African American Studies, Certificate of Achievement

The African American Studies Certificate of Achievement program prepares students to analyze African American communities' social relations of power and histories, assess community-formation strategies for African Americans, and apply social sciences, humanities, community organizing resources, and creative social change to promote social justice and equity with a particular focus on African American communities. Successful completion of the program enables students to evaluate and influence institutional and social contexts using an intersectional approach to race, gender, class, and sexuality. This certificate enhances leadership capacity for students with professional aspirations, enabling them to work with various African American communities in various fields such as community organizing, nonprofit organizations, public policy, public service, or business.

Upon successful completion of the program, students will be able to:

  • Analyze and assess the obstacles, strategies, and systems behind African American community development and empowerment.
  • Apply intersectional analysis to explore African American histories and communities to better understand and lead community engagement.
  • Apply the analytical skills of the social sciences and interpretive methods of the humanities toward promoting greater social justice and equity, with particular emphasis on African Americans.

Certificate of Achievement Requirements

Required Core
ETNC 5African-American Arts and Music 3
ETNC 16American Government and African American Politics3
ETNC/HIST 24African Americans in U.S. History to 18773
ETNC/HIST 25African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present3
Total Units12

Please refer to the graduation requirements section of the Catalog for information about degree and certificate requirements including Reading and Writing, Mathematics, Information Competency, and General Education requirements.  

The model sequence of coursework below is one pathway for students to complete the program. The information below is not an official educational plan. An MPC Counselor can assist you with creating a personalized education plan based on your academic, career, and personal goals. Visit MPC’s Counseling website for more information about Counseling and up-to-date program requirements.

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
Summer PriorUnits
ETNC/HIST 24 African Americans in U.S. History to 1877 3
ETNC 16 American Government and African American Politics 3
ETNC/HIST 25 African Americans in U.S. History 1865 to Present 3
ETNC 5 African-American Arts and Music 3
 Total Units12