Learning Support Services

High Tech Center for Students with Disabilities

The High Tech Center is comprised of two labs: the Assistive Computer Technology (ACT) Lab and the Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) Lab. Students with disabilities have access to education assistance courses, computers, and assistive technology in these labs. The primary function of the ACT Lab is to evaluate the range and degree of a student’s disability and implement the use of a recommended adaptation to eliminate or reduce the impact of a disability-related educational limitation on computer access and use of technology; the student receives training to use the assistive modification within the context of keyboarding, word processing, the Internet and other applications. Specialized instruction in the CAI Lab focuses on specific academic and cognitive skills based on students’ unique learning styles. Education assistance classes emphasize development and application of effective learning strategies to enhance information processing, reading, writing, math, and study skills.

Math Learning Center

The Math Learning Center (MLC) offers free, drop-in tutoring for students enrolled in mathematics courses or courses requiring mathematics skills. Instructors and tutors in the MLC help students understand the concepts they are learning in class and gain confidence in their mathematical abilities.

Visit http://www.mpc.edu/mlc for more information about the Math Learning Center, including locations and hours of operation.

Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) Program

The Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) Community College Program supports students to successfully transfer to four-year universities in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) majors. To qualify to be a MESA participant, students must be from underrepresented and underserved communities, including being the first in their family to go to college, attending a low-performing high school, coming from a low socioeconomic background, and other factors. The State of California’s budget funds the MESA program via the Fund for Student Success.

Visit http://www.mpc.edu/mesa for more information about the Reading and Writing Center, including locations and hours of operation.

Reading and Writing Center

The Reading and Writing Center (RWC) provides free tutoring for any writing, reading, critical thinking, or research assignment. The center also provides handouts on grammar, punctuation, essay structure, reading process, note-taking, and documentation formats, as well as reference books and technology to support student work.

Visit http://www.mpc.edu/rwc for more information about the Reading and Writing Center, including locations and hours of operation.

STEM Cohort Enhanced Learning (CEL) Center

STEM Cohort Enhanced Learning (CEL) is a free drop-in peer tutoring program in a peer supported environment, to help Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) students succeed in their courses. STEM CEL tutors are trained to assist with questions, direct studies, and help STEM students find access to support and resources to improve self-study, equipping them for success. 

Visit http://www.mpc.edu/stemcel for more information about the STEM CEL Center, including locations and hours of operation.

Trio Learning Center

The TRIO Learning Center (TLC) is available to eligible college and high school students affiliated with one of our three TRIO programs: Student Support Services (SSS), Math-Science Upward Bound, and/or Upward Bound, as well as students in the Extended Opportunity Program and Services (EOPS). The TLC is designed to provide tutorial services, assist students to develop study techniques, and share academic strategies for college success and beyond.

Visit http://www.mpc.edu/student-services/specialized-programs/trio-programs/student-support-services/learning-center for more information about the TRIO Learning Center, including locations and hours of operation.

Tutoring and Academic Success Center

The Tutoring and Academic Success Center (TASC) is a multidisciplinary learning center designed to enrich the academic experience of MPC’s diverse student population through peer tutoring. TASC offers tutoring and support for historically difficult courses that are not supported by other learning centers. TASC promotes a culture that fosters collaboration, inclusion, and academic success for all students. Students receive free tutoring from peers who successfully completed those courses.

Visit https://www.mpc.edu/tasc for more information about the Tutoring and Academic Support Center, including locations and hours of operation.