Fees & Refunds

Fees and Tuition 

Fees and tuition are due and payable at the time of registration using cash, check, money order, VISA, or MasterCard. Visa and MasterCard may be used when registering by WebReg; for cash, check, or money order payments, please visit Fiscal Services. For more information on fees, payments, and refunds, please visit www.mpc.edu/admissions.

All fees and tuition charges are subject to change without prior notification.

Community College Enrollment Fee: Students are required to pay an Enrollment Fee of $46.00 per unit. No enrollment fee is required of a student who is a California resident and a recipient of benefits under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program, the Supplementary Security Income/State Supplementary Program, or the General Assistance Program. Eligibility is determined by Student Financial Services prior to registering. The enrollment fee is refundable for courses dropped by the published deadlines.

Early Childhood Laboratory School Fee: An optional $3.00 fee can be designated to support the Early Childhood Laboratory School on campus. The Early Childhood Laboratory School fee is a donation and is nonrefundable.

Health Fee: The Health Fee of $20.00 per semester or $17.00 for summer session is required of all students. Exemptions to the fee may be made through Student Health Services, before registering, for students who use prayer for healing (which must be verified in writing by the College Nurse).

The Health Fee is refundable if all courses are dropped within the refund deadlines. For full-term semester length courses the deadline is typically before the end of the second week of class. Short-term courses have individual deadlines, which are often quite short. Please refer to the section dates link available within WebReg or ask Admissions and Records for more information regarding the refund deadlines for any course.

Instructional Materials Fees: Monterey Peninsula College may require students enrolling in some courses to pay materials fees, if the materials required for the class/lab are used in the production of an end product and have continuing value to students outside the classroom/lab. Materials fees are refundable if all courses are dropped within the refund deadlines. For full-term semester length courses the deadline is typically before the end of the second week of class. Short-term courses have individual deadlines, which are often quite short. Please refer to the section dates link available within WebReg or ask Admissions and Records for more information regarding the refund deadlines for any course.

Nonresident Tuition: Students classified as nonresidents must also pay nonresident tuition. Nonresident tuition for the 2024-2025 academic year is $391.00 per unit in addition to the Enrollment Fee.

Parking Permits: Students may purchase semester or annual parking permits through WebReg (go to “www.mpc.edu/parkingpermits”).

Current parking fees and parking information can be found on the website under Campus Safety or by typing in “parking” in the search field. Vehicles without semester or annual parking permits must display a daily permit available at the daily permit dispenser machines on campus. No partial refund will be given for the difference between semester-rate and annual parking permits.

The Parking Permit Fee is refundable. Parking Permits must be returned, if received, to the Admissions and Records Office within the first two weeks of the semester. For students who have not received a permit by the refund deadline, a refund request must be received by the deadline, or no parking refund will be given. If unpaid, the charge will remain owed to the college.

Please check the Admissions and Records website for ordering and fee information.

Student Body Fee: The $10.00 Student Body Fee allows for a picture ID card and supports Student Government and entitles the student to local merchants’ discounts, ASMPC short-term emergency loans, free or reduced admission to all sporting events, dances, and other cultural, social or academic activities sponsored by Monterey Peninsula College. The Student Body Fee is refundable if all courses are dropped within the refund deadlines. For full-term semester length courses the deadline is typically before the end of the second week of class. Short-term courses have individual deadlines, which are often quite short. Please refer to the section dates link available within WebReg or ask Admissions and Records for more information regarding the refund deadlines for any course. Students requesting a waiver from the Student Body Fee must submit the Student Body Fee Waiver Form. The form is available on the MPC website, at the Admissions and Records Office, and at the Student Activities Office.

Student Center Use Fee: The Student Center Use Fee of $10.00 per semester or $5.00 for summer session is required of all students taking at least one course (excluding online courses) on the Monterey campus. This fee helps to repay a government loan which was obtained to build and maintain the Student Center. The Student Center Use Fee is refundable if all courses are dropped within the refund deadlines. For full-term semester length courses the deadline is typically before the end of the second week of class. Short-term courses have individual deadlines, which are often quite short. Please refer to the section dates link available within WebReg or ask Admissions and Records for more information regarding the refund deadlines for any course.

Student Representation Fee: This fee of $2.00 is collected at the time of registration for the purpose of providing student government representatives the means to travel and attend conferences to enhance their goal in bringing forth the students’ viewpoints before any political entity. The Student Representation Fee is refundable if all courses are dropped within the refund deadlines. For full-term semester length courses the deadline is typically before the end of the second week of class. Short-term courses have individual deadlines, which are often quite short. Please refer to the section dates link available within WebReg or ask Admissions and Records for more information regarding the refund deadlines for any course. Students requesting a waiver from the Student Representation Fee must submit the Student Representation Fee Waiver Form. The form is available on the MPC website, at the Admissions and Records Office, and at the Student Activities Office.

Textbooks: Textbooks are essential and though prices vary, textbooks for most classes are approximately $100.00. Textbooks for accounting, nursing, math and drafting classes can be $150.00 or more.

Transcript Fees: Upon the official request of the student, official transcripts are issued by the Admissions and Records Office. The first two copies of a student’s transcript requested in a lifetime, under normal procedures, are provided at no charge. After the first two copies, transcript fees apply. Rush service is available for an additional cost. Transcript processing time may take up to ten business days. College policy does not permit the faxing of transcripts. Transcripts from high school and other colleges will not be forwarded by MPC. Unofficial transcripts for students who attended MPC since 1995 are available on our website (www.mpc.edu): click on WebReg. To request an official transcript, log in to WebReg or visit www.studentclearinghouse.org.

Return of Tuition Assistance

The Military Tuition Assistance (TA) is awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend school for the entire period of which the assistance is awarded. When a student withdraws, the student may no longer be eligible for the full amount of TA funds originally awarded.

Tuition Assistance will only be used if a student completes the approved courses they are registered for. If a student does not complete their courses and drops the courses, the student, rather than Tuition Assistance will be billed for any fees incurred.

Refunds – Fees

Students requesting refunds of the Student Center Use Fee, Health Fee, Student Body Fee, Enrollment Fee, materials fee, and/or Student Representation Fee, may do so if all courses are dropped within the refund deadlines. For full-term semester length courses the deadline is typically before the end of the second week of class. Short-term courses have individual deadlines, which are often quite short. Please refer to the section dates link available within WebReg or ask Admissions and Records for more information regarding the refund deadlines for any course. Refunds will not be authorized for courses not dropped by the appropriate deadline.

A refund processing fee of $10 per semester/session may be withheld from the refund of the Enrollment Fee for courses dropped that have not been canceled by the College.

Refund Request Process

It is the student’s responsibility to drop courses by the correct deadlines. Only Enrollment Fees are automatically refunded. For refunds other than enrollment fees, please inquire with Admissions and Records, a refund form may be required. Refund Request forms, available on our website and at the Admissions and Records Office, must be completed and submitted to the Admissions and Records Office before the end of the semester or session in which a refund is due. Any fee/tuition collected for a class that is canceled by the College or collected in error is refundable. Refunds are either issued as checks, which are mailed, or credited directly to the credit card used by Fiscal Services.

Canceled Classes: Any fee/tuition collected for a class that is canceled by the College or that is collected in error is refundable. Refund Request forms are available at the Admissions and Records Office and on the MPC website.

Exception to the Refund of Fees Policy: Any exception to the refund policy, due to extenuating circumstances, may be made to the Academic Council, upon student petition, before the end of the semester/session in which the refund is being requested. Academic Council petitions are available at the Admissions and Records Office and on the MPC website.

Refunds – Textbooks

See College Bookstore for refund policy.