creative Brand Management3
BUSI 120ABasic Accounting4
COUN 10College Success1
COUN 50Making College Count3
COUN 51Career and Life Planning3
COUN 59Study Skills for Success1
COUN 71Career Assessment and Exploration1
CSIS 81ITIL Essentials1
DNTL 100Orientation to Dental Careers2
Introduction to Teaching and Education
and Education Service Learning Lab
EMMS 1Emergency Medical Responder3
EMMS 170AEmergency Medical Technician 1: Basic Training7
EMMS 170BEmergency Medical Technician 1: Basic Training Application2
ENGL 56AMagazine Editing and Publishing I3
ENGL 56BMagazine Editing and Publishing II3
ENGR 1AIntroduction to Engineering3
FASH 10Introduction to Fashion3
FPTC 1Principles of Emergency Services3
HORT 51Introduction to Horticulture I3
HOSP 23Culinary Foundations I3
HOSP 27Cottage Food Business1
HOSP 40Wine Fundamentals1.5
HOSP 51Introduction to the Hospitality Industry3
HOSP 53Introduction to Food and Beverage Management3
HUMS 50Introduction to Human Services and Social Work3
KINS 40Introduction to Kinesiology3
KINS 41Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries3
KINS 43Theory of Coaching3
KINS 45Introduction to Careers in Sports Medicine and Allied Health3
KINS 50Orientation for Athletes and Athletics2
MEDA 100Introduction to Health Careers1
NUTF 2Introduction to Careers in Nutrition, Dietetics, and Food1
NUTF 25Basic Medical Nutrition Therapy and Modified Diets3
PSYC 2Exploring Careers in Psychology1
REAL 50Principles of Real Estate3
SPAN 31Intro to Translation and Interpretation: Spanish/English4
THEA 21ATheatre Workshop I3
WORK 96Professional and Essential Skills1
WORK 97Service Learning Work Experience0.5-4
WORK 98Exploratory Work Experience0.5-4
WORK 99Career-Focused Work Experience 0.5-4

Note:  Submission of DD 214 clears this area requirement for MPC GE credit.

Area F - Intercultural Studies

Select three units from the following.
(Only MPC Nursing students are exempt from fulfilling this GE area.)
ANTH 4Introduction to Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH 20Native American and Indigenous Peoples of the United States3
ANTH 30Gender in Global Perspective3
BUSI 38Managing Diversity and Inclusion3
ECED 56Teaching in a Diverse Society3
ENGL 40ASurvey of American Literature I3
ENGL 40BSurvey of American Literature II3
ETNC 4Mexican-American and Chicano Art 3
ETNC 5African-American Arts and Music 3
ETNC 6Ethnic Images in Film3
ETNC 10Introduction to Ethnic Studies3
ETNC 13Introduction to Race and Ethnicity3
ETNC 14Sociology of Latinos and Latinas3
ETNC 16American Government and African American Politics3
ETNC 18Chicanos in American Politics3
ETNC 20Native American and Indigenous Peoples of the United States3
ETNC 22Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society3
ETNC 23Chicano History 1848 to Present3
ETNC 24African Americans in U.S. History to 18773
ETNC 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present3
GWOS 1Introduction to Gender and Women’s Studies3
GWOS 3Gender and Violence3
GWOS 4Gender, Sexuality, and Popular Culture3
GWOS 5Women of Color in the U.S.3
GWOS 8Introduction to LGBTQ+ Studies3
GWOS 9Sports and Social Justice3
GWOS 12Women in United States History3
GWOS 15Introduction to LGBTQ Global Literatures3
GWOS 30Gender in Global Perspective3
GWOS 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
HIST 6History of World Religions3
HIST 10Modern Latin America3
HIST 12Women in United States History3
HIST 15History of California3
HIST 23Chicano History 1848 to Present3
HIST 24African Americans in U.S. History to 18773
HIST 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present3
HUMA 30Humanities in Multicultural America3
HUMA 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
LING 18Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology3
LING 25Introduction to Language and Gender3
LING 45Introduction to Language and Society3
LING 50Introduction to Dialects from Here and There3
PHIL 8Introduction to World Religions3
PHIL 40Introduction to Feminist Theory3
SOCI 13Introduction to Race and Ethnicity3
SOCI 14Sociology of Latinos and Latinas3
SOCI 22Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society3
SPAN 1SElementary Spanish for Spanish Speakers I5
SPAN 2SElementary Spanish for Spanish Speakers II5
SPAN 3SIntermediate Spanish for Spanish Speakers I5
SPAN 4SIntermediate Spanish for Spanish Speakers II5
SPAN 5Literature of the Spanish-Speaking World3
SPAN 18Spanish Through Film3
SPAN 22Spanish Composition and Conversation3
SPCH 4Intercultural Communication3
THEA 4Intercultural Drama3

AA/AS Graduation Requirements

  • Reading and Writing Competency:
    • ENGL 1A - College Composition (3 units) or ENGL 1AE - College Composition: Enhanced (5 units)
  • Math Competency:
    • ​Intermediate algebra or higher; or high school Algebra II, or Common Core Integrated Math 3, or higher
  • Information Competency:
    • LIBR 50 - Introduction to Library and Research Skills (1 units) or equivalent
  • Ethnic Studies Competency (3 units):
    • ETNC 4 - Mexican-American and Chicano Art (3 units)
    • ETNC 6 - Ethnic Images in Film (3 units)
    • ETNC 10 - Introduction to Ethnic Studies (3 units)
    • ETNC 13​/SOCI 13 - Introduction to Race and Ethnicity (3 units)​​​​​​​​
    • ETNC 14/SOCI 14 - Sociology of Latinos and Latinas (3 units)
    • ETNC 18 - Chicanos in American Politics (3 units)
    • ETNC 20/ANTH 20 - Native American and Indigenous Peoples of the United States (3 units)
    • ETNC 22/SOCI 22 - Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in American Society (3 units)
    • ETNC 23/HIST 23 - Chicano History 1848 to Present (3 units)

MPC General Education Learning Outcomes

AREA A1: English Composition

Upon successful completion of this area, students will have demonstrated an ability to form a provable thesis, develop it through factual research, distinguish between fact and opinion, and make effective rhetorical choices in relation to audience and purpose.

AREA A2: Communication and Analytical Thinking

Upon successful completion of this area, students will have demonstrated an ability to analyze and evaluate complex issues or problems, draw reasoned conclusions and/or generate solutions, and effectively communicate the results.

AREA B: Natural Sciences

Upon successful completion of this area, students will have demonstrated an ability to use the scientific method to investigate phenomena in the natural world and to use laboratory experiments and concepts or theories to explain them.

AREA C: Humanities

Upon successful completion of this area, students will have demonstrated an ability to analyze and interpret human thought, achievement, and expression relevant to such branches of knowledge as philosophy, literature, and/or the fine and performing arts, and to communicate the results.

AREA D: Social Sciences

Upon successful completion of this area, students will have demonstrated an ability to critically examine and comprehend human nature and behavior, social traditions, and institutions.

AREA E1: Self-Development – Wellness

Upon successful completion of this area, students will have demonstrated an ability to analyze how physical, social, emotional, and/or intellectual factors contribute to wellness and healthful living.

AREA E2: Self-Development – Career Exploration

Upon successful completion of this area, students will have demonstrated an ability to accurately assess knowledge, skills, and abilities in relation to their career goals.

AREA F: Intercultural Studies

Upon successful completion of this area, students will have demonstrated an ability to examine interactions and interconnections across cultures.