Spanish for Spanish Speakers, Certificate of Achievement

The Certificate of Achievement in Spanish for Spanish Speakers promotes fluency in Academic Spanish and an understanding of Hispanic culture. This is an eighteen-unit program of study of the Spanish language and its culture that prepares students to interact appropriately with Spanish-speaking persons in a variety of settings, including education, retail, medicine, travel, hospitality, entertainment, and community services. The program assists students who are seeking careers in a wide variety of fields that value multilingualism and multiculturalism, and/or cater specifically to Spanish-speaking consumers. Students are exposed to potential paths for bilinguals such as translation, teaching of foreign languages, Chicano and other Hispanic literatures. The Certificate of Achievement establishes Spanish linguistic and cultural fluency as a foundation for further studies in Spanish, Spanish interpreting, Hispanic literature, linguistics and culture.

Learning Outcomes

Certificate of Achievement Requirements

Required Core
SPAN 1SElementary Spanish for Spanish Speakers I5
SPAN 2SElementary Spanish for Spanish Speakers II5
SPAN 3SIntermediate Spanish for Spanish Speakers I5
Select one course from the following:3-5
Intermediate Spanish for Spanish Speakers II
Literature of the Spanish-Speaking World
Total Units18-20

Please refer to the graduation requirements section of the Catalog for information about degree and certificate requirements including Reading and Writing, Mathematics, Information Competency, and General Education requirements.  

The model sequence of coursework below is one pathway for students to complete the program. The information below is not an official educational plan. An MPC Counselor can assist you with creating a personalized education plan based on your academic, career, and personal goals. Visit MPC’s Counseling website for more information about Counseling and up-to-date program requirements.

Suggested Course Sequence

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1
SPAN 1S Elementary Spanish for Spanish Speakers I 5
SPAN 2S Elementary Spanish for Spanish Speakers II 5
Year 2
SPAN 3S Intermediate Spanish for Spanish Speakers I 5
Literature of the Spanish-Speaking World 1
or Intermediate Spanish for Spanish Speakers II
 Total Units18-20

SPAN 5 Literature of the Spanish-Speaking World could be taken in Fall Year 1 or 2 if students would prefer to finish their certificate in fall instead of having four consecutive semesters of Spanish for Spanish speakers.