Academic Policies

Academic Freedom

Monterey Peninsula Community College District supports the foundational principle that research, teaching, learning, and the free exchange of ideas feed a necessary human endeavor: the search for truth. Academic freedom fosters education and guarantees the rights and responsibilities of faculty to teach and research freely. MPC is committed to the free pursuit and dissemination of knowledge, and its support for an atmosphere in which intellectual freedom exists for all constituencies, including faculty and students. 

For more information visit Board Policy 4030 - Academic Freedom.


Board Policy 4070 - Course Auditing prohibits the auditing of courses. Students must be registered for each course they attend.

Course Repetition

Board Policy 4225 - Course Repetition establishes provisions for course repetition in accordance with Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations. Students repeating a course in which they previously received a substandard grade of D, F, NC, NP, and/or a non-evaluative symbol of W (Withdrawal), or MW (Military Withdrawal) may be limited to a total of three enrollments.

Students are advised to carefully choose their courses each term to ensure successful completion. Course repetition is retroactive to Fall 1995. Therefore, some students may find that they have already exhausted the repeat and withdrawal limitation of three enrollments.

Students should click on “View Grades” on WebReg to review their current unofficial transcript in an effort to determine how they may be affected by course repetition. Contact the Admissions and Records Office if you have further questions. You may also speak with a counselor.

A student may repeat a course only under the following conditions:

  1. After the student’s second attempt with a grade of D, F, NC, NP, W, or MW, the student will be required to petition the Academic Council for a third and fourth final attempt; or
  2. The College catalog designates the course as repeatable and the number of times it may be repeated; or
  3. The student receives prior written permission from the Academic Council when the student can demonstrate that the student meets the requirements for one of the permissible course repetition guidelines, as outlined on the Academic Council Petition: Course Repetition. Such as the course must be repeated in order to make progress toward employment and certification.
  4. Cooperative Work Experience, intercollegiate athletics, and DSPS (Disability Support Programs and Services) courses may require a petition.

Students who wish to petition the Academic Council for course repetition must file an Academic Council Petition: Repeat Petition, available at the Admissions and Records Office and on our website at

Counselor signatures are required for some types of course repetition.

In general, there may be a time when a student repeats a course where a prior attempt’s grade may be alleviated from the student’s grade point average (GPA). Students are encouraged to speak with Admissions and Records and file a Repeat Adjustment Form. Transcripts are not audited; students must inform Admissions and Records through the use of the Repeat Adjustment Form of courses repeated. All GPA adjustments due to course repetition will follow the Credit Course Repetition Guidelines, a comprehensive explanation of the title 5 regulations from the California Community College Chancellor’s Office.

Multiple and Overlapping Courses

Administrative Procedure 4226 - Multiple and Overlapping Courses prohibits students from enrolling in two or more courses where the meeting times for the courses overlap, unless they meet specific criteria outlined in AP 4226. The student must receive permission from the instructor and submit a Conflicting Course Enrollment Request Form to the Admissions and Records office. The form is available at the Admissions and Records Office and on the MPC website and on our website at

Exceptions to Regulations and Requirements

Requests for exceptions to the admissions, academic, and curricular regulations may be made by petition to the Academic Council. Exceptions are made only for extenuating circumstances. The Academic Council Petition form is available from the Admissions and Records Office and on our website at


As defined in Administrative Procedure 4230 - Grading and Academic Record Symbols, the following symbols are used to record student progress:

Evaluative Grading Symbols

Symbol Definition
A Excellent
B Good
C Satisfactory
D Passing, less than satisfactory
F Failing
P Pass (at least satisfactory (“C” or better))
NP No Pass (less than satisfactory (“D” or “F”))

Non-evaluative Grading Symbols

Symbol Definition
I Incomplete
IP In Progress
MW Military Withdrawal
RD Report Delayed
W Withdrawal
EW Excused Withdrawal


Symbol Definition
P Pass (Satisfactory completion of a course)
NP No Pass (Did not complete the course satisfactorily)

Expanded Definitions

Pass (P): A “P” grade indicates completion of work with a grade of “C” or better. “P” does not affect a student’s grade point average. A maximum of 20 units of “P” may be applied towards the associate degree. Departments may require majors to obtain letter grades in all courses specifically required for that major, provided the letter grade option exists. For courses that may be taken as either P/NP or for a letter grade, students must choose which option they want at the time of registration. Changes must be made before the deadline specified for the course. No changes are permitted after the deadline.

No Pass (NP): A “NP” grade indicates completion of work with a grade of “D” or “F.” “NP” does not affect a student’s grade point average. However, the course in which an “NP” grade is earned will not apply towards graduation, and the grade shall be considered in probation and dismissal procedures. For courses that may be taken as either P/NP or for a letter grade, students must choose which option they want at the time of registration. Changes must be made before the deadline specified for the course. No changes are permitted after the deadline.

Incomplete (I): An Incomplete (“I”) grade may be assigned by an instructor only when a student has failed to complete course work at the end of the term for unforeseeable, emergency, and justifiable reasons. MPC defines the end of the term as being after the last date to drop with a “W” grade. The condition for removal of the “I” will be stated on a written form by the instructor and signed by both the student and the instructor. The grade to be assigned, if the conditions are not met, also must be indicated and will be changed on the student’s record if the work is not completed within one year. A copy of the form must be given to the student by the instructor with the original on file at the Admissions and Records Office. The incomplete form must be received in Admissions and Records no later than two weeks after the end of the course. A final grade may be assigned by the instructor within one year when the work stipulated has been completed and evaluated. A Change of Grade Form must be submitted by the instructor to the Admissions and Records Office. Students must complete the coursework within one year and may not register for the course in order to make up the incomplete work. The “I” grade is not used in calculating a grade point average but is used as a factor in determining progress probation and progress dismissal status.

In Progress (IP): An In Progress (“IP”) grade denotes that the class extends beyond the normal end of the academic semester/session and that the assignment of a grade must await completion of the course. The “IP” will remain on the student’s record in order to satisfy enrollment documentation. The appropriate grade and units will be assigned when the course has ended. The “IP” grade is not used in calculating the grade point average or probation and dismissal status.

Report Delayed (RD): A Report Delayed (“RD”) grade denotes a delay in reporting the grade of a student due to circumstances beyond the control of the student. “RD” is a temporary notation and will be replaced by a permanent symbol as soon as possible. “RD” is not used in calculating the grade point average.

Military Withdrawal (MW): A “MW” grade will be assigned, upon verification of such orders, only to students who are members of an active or reserve military service, and who receive orders compelling a withdrawal from courses. “MW” will not be counted in progress probation and dismissal calculations.

Withdrawal (W): Withdrawal from a class or classes is authorized through the last day of the 14th week or 75% of instruction, whichever is earlier, for semester-length classes or 60% of a short-term class. No notation (“W” or other) will be made on the academic record of the student who withdraws during the first two weeks of full-term classes or 20% of a short-term class. Withdrawal after this period and up to the 14th week or 75% of instruction, whichever is earlier, for semester-length classes or 60% of a short-term class will be recorded as a “W” on the student’s record. A student who remains in a class beyond this period must receive an evaluative grade, unless an exception is made by the Academic Council when a student petition demonstrates that the withdrawal is beyond the student’s control, such as illness, accident, or other circumstances.

Prior to the drop deadline for a class, a student may initiate a withdrawal for any reason. An instructor may initiate a withdrawal when the student is failing to meet course attendance requirements, resulting in unsatisfactory progress.

The “W” will not be used in calculating grade point averages, but excessive “W” grades are used as factors in progress probation and progress dismissal.

Excused Withdrawal (EW): The purpose of the EW non-evaluative symbol is to permit a student to withdraw from a course for reasons beyond their control. An EW is permissible when a student withdraws from a course(s) due to “extenuating circumstances.” Extenuating circumstances are cases of accidents, illnesses, or other circumstances beyond the control of the student. A student may petition to request an EW for one or more courses in a term when EWs are an option. The option for EW symbol began in spring 2018, and previous semesters are not eligible to receive an EW symbol. Classes taken spring 2018 through fall 2019 are no longer able to receive EW symbol. Students seeking an EW symbol for classes taken spring 2020 through spring 2023 (classified as pandemic years) must petition the Academic Council for an excused withdrawal no later than the last day of the spring 2025 semester.

Beginning in summer 2023, once a student has withdrawn from a course, they may request an EW. Request forms are available from Admissions & Records and the MPC website. The request form must be submitted by the last day of class.

Courses for which a student has received a grade, rather than a withdrawal, are not eligible for an EW petition. When a W or EW symbol is noted, a refund is not permitted for the course(s). The EW is a permanent change of grade on the student’s transcript and cannot be reversed

Excused Withdrawal shall not be counted in progress probation or dismissal calculations, nor shall it be counted towards the permitted number of withdrawals or counted as an enrollment attempt. However, a student's financial aid may be affected depending on individual circumstance. A student should consult with the financial aid staff regarding any impact.

Grading Option

Monterey Peninsula College offers:

  • some courses solely on the standard letter (A-F) grade (see page 24 for grading definitions) basis;
  • some courses solely on the pass/no pass (P/NP) grade basis;
  • some courses in which the student may choose to complete the course on either a letter grade or a pass/no pass (LG-P/NP) grade basis.

Offering courses for pass/no pass grades provides students with the opportunity to explore areas outside their current interest without undue concern for their grade point average. This policy also recognizes that a standard letter grade may not always measure the value of a course to an individual student. Pass/no pass grading enables students to enroll in courses on a pass/no pass basis to improve basic skills; to provide educational opportunities to pursue studies not in the major field; and to explore general education. Each department determines the courses it will designate for pass/no pass grading.

For courses taught with the option of either a letter grade or a P/NP grade, students must select their preference at the time of registration. This option may be updated or changed before the last day of instruction for the course, as long as grades have not been posted. All courses numbered 300 and above are always offered on the P/NP option, if graded.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

A grade point average (GPA) is a computation based on the value of the letter grade (A-F) for each course, the number of units associated with each course, and the total number of units attempted.

Letter Grade Grade Points per unit
A 4.0
B 3.0
C 2.0
D 1.0
F 0.0

The semester GPA (grade point average) is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned in that semester by the total number of units attempted in letter-graded courses for that semester.

The cumulative GPA (grade point average) is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of units attempted in letter-graded courses.

Scholastic Honors

Monterey Peninsula College sponsors Chi Chapter of Alpha Gamma Sigma, the California Community College Honor Scholarship Society, National Society of Leadership and Success, and Phi Theta Kappa, the International Honor Society for community college students. Eligibility for initial, temporary, continuing, and permanent memberships depends on scholastic performance, cumulatively and by semesters.

Deans List

The Dean’s List is an academic honor transcripted to the student’s record at the end of each semester. To be eligible, the student must have completed 12 units or more of letter-graded coursework in the semester. 

  • 4.0 - Dean's Highest Honors
  • 3.5-3.99 - Dean's High Honors
  • 3.0-3.49 Dean's Honors

Honors on Conferred Degrees

Recognition of a student's academic excellence will be given at the time of awarding a degree on the basis of the student’s cumulative grade point average according to the following scale:

  • 4.0 - Highest Honors
  • 3.5-3.99 - High Honors
  • 3.0-3.49 Honors

** Certificates are not eligible for honors acknowledgment. 

Student Records

Impoundment of Student Records: Students who fail to comply with College rules or regulations, return property owned by the College, pay debts owed to the College, or pay for damaged College property may not be allowed to register, receive certificates and/or degrees, and/or receive other services related to student records. When the student has cleared the obligation with the College, the impoundment of records will be released.

Transcripts: Only course work taken at MPC will appear on the transcript. Please visit the college website for ordering and fee information (and refer to the Fees & Refunds section of the College Catalog).

Academic/Progress Probation

As established in Administrative Procedure 4250 - Probation:

  • Students are not evaluated for probation until they have attempted 12.0 units at Monterey Peninsula College.
  • A student who has attempted at least 12 units at Monterey Peninsula College will be placed on academic probation when they have earned a grade point average below 2.0 in all accumulated units with evaluative grades or have been readmitted after academic dismissal.
  • Notification of Probation - Each student is entitled to be notified of their academic difficulty and the availability of college support services to respond to the academic difficulty before the student is dismissed. Notification will consist, at a minimum, of the following: At the end of the semester in which the student’s grade point average falls below 2.0 in all units attempted, a notice that the student is on probation shall be sent to the student informing them that they are on academic probation. “All units attempted” is defined as all units of credit for which the student is enrolled in at the community college that they attend.
  • Probationary Notice - The notice to the student of probation will cover, at a minimum, the significance of being on probation and description of the services available.
  • Removal from Academic Probation - A student shall be removed from academic probation whenever they have achieved a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher in all accumulated units with evaluative grades.
  • Progress Probation - A student who has enrolled in at least 12 units at Monterey Peninsula College will be placed on progress probation when the cumulative percentage of “W,” “I,” and “NP” units at Monterey Peninsula College reaches or exceeds 50% of all units attempted at the College.
  • At the end of the second semester in which the student is on academic or progress probation, a notice that the student has been dismissed will be sent to the student informing them that they have been dismissed.
  • Removal from Progress Probation - A student will be removed from progress probation whenever a student successfully completes more than 50% of all units attempted at the College with a passing grade.

Academic/Progress Dismissal and Readmission

As established in Administrative Procedure 4255 - Dismissal and Readmission:

  • Academic Dismissal - A student on academic probation shall be dismissed when the student’s cumulative grade point average is below 2.0 for two consecutive semesters.
    • Dismissal Notice: The notice that a student receives indicating that they are subject to dismissal will cover, at a minimum, reference to this procedure, explanation of what dismissal means, procedure for reinstatement, and procedure to appeal the dismissal.
  • Academic Readmission - Upon petition to the Academic Council, a student who has been dismissed for academic reasons may be readmitted. The student must see an MPC counselor and complete and submit the “Petition for Readmission” form to the Academic Council. Upon readmission, the student is placed on academic probation and must earn at least a 2.0 (“C”) cumulative grade point average in order to continue enrollment.
  • Progress Dismissal - A student who has been on progress probation for two consecutive semesters will be dismissed when, for the third consecutive semester, the student has “W,” “I,” and/or “NP” grades in 50% or more of all units attempted.
  • Progress Readmission - Upon petition to the Academic Council, a student who has been dismissed for progress reasons may be readmitted. The student must see an MPC counselor and complete and submit the “Petition for Readmission” form to the Academic Council.
  • Appeal of Dismissal - The student has the right to appeal a proposed dismissal action if the student feels that facts exist that warrant an exception to the dismissal action. The student must file the written petition of appeal through Academic Council. It is the student's responsibility to indicate on the petition a clear statement of the grounds on which readmission should be granted and to provide evidence supporting the reasons. Petitions will be reviewed by the Academic Council.
    • The student will continue to be on dismissal until the Academic Council decides on the student's appeal. 
    • The decision of the Academic Council will be communicated to the student in writing through the College’s Student Information System. The Academic Council will notify the student of its action within 30 days of receipt of the student's appeal. The student may appeal the decision of the Academic Council in writing to the Vice President of Student Services. The decision of the Vice President of Student Services is final.
    • If the dismissal appeal is granted, the student will continue to be on probation for an additional semester. At the end of the additional semester, the student’s academic record will again be evaluated to determine whether the student may be removed from probation, should be dismissed, or should continue to be on probation.
  • Standards for Dismissal - A student who is on academic probation shall be subject to dismissal if the student has earned a cumulative grade point average of less than 2.0 in all units attempted in each of two consecutive semesters.
    • A student who has been on progress probation for two consecutive semesters will be dismissed when, for the third consecutive semester, the student has “W,” “I,” and/or “NP” grades in 50% or more of all units attempted.
  • Re-Admission after Dismissal - Upon petition to the Academic Council, a student who has been dismissed for academic reasons may be readmitted. The student must see an MPC counselor and complete and submit the “Petition for Readmission” form to the Academic Council.

Academic Renewal

As established by Administrative Procedure 4240 - Academic Renewal:

  • There may be instances when a student’s past academic record is not reflective of the student’s current, demonstrated level of academic performance. The intent of the academic renewal policy is to prevent past substandard grades (“D” or “F”) from deterring a student’s progress toward employment, graduation, certification, or transfer.
  • A student may petition the Academic Council to have their academic record reviewed for academic renewal of substandard academic performance under the following conditions:
    1. To qualify, the following amount of time will have elapsed since the substandard grades were awarded;
      1. One semester (fall or spring) with a 2.5 grade point average, OR
      2. One year with a 2.0 grade point average
    2. The student has achieved the grade point average required above in the last 12 units of letter grades completed at MPC, any regionally accredited institution, or a combination thereof. If a student chooses to use courses completed outside of MPC, the student will submit an official transcript documenting those units to Admissions and Records prior to, or at the time of petitioning for Academic Renewal. Unofficial transcripts will not be accepted; 
    3. The student has met with a counselor to review their transcripts and complete a supplemental worksheet. A counselor signature is required on the petition prior to submitting it to the Academic Council. Students desiring academic renewal must complete an Academic Council petition. If all the above conditions are met, academic renewal will be granted for student selection of up to 30 units of substandard academic work “D” or “F” grades
  • When academic renewal is granted, an annotation is made on the student’s transcript indicating which grades have been alleviated from the MPC grade point average. All courses and grades remain visible on the transcript.
  • Academic renewal action taken by Monterey Peninsula College does not guarantee that other colleges or universities will accept such action. This determination will be made by the respective institutions.


Graduation Requirements and Catalog Rights

Each academic year commences with the fall semester and includes the spring and summer of the following calendar year. Each catalog is applicable to one academic year. Graduation requirements are subject to change with each catalog. Catalog rights ensure that, although a catalog may change, applicable graduation requirements will always be those delineated in the selected catalog at the time of a student’s enrollment.

  • Graduation requirements are determined based on the following:
    • If continuous enrollment is maintained, students may choose the degree or certificate requirements that are in effect at either the time of entrance into MPC, or any catalog thereafter. Continuous enrollment is defined as having any grading symbol (“A” through “F”, “P”, “NP”, “I”, “IP”, “EW”, “MW”, “RD” or “W”) for a credit course entered on an official transcript during an academic year.
    • If there is an absence of at least one academic year and a student returns to MPC, catalog rights will be reestablished using the current academic catalog determined by the student’s semester/term of reentry to the college.
    • If there is an absence of at least one academic year and a student does not re-enroll at MPC, the student can choose the degree or certificate requirements from a catalog during their time of continuous enrollment or the catalog requirements in effect at the time of submitting a graduation petition.
  • Students must complete general education and major requirements under the same catalog.
  • Students planning to use a course to fulfill a CSU-GE or IGETC requirement should confirm that the course is approved for the academic year in which it is taken. If a course is taken before it is approved for inclusion or after it is removed, it cannot be used to meet the requirement for CSU-GE or IGETC. The general education courses may be subject to change each academic year. It is advised that students meet with a counselor regularly to review any changes.
  • Students planning to use a course to fulfill an MPC-GE requirement should confirm that the course is approved for the academic year in which it is taken or is included in MPC-GE from their selected catalog.
  • Students pursuing an AA or AS (non-transfer) degree may use the MPC-GE, CSU-GE, or IGETC requirements. Students pursuing an AA-T or AS-T (transfer) degree may follow the CSU-GE or IGETC requirements.
  • The college reserves the right to change catalog rights or program requirements based upon legal mandate and accreditation standards at any time.
  • Requests for an exception to this policy may be addressed by submitting a petition to the Academic Council.

Graduation Petition

Students who expect to graduate from the College must file a petition to graduate with the Admissions and Records Office. The form is available in the Admissions and Records Office and on the form section of their website.

All external transcripts, military records, advanced placement scores, International Baccalaureate scores, CLEP scores, counselor course evaluations, and any other materials being used to complete graduation requirements must be on file in the Admissions and Records Office by the following petition deadlines:

Graduation Term Deadline to Receive Materials (projected dates)
Fall November 1
Spring April 15
Summer July 1

Students are advised to make an appointment with a counselor to evaluate eligibility for the associate degree. A counselor’s signature is required on all degree petitions.


Commencement is held once a year, in May or June, at the end of the Spring semester for students who have completed the requirements for their degree any semester during the school year, including the previous summer session.