Sustainable Culinary Arts, Certificate of Achievement

The Sustainable Culinary Arts Certificate is designed to qualify individuals who complete the certificate for work in the culinary industry. This certificate also prepares students with a strong understanding of running a sustainable kitchen. Students who complete this certificate will also be prepared to create their own Cottage Food Business.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the program, students will be able to:

  • Work as part of a team, using effective communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Follow appropriate sanitation procedures and personal hygiene requirements to ensure food safety.
  • Apply culinary principles to a professional kitchen operation in a sustainable manner.

Certificate of Achievement Requirements

Required Core
HOSP 20Catering2
HOSP 21Urban Agriculture Culinary Arts1.5
HOSP 22Farm to Table Sustainable Cooking1.5
HOSP 23Culinary Foundations I3
HOSP 24Culinary Foundations II3
HOSP 58Sanitation, Safety, Equipment3
HOSP 78Bakeshop: Basic Baking Techniques1
WORK 96Professional and Essential Skills1
WORK 99Career-Focused Work Experience 1
Total Units17

Please refer to the graduation requirements section of the Catalog for information about degree and certificate requirements including Reading and Writing, Mathematics, Information Competency, and General Education requirements.  

The model sequence of coursework below is one pathway for students to complete the program. The information below is not an official educational plan. An MPC Counselor can assist you with creating a personalized education plan based on your academic, career, and personal goals. Visit MPC’s Counseling website for more information about Counseling and up-to-date program requirements.

Suggested Course Sequence

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
HOSP 23 Culinary Foundations I 3
HOSP 58 Sanitation, Safety, Equipment 3
HOSP 78 Bakeshop: Basic Baking Techniques 1
WORK 96 Professional and Essential Skills 1
HOSP 20 Catering 2
HOSP 24 Culinary Foundations II 3
WORK 99 Career-Focused Work Experience 1
HOSP 21 Urban Agriculture Culinary Arts 1.5
HOSP 22 Farm to Table Sustainable Cooking 1.5
 Total Units17

Ready to Work!MPC “Ready to Work” Career Education programs offer students the opportunity to gain knowledge and skills needed for employment and job advancement.

All students should consult with a Counselor to discuss career pathways, for support with career exploration and planning, and to create a personalized education plan to help them meet their academic, career, and personal goals. Visit MPC’s Counseling website for more information about Counseling services provided by MPC and to connect with a Counselor.

Additional resources are available through MPC’s Career & Transfer Resource Center (CTRC). The CTRC offers career resources, workshops, guidance and referrals. Visit the CTRC for support finding online career information and other resources to explore majors, occupations, and employment information.