Emeritus Faculty & Administrators

Name Department/Title Years
Allsup, Eldon E. Drafting 1968-1997
Anderson, Carsbia Vice President of Student Services 1977-2013
Anderson, John Creative Arts Division Chair/Music 1989-2018
Anthony, Debeliah Counseling 1975-2012
Banathy, Bela Business 1969-2003
Baron, John Business Manager/Business 1961-1978
Bartow, Gail Mathematics 1984-2012
Baines, Whitney Anatomy/Physiology 1975-2005
Batchev, Julia Librarian 1970-2004
Bishop, Elizabeth Mathematics 1989-2024
Bishop, Mark A. Chemistry 1975-2011
Bissell, Joseph Vice President of Administrative Services 2001-2010
Blakemore, John Psychology 1965-1985
Bogue, Carole Vice President of Academic Affairs 1996-2005
Bolen, Gary Theatre Arts 1999-2016
Bosserman, Homer Physics/Astronomy 1965-2016
Bower, Diane Interior Design 1974-2002
Boynton, Diane Dean of Instruction / Speech Faculty 1990-2023
Bransfield, Kevin Photography 2006-2021
Brown, David Director, Public Safety Training Center 2013-2022
Brown, Theresa Art 1997-2021
Bruno, Linda Medical Assisting 1980-2009
Bryan, Julie Nursing 1994-2016
Burke, David Director, Fort Ord 1980-1991
Cardinale, Salvatore Counseling 1977-2016
Carlson, Ken Mathematics 1961-1983
Carney, Caroline Child Development 1995-2011
Chubb, James Older Adult Program 1985-1994
Clark, Kathleen Cooperative Work Experience Coordinator 2008-2018
Clemens, David English 1972-2017
Clements, Mark Adapted Physical Education 1990-2020
Colton, Sharon Dean of Technology 2001-2012
Compton, Donald Chemistry 1963-1986
Coniglio, Sharon Dean of Counseling, Admissions & Records 1964-2002
Costello, Jeanne Women’s Studies 1995-2010
Cox, Dorothy Dental Assisting 1974-1993
Cunningham, Alan Chemistry 1964-1988
Curtis, Lincoln COOP/German/Drama 1987-2008
Cyr, Raymond Physics 1988-2002
Davis, Jacqi Counseling 1973-2005
Debono, Peter Theatre Arts 1971-2011
DeSoto, Alethea Counseling 2008-2024
Devlin, Edward Director, International Students 1967-1995
Donovan, Robert Mathematics 1983-2012
Durstenfeld, Andres Biology 1997-2020
Erickson, Carole College Nurse 1986-2005
Esquibel, Emilio Spanish 1968-1999
Fail, Gail Biology 1991-2011
Ferrantelli, Sal Music 1981-2017
Fox, Daniel Speech 2002 -2021
Fujii, Kim Physical Education 2004-2017
Fuller, Gary Anatomy/Physiology 1978-2013
Gamiere, Constance Drama Counseling 1974-2014
Garrison, Douglas Superintendent/President 2006-2012
Gibbs, Norman Automotive Technology 1974-1983
Gilbert, Paola English Division Chair/English 2003-2022
Gilmartin, Michael Dean of Instructional Planning 1999-2017
Giordano, Al Business 1958-1986
Goehring, Nancy Office Technology 1986-2011
Gonzales, Alex Art 1964-1989
Gonzalez, John Vice President for Academic Affairs 2006-2011
Gonzales, Lisa Danielle English as a Second Language/French 2003-2022
Grasmuck, Karoline Dental 2008-2024
Haas, Cathy Ornamental Horticulture 1990-2011
Hacker, Thorne Dean of Instruction, Liberal Arts 1974-2002
Hansen, Carolyn Sign Language 1980-2012
Hausmann, Gretchen Physical Education 1978-2004
Hobbs, William Psychology 1985-2011
Hobson-Robinson, Allye English/French 1969-2003
Hopkins, David Superintendent/President 1963-1995
Jacobson, Cheryl Nursing 1990-2013
Jackson, Cass Physical Education 1986-2011
James, Joseph Allston English 1980-2011
Janick, Richard Art 1972-2009
Jenkins, Mark English as a Second Language/French 1981-2010
Jensen, Linley English 1965-1989
Jepson, Gunnel Psychology/Sociology 1982-2007
Jerez-Moya, Lola Spanish 1991-2014
Johnson, Anita Aukee English 2004-2021
Johnson, Dennis Sociology 1972-2011
Johnson, Johnny International Student Program 1994-2006
Joplin, David English 2005-2016
Joplin, Susan English 2006-2016
Karohs, Erika German 1965-1987
Kezirian, Richard P. History 1971-2011
Lee, Barbara Associate Dean, Human Resources 2002-2014
Leonard, Ronald Counseling 1968-2002
Lilley, Patricia EOPS Counseling 1986-2003
Lindsay, William Biology 1967-1997
Lockwood, Wanda English & Study Skills Center 1989-2003
Logan, Thomas History 2000-2016
Mains, Mary English 1966-1971
Martin, Marlene English 1972-2007
Mekarski, Gary Physics 1971-2006
Merrill, Keith Dean, Community Education 1965-1985
Migliore, Edward Mathematics 1980-2013
Miller, Jane Art 1985-2001
Miller, Lawrence Electronics 1964-1986
Minor, William G. English 1971-1996
Moore, Jeanne Children’s Center 1993-2000
Moore, Marguerite English 1969-1997
Moorty, J.S.R.L. Narayana Philosophy 1974-1999
Mullins, Elizabeth History 2011-2024
Muszala, Susanne Counseling 2013-2019
Neal, Vern English as a Second Language 1978-1997
Nelson, John English as a Second Language 1992-2021
Nelson, Mary Family & Consumer Science/Fashion 1985-2009
Nervino, Patricia J. Nursing 1986-2016
Norris, Ed Humanities 1964-1989
Norton, Eva Mathematics 1990-1993
Nygren, Elaine Sociology 1964-1978
Odom-Wolfer, Terria Learning Specialist 1988-2017
Olsen, Nils "Pete" Facilities 1985-2023
Partch, Penny English as a Second Language 1995-2021
Pease, Joan Coordinator, Co-op/Business 1998-2001
Peet, Phyllis Women’s Studies 1990-2007
Penny, Beth English 1999-2023
Pentony, Jacqueline Child Development 1971-1995
Philley, Peyton (Don) Mathematics 1984-2020
Pilat, Peter Art 1971-1994
Prado, Gilles Computer Science & Information Systems 2000-2016
Predham, Nancy International Student Programs 1998-2011
Rasmussen, Michael Physical Education 2001-2020
Ragan, Laverne Business 1969-1993
Reeve-Wilson, Nancy English 1968-2003
Reich, Carl Data Processing 1961-1978
Rile, Mary Home Economics 1953-1982
Roberts, Elliot English 1965-1997
Ross, Hazel Mathematics 1990-2015
Rozman, Kathleen Learning Specialist 1994-2022
Ruiz, Deborah Library 1990-2016
Ruth, Stephen College Readiness 1985-2008
Sare, Dawn Physical Education/Dance 1976-2004
Sawyer, David Counseling 1967-1986
Schutzler, Lyndon Physical Education/Interim Dean of Student Services 2001-2020
Schwyzer, Alison Philosophy 1985-1999
Smith, Diane Physical Education 1961-1998
Smith, Randall Computer Science & Information Systems/Office Technology 1997-2013
Smith, Robynn Art 1989-2018
Smith, Rosetta Business 1964-1983
Snibbe, Richard Administration of Justice 1963-1989
Souza, Nancy College Readiness 1974-2006
Spence, David Business 1962-1997
Stack, Kelly American Sign Language 2011-2024
Tadlock, Max Superintendent/President 1980-1985
Teed, Mary Anne Library 1973-2006
Tetter, Stephanie Library 2000-2013
Thoele, Janet English as a Second Language 1982-1997
Thomas, Marilyn Office Occupations 1983-1996
Timm, Judee Business 1990-2012
Torres, Michael Counselor 2002-2021
Townsend, Marilyn Academic Support Center 1989-2011
Tribley, Walter Superintendent/President 2012-2019
Victor, Vito Computer Science & Information Systems 1985-1999
Vincent, Christine Counseling 1994-2015
Voth, Grant English/Gentrain 1978-2003
Walker, Laurence Vice President of Student Services 1992-2024
Walter, Susan Counseling 1995-2011
Weigle, Richard Counseling 1989-2013
Wells, David Business/Computer Science & Information Systems 1981-2004
White, Walter Dance 1982-2013
Yamada, David Political Science 1971-1998